Nomadic Tribes

Nomadic Tribes Experiential Travel Journeys.. Travel company dedicated to giving handcrafted experience to our trave

The place is worth a selfie...☺️☺️☺️

The place is worth a selfie...☺️☺️☺️

Our Home for next 5 days ☺️☺️☺️This perfect dream home is designed and owned by my sister, Trupti Khaire  . We are plann...

Our Home for next 5 days ☺️☺️☺️

This perfect dream home is designed and owned by my sister, Trupti Khaire . We are planning to rent out this 3 BHK home on weekends and weekdays as a perfect mountain getaway just 2 hours from Mumbai, which is 95 km away. It features a fully equipped kitchen, a lawn garden, indoor and outdoor games, and a river flowing around the property.

Stay tuned for updates!

जैसा देश वैसा भेस

जैसा देश वैसा भेस

Holi day ....

Holi day ....

Happy Holi

Happy Holi

"This little girl was playing Holi with me at Barsana. She put all the colors she had on me."I thought of sharing her cu...

"This little girl was playing Holi with me at Barsana. She put all the colors she had on me.
"I thought of sharing her cute picture with all of you."


Upcoming tours with nomadic tribes

Ranthambore 12th April to 14th April 2024
explore the wilderness of Ranthambore with us

Meghalaya 7th April to 13th April 2024
Explore offbeat trails & Homestays with us

Tirthan Valley Offbeat tour 25th May to 29th May 2024
Explore this hidden gem of Himachal

DM for detail Itineary all above tours are also Customizable for family & friends.

Thank you LLoksatta& MMitesh Ratish Joshifor your beautiful words!!!  Our Vrindavan Holi story was covered in the leadin...

Thank you LLoksatta& MMitesh Ratish Joshifor your beautiful words!!!

Our Vrindavan Holi story was covered in the leading newspaper LokSatta with a full-page article highlighting the various types of Holi celebrations in India.

I wanted to take a moment to share my journey in the travel industry and what I aim to do. Around four years ago, I left my previous company, Mumbai Travellers, after dedicating seven to eight years to its growth. I established my own company Nomadic Tribes with a complete experience of 11 to 12 years in the travel industry.

With a lot of traditional travel companies around us today I choose to take a different path. I provide my travelers with experience rather than just a sightseeing checklist. For me, travel encompasses more than ticking off destinations—it's about meeting new people, whether fellow travelers or locals like villagers and cab drivers. We delve into culture, heritage, and cuisine.

India, with its diverse festivals, heritage sites, cultural richness, and natural beauty, offers endless possibilities. Why stick ourselves to traditional tourism destinations when we can explore new places every year.

Slowly, I began designing tours that offered unique experiences. From spiritual journeys in Varanasi to exploring the rich heritage of Hampi, and from experiencing the Pahadi lifestyle from small villages in Himachal Pradesh to various Indian forests like Ranthambore and Satpuda. We also delve into festivals such as Vrindavan Holi and Durga Puja. Our main objective is to encourage people to explore offbeat paths in the NNomadic Tribesstyle.

Nomadic Tribes

Happy world Forest day .. Guess this Forest

Happy world Forest day .. Guess this Forest

Day 2 Barsana Holi

Day 2 Barsana Holi

On going Vrindavan Mathura trip day 1

On going Vrindavan Mathura trip day 1

Mathura Holi tour

Mathura Holi tour

Gar firdaus bar-rue zamin ast, hami asto, hamin asto, hamin ast

Gar firdaus bar-rue zamin ast, hami asto, hamin asto, hamin ast

Live from Kashmir, our guest is enjoying the snowy weather.

Live from Kashmir, our guest is enjoying the snowy weather.

looking for less crowded mountain destinations for your next summer trip? Consider exploring These hidden gems offer bre...

looking for less crowded mountain destinations for your next summer trip? Consider exploring

These hidden gems offer breathtaking views and serene landscapes without the crowds. Perfect for a peaceful getaway in nature.

Thanedar: Explore colonial charm amidst apple orchards.

Sangla: Discover ancient temples and lush greenery.

Kalpa: Marvel at the majestic Kinnaur Kailash range.

Binsar: Lose yourself in dense oak forests and panoramic Himalayan views.

Jispa: Embrace adventure amidst snow-capped peaks on the Manali-Leh Highway.
Shoja: Experience serenity in the meadows and forests.

Happy Mahashivratri to you too! May Lord Shiva bless you with peace, happiness, and prosperity on this auspicious day!

Happy Mahashivratri to you too! May Lord Shiva bless you with peace, happiness, and prosperity on this auspicious day!

Love this time of day at Shivaji Park, Narali bag.

Love this time of day at Shivaji Park, Narali bag.

Kerala's Varkala beach and Munnar's mountains - a perfect tour combination !!! working on the same

Kerala's Varkala beach and Munnar's mountains - a perfect tour combination !!! working on the same

शिवजयंतीच्या माझ्या सगळ्या शिवभक्तांना शुभेच्छा !!!आस्ते कदम महाराज गण पती भुपती प्रजापती सुवर्णरत्न श्रीपती अष्ठा वधान ...

शिवजयंतीच्या माझ्या सगळ्या शिवभक्तांना शुभेच्छा !!!

आस्ते कदम
महाराज गण पती भुपती प्रजापती सुवर्णरत्न श्रीपती अष्ठा वधान जागृत अष्ठ प्रधान तेष्टीत न्याया लंकार मंडित शस्त्र आस्त्र शास्त्र पारंगत राजनीती धुरंधर प्रौढ प्रताप पुरंदर क्षत्रिय कुलावंतस सिंहासनाधीश्वर महाराजाधिराज राजा शिव छत्रपती महाराजांचा
विजय असो

Pholon ki Holi | Lathmar Holi | Laddu Holi | Vishramghat | Prem Mandir | Iskon TempleTour Dates : 17th March to 20th Mar...

Pholon ki Holi | Lathmar Holi | Laddu Holi | Vishramghat | Prem Mandir | Iskon Temple

Tour Dates : 17th March to 20th March 2024

Contact No: +91 - 8652370001 / +91 - 9324106377

To jump or not to jump, that is the question.

To jump or not to jump, that is the question.

Kashmir Winter Addition 19th Feb to 24th Feb 2024 DM for Blue Print

Kashmir Winter Addition 19th Feb to 24th Feb 2024 DM for Blue Print

I saw lot of buzz around spritual destination of India especially VARANASI and I am sure it is magical place Visited Var...

I saw lot of buzz around spritual destination of India especially VARANASI and I am sure it is magical place

Visited Varanasi during 2012 for the first time with
Anagha Uplekar Neenad Joseph Arul Ish*ta Manek

गंगाघाट आणि मी

काही जागा किती जादुई असतात . नेहमी लक्ष्यात राहाव्यात अश्या मनाच्या अगदी वरच्या कप्यात जागा करतात आणि त्या आठवणीची जागा तशी राहवी अशी इच्छा ....
हो गंगा घाटा बद्दल बोलतो आहे. बनारस शंकराने स्वतः बनविलेल शहर असे तिकडेच ऐकल्या सारखे वाटते.
गंगा नदीचे उगम स्थान गंगोत्री आणि शेवटी ती अल्ल्हाबाद ला जाऊन यमुने ला मिळते असे लहान पणी भूगोलाच्या पुस्तकात सगळ्यांनी वाचले असावे ,भारताची महत्वाची नदी , लहान पाणी ऐकलेली एक म्हण पण आठवते " झालं गेल गंगेला मिळाले " पहिले मी ते काय काय गंगेला मिळते ते . असो तो भाग वेगळा , शेवटी गंगा नदी आणि माझी भेट झाली दुपारी १२ चा प्रहर आणि मुन्शी घाटावर आम्ही बसलो होतो
मला लहर आली आणि टाकली उडी मनसोक्त पोहून घेतले . माझ्या आई च्या मते मी पवित्र झालो. म्हणजे आई च्या नजरेत अपवित्र होतो हे नक्की हाहाह मजेत . लोकांना असे का वाटते गंगेत उडी मारली कि मी पवित्र झालो म्हणजे अपवित्र आहे या वर किती तो विश्वास .....
पाणी गार होते तेवढे खरे आणि बाहेर येउन फक्त एक टक तिच्या प्रवाहाकडे बघत बसलो
दमली असावी बिचारी वाहुन .एवढ्या लांबचा प्रवास म्हणजे काय खायचे काम नाही त्यात सगळ्यांची पापं पण धुवायची म्हणूनच कदाचित इकडे आल्यावर तिचा प्रवाह संथ होत असावा आणि शिवाय आता प्रवास संपणार कारण पुढे तिचा प्रवाह यमुने ला जाऊन भेटणार आहे. तिचे काम संपणार पुढेचे काय ते यमुने ने बघायचे . अगदी पहिल्याच दिवशी माझी आणि त्या गंगा घाटची मैत्री झाली मस्त आता रोज भेटायचे बर का असा वायदा केला आणि निघालो

ठरल्या प्रमाणे आमची भेट रोज होत होती. सकाळी हा घाट हळू हळू उठत असतो . कुणी मारुती च्या मंदिरात जोर बैठका मारतंय , तर कोणी हर हर महदेव म्हणत पाण्यात उडी मारतंय , नावाडी आपल्या होड्यांची सफाई करतो आहे ,आणि एक बाजूला एक बाबा मस्त चिलम जळतो आहे . अशीच रोजची कामे चालू होतात आणि मी शांत पणे पाहत बसायचो
हिंदू धर्मा मध्ये चार चार वर्ण ब्राम्हण , क्षत्रिय , वाणी ,शुद्र आणि मग पुढच्या ज्या काही जाती असतील त्या असतील पण या मुख्या त्यांच्या त्यांचा कामा वरून त्यांची विभागणी, कामा वरून बर का बाकी कशावरून नाही आणि अशी सारी लोक गंगेच्या किनार्यावर येउन वसली आजही विविध राज्यांचे घाट इकडे आढळतात . जसे कर्नाटक घाट ,पेशवा घाट , भोसले घाट आणि त्यांची महाले सुद्धा अजून चांगल्या स्थितीत आहेत
साधारण २०० ते ३०० वर्ष पाठी गेलो तर किती सुंदर असावे हे शहर , घाट, लोकं . सूर्य नारायांचे स्वागत बासरी आणि वीणेचे सुरांनी व्हावे , कोणी गायक शास्त्रीय संगीताचा रियास
करत असावा , आणि कोणी ब्राम्हण साधना करत बसला असावा , गंगेचे पाणी स्वच्छ निर्मळ आणि पिण्या योग्य असावे ..सर्वात महत्वाचे म्हणजे लोकांची मन सुद्धा गंगे प्रमाणे निर्मळ असावी जणू जशी गंगा दुषित होत गेली तसे लोकांचे मन हि दुषित होत गेले ....म्हणजेच गंगा शुद्धीकरण दोन्ही बाजून व्हायला हवे असे सांगू इच्छितो ...
असेच ४ दिवस आम्ही सकाळ संध्याकाळ घाटा वर बसत होतो पण दर वेळी काही तरी वेगळे अनुभवले
मग ती हरिश्चंद्र घाट आणि मानिकारणी घाटा वर बसून पाहिलेल्या चिता त्यांच्या आप्तेष्टांच्या चेहऱ्यावरचे भाव , किवा तो माणूस ज्याचे काम आहे कि अग्नी दिल्यानंतर ते शव मी शव म्हणेन कारण त्याच्या साठी ते शव आहे आणि त्याचे काम एवढेच कि अग्नी दिलेले शव चारी बाजूने जळते आहे कि नाही , नसेल तर दिवस भर लाकडे आत सारणे आणि तेही तो इमानदारी ने करत होता .

संध्याकाळी बरोबर ६,३० वाजता " दश्वमेध" घाटावर गंगा आरती चालू होते ती भव्य आरती बघणे आणि सोबत बघण्यासाठी बसलेले श्रद्धाळू लोकं अगदी परदेशी लोकांच्या डोळ्यात तीच श्रद्धा आरती नंतर दिवस संपला सगळे मोकळे ....
आणि एक नवीन जग चालू होते रात्री १० नंतर घाटावर घालवलेल्या त्या रात्री एवढ्या सुंदर नसत्या झाल्या जर तो ब्रिजवासी बासरी वाला भेटला नसता त्याच्या सोबत मारलेल्या गप्पा एवढासा पोरगा पण किती धर्माच्या गप्पा , सेक्षो फोन वाजवणारा तो फ्रान्से वाला आणि त्याच्या तोंडातून भारतीय वाद्यांची स्तुती ऐकून छाती अभिमानाने भरून आली कारण सेक्षो फोन वाजवताना तो सनई ची स्तुती करत होता आपल्या रामप्रसाद चौरासिया आणि बिस्मिल्ला खान याच्या बद्दल बोलताना डोळ्यातली चमक दिसत होती , आणि हा सोबत असलेली व्यक्ती आणि शाळेतल्या गप्पा २ तास सगळे विसरून आणि घड्याळ्यात १२ वाजले आहेत याचे जरा हि भान नाही ....
एकंदरीत म्हणजे फक्त उंच डोंगर किवा गर्द जंगले आणि बर्फ म्हणजेच पर्यटन असा गैरसमज करून घेऊ नका जरी हि जागा थोडी अध्यात्मिक असली तरी इकडे मनाला मिळणारी शांती एका वेगळ्या जगात घेऊन जाते आणि अर्थात सगळ्यांचे अनुभव विविध असू शकतात पण मनांत घर करून जाणारी जागा आहे हे नक्की

Badami CAVES I mate Abatina this German girl during my last trip to Badami infact we were staying at same Hotel this is ...

Badami CAVES

I mate Abatina this German girl during my last trip to Badami infact we were staying at same Hotel
this is her first trip to India it was fun to explore the Architecture Marval of India Badami caves and discussion of temple Architecture...

So, selfies are a bit new for her, but we wanted to capture this moment anyway. Check out the background – that's the 3rd-century Agustya Lake. Cool, rights

As we transition from 2023 to 2024, it's time for new goals, targets, and resolutions. Let's focus on a few resolutions ...

As we transition from 2023 to 2024, it's time for new goals, targets, and resolutions. Let's focus on a few resolutions directed toward society rather than just individual goals.

​1) Reduce Single-Use Plastics:

​Use fewer single-use plastics.
Bring reusable shopping bags, water bottles, and coffee cups.
Opt for products with minimal packaging.

​2) Responsible Tourism:

Choose sustainable accommodations.
Support local businesses.
Respect local customs and traditions.
Educate yourself about the destination.

​3) Support Local and Sustainable Brands:

Prioritize brands with sustainable and ethical practices.
Support local farmers, artisans, and eco-friendly businesses.

​4) Use Green Transportation:

Opt for public transport, carpool, or bike to reduce carbon footprint.

​5) Create a Zero-Waste Lifestyle:

Minimize waste through reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Compost organic waste.
Choose products with minimal or compostable packaging.

​6) Educate Yourself and Others:

Stay informed about environmental issues.
Share knowledge and encourage sustainable practices.

​7) Practice Mindful Consumption:

Consider the environmental impact before making a purchase.
Opt for sustainable alternatives.

​8) Embrace Minimalism:

Adopt a minimalist lifestyle.
Prioritize quality over quantity.

​9) Conscious Shopping:

Ask if items are essential.
Consider lifespan, durability, and ethical production.

Vaibhav Khaire
Contact No: +91 - 8652370001 / +91 - 9324106377
Mail Id: [email protected] / [email protected]

🌿 Another Epic Adventure: Our Second Ajoba Peak Trek! 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️This Sunday, our small group embarked on a remarkable jour...

🌿 Another Epic Adventure: Our Second Ajoba Peak Trek! 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️

This Sunday, our small group embarked on a remarkable journey to Ajoba Peak. We continued our mission to promote uncrowded locations and prioritize safety.

Amidst untouched wilderness, we trekked through dense forests, conquered challenging terrains, and savored the beauty of cascading waterfalls and breathtaking vistas.

Our small group dynamic fostered camaraderie and shared experiences, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Join us as we explore nature's hidden gems in intimate groups, away from the crowds, ensuring a safe and authentic adventure.

🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Experience the magic of nature with us, one small group trek at a time! 🌄✨

Upcoming Exclusive Monsoon Shorts Trips & Treks around Mumbai :8 -  9 th July Panchgani  Tour : 1 Night 2 Days : 8th - 9...

Upcoming Exclusive Monsoon Shorts Trips & Treks around Mumbai :

8 - 9 th July Panchgani Tour : 1 Night 2 Days :

8th - 9th July : Bhandardhara Reverse Waterfall Tour 1 Night 2 Days

16th July : Mumbai Monsoon Heritage Ride : Half Day

16th July : Ajoba Trek : 1 Day

22nd July 23rd July Bhimashankar Trek : 1 Night 2 Days

30th July : Ajoba Trek : 1 Day

5th August : Thanale Caves Exploration : 1 Day

Yesterday, we embarked on a successful Ajoba trek with a small and intimate group. Our aim was to promote the beauty of ...

Yesterday, we embarked on a successful Ajoba trek with a small and intimate group. Our aim was to promote the beauty of uncrowded locations and emphasize safety.

In the serene landscapes of Ajoba, our small group experienced the untouched beauty of nature. With personalized attention and expert guidance, we ensured everyone's safety throughout the trek.

We navigated through dense forests, crossed gushing streams, and marveled at stunning waterfalls. The sense of camaraderie among our small group made the experience even more memorable.

Join us on our small group treks to uncrowded locations for an immersive and safe adventure. Let's explore nature's hidden gems together!


Introducing Nomadic Tribes : Premier Private & Exclusive Trips, Treks & Adventures for Small Groups.

* Limited batch size (Small Groups)
* Expert-led
* Personalized Attention
* Enhanced Safety
* Local insights
* Lesser-known locations
* Intimate trips for the ultimate experience.
* Tailored experiences that fit your preferences & level.
* Mumbai to Mumbai
* In private vehicle
* Planned & Customized Trips

Join Nomadic Tribes’ exclusive Short Weekend Breaks and unlock the wonders of Maharashtra’s hidden gems in a private, safe, and unforgettable way.

Book your adventure today!
Call 9324106377. [email protected]

Plan your trips :

Upcoming Exclusive Monsoon Shorts Breaks around Mumbai :8th - 9th July :  Bhandardhara Reverse Waterfall Tour : 1 Night ...

Upcoming Exclusive Monsoon Shorts Breaks around Mumbai :

8th - 9th July : Bhandardhara Reverse Waterfall Tour : 1 Night 2 Days

16th July : Mumbai Monsoon Heritage Ride : Half Day

5th August : 1 Day Thanale Caves Exploration : 1 Day

Book your outing today!
Call 9324106377. [email protected]

Plan your trips :


Nomadic Tribes , Prabhadevi


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