Crisis consultancy in social life

Crisis consultancy in social life Dealing with crises at personal, community, business and national front, in social life. Contact mai Prof. along with a contact phone no and name.

Crisis Consultancy in Social life (CCSL)

This page is about a new subject in social science envisioned and introduced by Professor Amiya Kumar sarkar. Sarkar is an outstanding scholar with a very serious inclination to social science. A blind follower of Swami Vivekananda, an ex-student of Belur Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira in his 10+2 Level (29th in H.S), (and, of Bengal En

gineering and Science University- B.E (Institute 3rd topper), I.I.T., Kharagpur - M.Tech.(1st class 1st)), Mr. Sarkar has devoted substantial attention towards the social evils and keenly studied and researched on various types of social life crises. His craze is to seek efficient solutions for various types of crises, right from very personal problems to business/community/national level problems. He has made enormous case studies and devised and implemented several solutions quite effectively. The challenge of working in this subject area is the need of diversified in-depth knowledge in several areas, starting from politics, legacy, administration, human psychology, interpersonal relations, human behavior, conspiracy theory and so many more. Sarkar has vast exposure, experiences and wide scale of knowledge in all these areas .He is also in close links with team of experts for brainstorming and sharing of thoughts. He applies his such knowledge, experience and connections to resolve social life crises of others. He has been successfully doing it for about past 10 years in close circuits. He is now decided open up the consultancy services to the people on the whole. Interested people may send a summary of their crises to :-
[email protected]. In case his/her problem is decided to be taken up, he/she will receive an acceptance mail and appointment schedule. Several sittings/interactions may be needed and, consultancy fees may vary from few thousands to few lacs of rupees, depending upon the complexity of the problem. Privacy will have to be strictly maintained from both ends for best results.


FM radio stations...
1. Songs mixed with well coined words..Sometimes, poisonous times bogus. Nothing sensored as such..Thus, damages done are irrevocable! (Some FM stations are however very polite almost always....Like FM radio GOLD)..
2. Good friend for introvert young minds..Extroverts are selective irregular listeners..Introverts are seriously infected by calculated junks they politely feed! (Being very much fond of RJs is turning out to be a disease these days!!)....
3. Primarily advertisement centres..Intelligent advertising styles and promotion plans can promote garbage as precious jewels...Nasty commercialization..Some rare productive information..( Drives you to places where you hardly gain much in most occasions!!)
4. Politicized .but not so branded ..Hiding tricks..!!? (Slow poisoning your brain beyond your catch!!)....

Do you agree with my summarized analysis..??


Primary/Secondary/Higher Secondary Education
in private schools...

1. Huge fees.
2. Excessive useless stress..
3. Big & Weighty school stress.
4. Minimum Govt. Monitoring.
5. Killed guardians' voice.
6. Very poor stress on imparting quality knowledge (barring a few exceptions).
7. Naturally, big bazar of private tuition.
8. School teachers' earn havoc by private tuition, may be by making students and guardians afraid of good marks.
9. High % of board scores..tension stricken students for survival..
10. Guardians pay havoc but don't obtain true quality education..More of parrotism than depth of knowledge...

Nasty cheating culture..None revolts..Nation seeing dampening of investment vs quality achieved ratio..How many more days to continue in this unproductive style?


Needs giving a 2nd thought by all of us, may be....

More of crazy cricket is entertaining us..More of crispy cinema is engaging us...More of hot and sour internet chats are enthusing us....We have been losing time to absorb little of great concepts...We are giving scopes to dirty minds to bluntly exploit and misguide our current and coming generations..And, we had been doing it over the past 6-7 decades!! Where are we gradually driving ourselves to?? Should we not fast stop this deadly parade to demise??


Status of our teachers......

"Teachers are man makers and true framers of a nation. Education System gives a framework on which they operate. Here in India teachers are the most neglected species almost always! ( The major reason that we are gradually losing % of good and dedicated teachers). Private tuition and private coaching Institutes are on the rise due to this reason again..No one political leader is to blame for it. It is the policy of Indian system to keep the teachers at hand to mouth status such that they become ideologically poor and fail thus to promote great ideologies. And, if at all any of them still succeeds, system disturbs him/her by all means. Reason is very simple. Power top shots do not want great ideologies to come up! It then will go against their exploitation culture on the whole. Every top teachers know this very fact in-country very well these days.The education system naturally is purposefully kept backdated always! 7th pay commission is yet not implemented for teachers. Disparity exists in their salaries in different states. No special incentives to appraise dedication and quality. Not much encouragement to research and quality improvements (excepting in a very few grade-1 Institutions). Overall, an all time dirty picture! "
Do you agree with this 'survey report'.....
What should our M.H.R.D., G.O.I. , do now??


Music Today.......

(1) Melody mostly lost...
(2) Complicated multi-singer coupling...
(3) Rap combination in a "go as you like style"..
(4) More importance of music director and less importance of the singer(s)...
(5) Lyrics not so sound...
(6) FM radios making bullish advertisement to promote what are actually indigestible...
(7) Significance of Item Songs....Promoting ultimate vulgarism..
(8) Provocative Party Songs .... spoiling the cool of the youth almost 24 hours!!

Are we going to the right direction??
Please share your sensible opinions..and share this post if you want more people to participate....


Swami Vivekananda.....relevance today....

The way our society is ill-transformed due to confusing media, confused politicians, complicated intellectualism, conspiring movie industry and reality shows and careless guardianship .....our youth hardly concentrates on the wisdom and pragmatism of Swami Vivekananda...Had he been duly studied and understood by our youth, may be through a compulsory curriculum subject(s), it might have purified Indian souls to an unbelievable extent...It is not to be because we are interested more to politicize and most to advertise and least to capitalize!! Do you all agree or no, you differ??


Dream India....
"India will start fast improving in all directions only when we Indians will be able to successfully get out of the cleaver clutch of our shrewd politicians and their well knit network"....In this network we have...."interest driven intellectuals, anti-socials, dons and gang-stars, Pundits and Babajis, dishonest businessmen, unholy racket-mastero, unethical amusement experts of all scales and many more....".....Can Mr. Modi successfully clean out all the dirt so cleverly and calmly patched together over centuries together, having had roots in India and abroad, equally well, being very much a part of the system (Therfore, very unsafe and insecured by all means!!) !!
Top men views summarized.....
22nd Dec., 2016


Overseas black money -- a way out to drag it back homeward.......
NDA came in power with a promise of getting back overseas black money reserve at the earliest instance....Until now no significant development in this direction, as per media reports....Baba Ramdev talked about the black-money in exhaustive details in many occasions and forums and many campaigners for NDA alias BJP showed big dreams to people...Now it is high time to do something very much substantial, as top intelligentsia feels and people in general whispers.....

The way out....

(1) Let X % ( X may be 50 or below, to be decided by the GOVT. and I prefer 20, to make things looking very lucrative) of the individual reserve be paid to Govt. as tax...
(2) No punishment to be given to anybody...
(3) No flashing of Names of the depositors.
(4) [(100-X)/2] % money should be compulsorily used in privately owned infrastructure development that will generate huge employment opportunities.
(5) 5% money must be used for social work..(CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility - it may have many different beneficial impacts to specifically the poor and oppressed mass and to recover the degenerated state of the nature).
(6) Rest of the money should be piled up (by forming a society , may be or with an individualistic effort) as Venture Capital to promote new businesses at the hand of our talented youths who are finding it hard to start up mainly because of lack of funds...Indian Youth today is very much impulsive and progressive minded..Just help them and build India...If none responds to Modi's call of "Make in India", let our Youth make it in India, may be taking help of many of our overseas Indian Experts....Let us open all wings for tie-ups and sharing of thoughts and technical know-hows....
(7) Let the Govt. make use of the X % in Govt owned sectors / Infrastructures of all kinds...Let the tax structures become very much acceptable to all sections of people..Then, automatically India will slowly but steadily become clean in all aspects from within...If you have economic freedom and solvency, certainly you will not so carelessly invite corrupt practices to make you much more wealthier (Exceptions may be there, but in general this will work..).

If my educated friends like my suggestions, and if they wish to fine tune or add more ideas, they are welcome to do so..But, if they like, I request them to share and spread it to all corners of this nation and amidst our overseas counterparts......
Thanks and regards,
Prof. Amiya Kumar Sarkar....
21st Dec., 2016....


"Congratulations Atletico De Kolkata..But...."
"Atletico de Kolkata" wins....People enjoy !! Who pays the price?? "Mother Nature"....CRACKERS BURST endlessly!!....Can't we change our standard damaging mode of celebration being in the 21st century of civilization?? When will we wake up??
19th Dec., 2016


Overseas black money
1. How much amount (approx.) exists? (Do we have a clear estimate/data?)
2. Where are they deposited? (Do we have all valid records?)
3. How people of this country could make this huge overseas deposits? (What are the flaws in our banking/customs etc systems that have made this happen?)
4. Cong. has never seriously tried to bring them back. Why??
5. BJP has been talking about it, but no effective attempt to bring it back so far...Why?
6. Many media reports superficially talked about its estimate and the probable change effect in India, if it can be brought back...How much reliable these reports are/were?
7. Will Bjp govt now fall seriously after it and make sure that it is brought back fully/partially (but majorly)...What are the international level implications?
8. Will in-house fight against black money remove any further chances of black-money depositing outside of India? Is there any such guarantee?
9. What rules must be framed to stop piling up of overseas black money any further?
10. Why foreign banks indulge in such unethical activities? What legal actions should be taken against such corrupt banks/countries in the International courts?? Who will be responsible for initiating such actions? UNO??

I wish the readers to participate in answering these questions without pseudo fear...!!


Curbing fake note problem...
1. Digital banking (100% secured and customer protected).
2. Near 100% transactions through banks.
3. Printing out coins material worth it's printed denomination, that is Rs. 500 coin prepared out of material worth Rs 500 in the present market. It must use material whose price varies almost 0% with time. Govt. then have to plan to curb inflation desperately.
4. Abolish the printed notes of higher denominations e.g. more than Rs. 20/- may be.
5. Withdrawing the presently printed new notes through banks very soon and replacing the same with coins upto certain limit.

Government must also make the collection to destroy process of present currency notes completely transparent and for any instance of future demonetization. Else, people are smelling rats everywhere and presuming possibilities of serious scams of the highest order!!

Survey report....
Prof. A. K. Sarkar.
8th Dec., 2016.


----------- Set the right path of life's proceedings (An appeal to young generation) -------------

" Only a truly bold and greed-less individual never compromise with wrong/dishonest things/means. They are the true heros..may not be great money makers! If young generation start following their examples, they will certainly make a better world around, but they must simultaneously have the guts to woo distresses and pains to fight with all odds happening ever around...We actually suffer more and rather, steadily, because many of us cheaply compromise with unholy things/means ..may be out of fear or for easy fame, big bogus name (actually hollow inside!), for so called peace, status-qua..and mostly for lavish life!"....My observation..Do you agree? Aks....06th April, 2016...


Look inside of India

A class of people is silently building wealth for themselves..sometimes enhancing national growth..sometimes dampening it seriously....Another class is honest and upright ...are, finding it difficult to survive in this utterly complex nation....a third class is mutely suffering..ultimately exploited and unaware of the basic reasons of their ill-fate...A class of clever scoundrels are exploiting dirty links and connections and are building properties beyond imagination, mostly by dishonest means......And, today's educated minded and upright to a great extent, is scratching head to sort out a solution to clean the dirt around and make the nation a glorious living place..They, unfortunately lack leaders!!........They are working hard but remaining tensed regarding what really is the way out?? And, this is how with a "failure to satisfy the young asking minds", our present rulers might seriously and foolishly invite a total national revolt organized by the boiling minds of the youth section....Are we noticing it?? "IPL" or "Happy new year" etc may not finally save us!! What the experienced minds feel regarding this observation??

17th Feb., 2016.


The most important concern of the young Indians...
"If we are not able to promote nationalist yet globe-friendly government having profound honesty and serious focus on performance-excellence, then where are we going to put our still youngers to..Although there are planned misguidance through junk movies, bogus amusement items etc, still the trend of thinking is not getting diverted at all....The economic instability and huge cost burden coupled up with poor employment scenario and inability to produce globally-competitive professionals are together becoming seriously alarming day-by-day….It seems things are about to go beyond anyone’s control !! Thus, in very near future, there is every possibility of a country-wide unrest…The young generation will be the primary activists!!...They may be inspired and augmented by people who are staggering against the wall due to serious economic pressures….Will it really happen in India?? Will a new political party, as is being dreamt of hither and thither come up at all (not like AAP!!)?…..” (Survey Report)..


Leaders' Psychology in India....

"But for a few, almost everyone is worried about his/her popularity..But, they pretend as if they have so much of it, that they hardly care about any single individual and, thus, hardly care for troubles faced by any individual in the truest sense of it, unless that ensures guaranteed leg-leaking loyalty then onwards!!..This is where many innocent ill-fated people are permanently politically trapped with a view to get rid of may be a very simple problem with the help of a so called leader!! Leader then counts him/her as plus 1 in his/her kitty of popularity!!...This is the ultimate of emptiness of feelings withing one's own heart and lungs".....Is it due to the fact that Indian Democracy is maturing significantly fast these days?? How much media has its role in changing the mindset of people??...Doing politics in 21st Century India is possibly becoming extremely difficult due to dramatic change in peoples' perception, views, strategies and gestures!!

(Informal survey report....This survey has been carefully conducted by direct interactions with intellectuals and, even with uneducated common mass...Readers may differ in opinion..They are free to comment and change the view if they so like....).
28th Jan, 2016


"Netaji Subhash Bose Debate"
Is it at all healthy for the national and international peace?? Well, there might have been serious international political game..painful injustice(s)... ultimate leg-pulling...But, if digging into the past, might fetch deadly you think such an attempt may be made with so much openness?? You may share your frank opinion please...
28th Jan., 2016...


---------------- Value of plain living and high thinking ------------------

There are multiple levels of human living standard....The ones who live a life "with plain living and high thinking" live possibly the most peaceful..rather, happiest life provided all the members in the team are resonating with the same mentality..Else, the craze for luxurious life-style might turn out to be a major killer!!....Attraction to luxury may lead to dishonest practices and eventually, hell of a lot of complications and isolation (Dirty gang-culture at the end for safety hunting..!)
23rd Dec., 2015....


World leaders r united to eradicate poverty, inequality and climate change adversities. Net Result??

This looks good. But, will things at all materialize? The most serious disease of the society is 'dirty consumerisation/commercialization and more of profit making pursuit than global peace, prosperity and protection'. Right people are neither valued, nor honored and ever suppressed and cornered. Who can then save this drastically degenerating and totally chaos driven human race? Is there really a master plan that will equally seriously be implemented? Possibly not. Then, where is the hope? In the mere eyewash strategy making nothing will work. Population density must be controlled world over. All crisis lies in the rising needs, must be immediately understood. More of production and manufacturing needs lead to more co2 emission and global warming. Green technologies are easy said than done. Let nature stay balanced and in her own rhythm. Try to bring back that balance by all means, is fine. Bt, reduced population is a must, otherwise nothing ultimately work out. Dreaming is good, reality is very hard to achieve, is the hardest truth of the world.
Survey report....
05th Oct., 2015...


On the occasion of the ENGINEER'S DAY....

"It is the Engineering, that frame the outer cloak of the society but , the social reformers who shape the society for a long term survival and sustainability by framing sensibilities all around and the scientists are there to provide engineers with basic tools/techniques/principles that really works in the materialistic sense..and, the true religious gurus show the spiritual paths to stay in peace, harmony and happiness and these gurus are the best ever social scientists..But, m nt talking about the fake sadhus!!"
16th Sept., 2015...


Freedom (My tribute to my fellow Indians)....
It is that state of mind that let you feel that you have free wings to fly as high as you can, in whatever direction you wish to...It is the state of existence that let you believe that none can hinder your acts and deeds..But, this absolute sense of freedom sometimes can be very dangerous because you may harm others in the course of enjoying your freedom..Thus, freedom in absolute sense is impracticable and we need to impose certain judiciously designed constraints..Still, a free country must have the freedom to rule her citizen independently as per judiciously designed framework of rules, regulations, laws and practices..It must have total freedom to become self-sustained and constantly developing and enriching its various states of affairs, including safety, security, economy and lifestyle of its people...India, still possibly far away from such kind of a freedom to cherish!!...More than Britishers troubled us, our own rulers are overwhelmingly suffocating the growth and prospect of the mass, may be even after their honest efforts, for may reasons they are either unable to understand or not ready to disclose....This has become a buzzword and a standard perception in the minds of majority of people, typically top intelligentsia...This is why again, the appeal and zeal of the "Independence Day" is gradually looking very weak, shallow, shaky, and sick....Let us take an oath on this 15th Aug., 2015 that we will reinstate the glamor and appeal of independence day by providing proper and people-oriented rules, regulations, prospects, safety, security, confidence through honest and transparent legacy and administration..Billion dollar question is "Will we really honor the desire of the majority people of this steeply frustrated largest democracy of the contemporary world?"......Leaders and administrators and the key people to hold the integrity of legacy in this nation must make a kind serious note of the situation....No eyewash please..Let us be true to our self and soul......
(Public opinion informally surveyed and summarily presented..)
14th Aug., 2015...
On the eve of the Independence Day, Aug. the 15th, 2015...


Tax burden....

On an average for every 100 Rs you earn (white money), you land up paying 30 Rs as tax to Govt in different forms....Money rolls and thus, eventually the lion share of the GDP is enjoyed by the Government..But, still we are so poor!! Who enjoys this huge earning?? This status has not changed over 68 years after freedom...Why so?? Reports at different outlets indicate that "if overseas black money is returned back to India, nobody needs paying taxes.... and, if that money is used in the overall development, India will become one of the richest country in the world!!"..Everything is in papers only..No government could yet do anything fruitful and only this entire discussion has become a " Government Changing Impetus"...Every new Govt promises big things in this direction and then behave like a worried rat inside a self woven cage!!..Top brains say .."There is no hope of any true revival of this ill-fated nation, whosoever be in power and whatsoever be their ornamental promises to the sleeping-awakened people ...." (Informal survey report from honest intelligentsia circle..)....
May share your valued opinion please....
13th Aug., 2015...


Salary versus Job Load....
Since India is unable to raise it's GDP in a ratio to balance the rising population and skilled manpower pool, India is now forced to "increase job load manifold to pay increased salary"..Thus, pay-commission/DA absorption in salary etc are now coupled with several times increased job-load...At the same time, unemployment problem is alarmingly swelling up....The consequences will become dangerous sooner or the later...Time will come when all salaried persons will have to pay shares to the unemployed people around, else they will either be robbed off or killed mercilessly for 'small amount of money'...A serious divide of "Poor" and "rich" section can then be tackled only by heavily proliferated "security" arrangements and killing as many people as possible ruthlessly in the jail, may be in the very first instance of their committing a crime...This is my prediction after having done serious brainstorming and sharing views with big set of wise experts/seniors/social analysts....What do you feel?? "Making in India slogan by N. Modi is very much positive to save Indians to face this hard reality but, so far this attempt has not been much successful - a matter of major agony of all conscious Indians, may be"....
23rd July, 2015...


"How can we reduce pain of people?"......

"True humanity demands analyzing, sympathizing and if possible, eradicating others' distresses, always keeping alive a caring heart and mind"........This general attitude, if proliferated, can transform the painful world to a pleasant palace....(The crises and consequences, thereof will be easily tackled, then..)...Aks...7th July, 2015..


Mantra of meaningful living...
"Don't worry about your existence...just keep on doing good work....This mantra let you die merrily..In fact you won't feel the pain and frustration about 'your no more being in this world of motion & breathing!'...." ..Aks...06th July, 2015...


My observation about evaluation system in Education in India....

Evaluation process for education system in India must be thoroughly changed, otherwise higher % of marks obtained even by ordinary hard workers will lead to false confidence in the minds of average students and due to complacency they might fall flat in the long run..And, this is very much happening now in every nook and corner of the country....Aks
22nd May, 2015.


Is this greatness?

There is a class of very famous people who has always restrained themselves from criticizing/objecting against, the unjust, unethical and corrupt activities of people in power. They have not done so to merely avoid clashes with such unholy souls. Rather they have quite consciously smoothed their big publicity by, instead, being very polite and friendly with such dirty creatures. Will you ever honour these people, however famous and advertised they may be!??
There is an unending list of such cunning individuals. In the eyes of honest intelligentsia, they are the catalysts to 'survival of dishonesty and corruption' because they have, in their own selfish interest, promoted and let sustained the unholy souls by never making them feel that they only deserve blunt rejections! World tomorrow will simply force them to pass into oblivion , since complete awareness and logic will strictly rule the world soon....May frankly share your opinion please.....
(My observation and analysis on the so called greats in the human history..)


Coaching of Physics (all boards) with Target of Joint/IIT/Medical/Core Science Specialization by Prof. Amiya Kr. Sarkar..

I have recently (after having received several requests from students and friends..) started coaching "Physics" for 9th, 10th and 11th level (All boards) at Dum Dum, Kolkata....I am picking up students who are interested either in Joint (Medical and Engg both) and IIT entrance examinations or interested to pursue with higher education in core science, mainly Physics.....If anyone is interested to send some ambitious candidate for coaching under me, please immediately contact me on 9163976534....or send me mail in [email protected]. I am also providing free of cost complete career guidance to all the incumbents, so that they become outstanding performers in their future..I always feel proud of my excellent students..Have taught above 10000 students so far directly myself (In Engineering/Diploma, typically Electronics, Telecom, IT, CSE etc )..My present mission is very unique and will certainly become unparalleled, so far as the man making is concerned..And, this is my only motto of Life..
06th May, 2015...


------------My analysis on FATE---------------(Summarized)---------
" Poor thinkers coolly accept that their fate is decided by destiny... Strong people argue that 'one is the architect of one's own fate'...But, today's world mostly shows that 'only the opportunists have drastically transformed their fate'...Always fools and generous souls have paid huge price and helplessly allowed their ill-fate harassing and ridiculing them...Wise individuals maintain a strong control over their fate by being extremely analytic and calculative. They have jumped to any challenging mission only when they, found all parameters are positive and favorable and thus, they rise slowly but slowly and definitely, still hold highest level of honour"
21st April, 2015.


---Biggest crisis before the generation today------

The biggest crisis is that "there are no idols" in front of the growing-up individuals of this generation (this deficit is continuing over past few hundred years almost worldwide!!)...Dirty minded leaders in all spheres of life are ruling the thrones and they are easily mesmerizing young minds showing mirages and bright colours, eventually taking them far away from the mainstream good to the ultimate ugly and once, entrapped, such individuals are unable to recover again..This is the standard process of increasing the "density" of scoundrels in the society...All guardians must be very conscious to save their kids from becoming scoundrels and for that, a generation-wide awareness program is necessary...But, those who are in power and chair are deadly against such a scheme of reforms and refinement..Why? The reasons are obvious..Now, social media are greatly influencing "quality ideas" flowing fast all across..But, even FBs are being flooded with "dirty naked photographs carrying lakhs likes and comments"..Good thoughts are very scarcely propagated..This is where social media are also failing to compete with propagation of scoundrel-ism vis-a-vis that of good and healthy thoughts..Mute readers however are picking up good ideas and they are participating in transformations..That's the positive sign and that ultimately will come up as a savoir of the rotten human race...Aks
10th April, 2015


-----This is for a grown-up individual to note very carefully (Many may already be following such principles. They can simply ignore) ------

“In this hard and dirty world full of steep competition and selfish jealousy, every individual must become very serious in all aspects and extremely diplomatic , whenever necessary to save their own career, future and existence and to, thereby, reach the highest level of excellence and perfection almost unhindered, despite many dampening disorders.
Furthermore, to maintain peace, prosperity and order, none should harm others while pursuing one’s own career and life successfully and smoothly. This gradually will make the world a nice place to dwell.”
09th April., 2015.


Saw a nice post today....
"There is a Vivekananda in all of us...We just need to identify it"....

My reaction:
But, today's world will soon spoil that identity out of fear of being 'turned desperately naked due to sharply cutting words of criticism and corrections off/from all-round corruptions, craziness and contamination'...Aks.
27th March., 2015.

What do you feel? Frankly write......







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