IG ✅ | When you are telling stories, you are actually trying to illuminate some portion of the truth in an artful way. The stories may immediately seem to be a lie, but it's like an impressionistic painting.
In my last post (if you haven't seen then do watch it), I told you about how moon plays a devilish role in star gazing. Witnessing stars in India is a challenge because of widespread light pollution. You have to travel far, then comes the moon cycles. Even if you plan well ahead, the weather can play a spoilsport.
Right here we have full moon and to top it up cloud cover. But then, a full moon rising over snow clad peaks is an out of the world experience esp at such heights. Having watched it rise for a long time, we still had some time to kill for dinner. I brought a simple led lights powered by batteries to do some light painting esp on nights when stars are not there. Here I m rotating it standing behind my friends as the moon lights up everything in the background.