We The Safarist

We The Safarist One stop solution for Jungle Safaris across India.

India has many incredible wildlife sanctuaries and national parks where you can see many more species and also experience India’s splendid landscapes, and rural heartlands along with its own unique culture. In recent years, a range of luxury safari lodges have opened in many of the parks ensuring your wildlife experience is taken to the next level. Overtly most of the travelers love to see a tiger

in the wild on safari, so far confidently this small guide helps to show that India is home to the richest wildlife that has traditionally been viewed with firmness in India’s culture.

The Majestic Leopards of Pench National ParkPench National Park, nestled in the heart of central India, is a wildlife en...

The Majestic Leopards of Pench National Park

Pench National Park, nestled in the heart of central India, is a wildlife enthusiast's paradise. Spread across Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, this scenic reserve is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Among the park's most captivating inhabitants is the elusive leopard, which finds solace in the dense deciduous forests and rolling hills of this enchanting landscape.

Mohini on morning stroll.

Mohini on morning stroll.

Future ❤️

Future ❤️

Completed a decade long journey of We The Safarist. A journey, from a tiny idea up to this point of a well-known travel ...

Completed a decade long journey of We The Safarist. A journey, from a tiny idea up to this point of a well-known travel company, is beyond imagination. There have been a lot of ups and downs throughout the travel from peak of success to a trench of downfall. Amongst all these, there has been one true constant and that being the trust ; the belief of our team members, hospitality partners and most importantly, our clients. We The Safarist extends heart-felt gratitude to each and every individual and we assure you that this faith you've put in us will be nurtured for times to come. 🐾

“ The most magnificent creature in the entire world , the Tiger is “

“ The most magnificent creature in the entire world , the Tiger is “

Tigers of Tadoba

Tigers of Tadoba

Ever imagined going to Goa, and not visiting any beaches. That is exactly what this wonderful trip is about. Apart from ...

Ever imagined going to Goa, and not visiting any beaches. That is exactly what this wonderful trip is about. Apart from graceful beaches, Goa is blessed with elegant forests of Western Ghats (a hottest biodiversity hotspot). The place is absolute delight for nature enthusiasts.

To register, please fill the following google form:

Ever imagined going to Goa, and not visiting any beaches !!!!! That is exactly what this wonderful trip is about. Apart ...

Ever imagined going to Goa, and not visiting any beaches !!!!!
That is exactly what this wonderful trip is about. Apart from graceful beaches, Goa is blessed with elegant forests of Western Ghats (a hottest biodiversity hotspot). The place is absolute delight for nature enthusiasts.
Join us for the best nature experience.
DM for details.

GRAND SEASON OPENER It was the first trip of the season 2022-23. We, as usual, reached Kanha at Sept 30 and then came th...


It was the first trip of the season 2022-23. We, as usual, reached Kanha at Sept 30 and then came the dawn of Oct 01. First safari of the season started and ours was the first jeep to enter the park after the park has been closed for 3 months. In this span of time, tiger movements change a lot and there's nothing to predict. We booked same zone for two consecutive safaris so that the next safari can be predicted. As expected, first safari went dry but the haywire alarms of Deer and Langurs gave us an idea about where the tigers are venturing.
As the afternoon safari began, we aimed to the direction where the morning alarm calls lead. 3 jeeps came from the same direction telling us that the tiger has moved a bit and few got a glimpse as well. We moved to the same direction and though from a long distance, we did see the striped big cat sitting next to a water body. After he left from there we tracked him at 3 spots and then he disappeared in the bushes. We were happy but not content because season opener has to be grand. we had 4 choices from here the tiger would emerge guessing from his previous movement. We chose one and headed that way. After waiting for some time, from a lush green under growth, emereged a majestic face of everyone's favorite, Jr. Bajrang. A handsome male. There being only two jeeps, coordination among was amazing and the tiger came walking right in front of us. And we were content.
Indeed a grand season opening...

Killer look by majestic big cat of Kanha.

Killer look by majestic big cat of Kanha.

Available dates 14th to 16th November 2022. Book now.

Available dates 14th to 16th November 2022.
Book now.

PRIDE OF KANHA Hard ground Barasingha.

Hard ground Barasingha.

GRAND SEASON OPENER It was the first trip of the season 2022-23. We, as usual, reached Kanha at Sept 30 and then came th...


It was the first trip of the season 2022-23. We, as usual, reached Kanha at Sept 30 and then came the dawn of Oct 01. First safari of the season started and ours was the first jeep to enter the park after the park has been closed for 3 months. In this span of time, tiger movements change a lot and there's nothing to predict. We booked same zone for two consecutive safaris so that the next safari can be predicted. As expected, first safari went dry but the haywire alarms of Deer and Langurs gave us an idea about where the tigers are venturing.
As the afternoon safari began, we aimed to the direction where the morning alarm calls lead. 3 jeeps came from the same direction telling us that the tiger has moved a bit and few got a glimpse as well. We moved to the same direction and though from a long distance, we did see the striped big cat sitting next to a water body. After he left from there we tracked him at 3 spots and then he disappeared in the bushes. We were happy but not content because season opener has to be grand. We had 4 choices from here the tiger would emerge guessing from his previous movement. We chose one and headed that way. After waiting for some time, from a lush green under growth, emereged a majestic face of everyone's favorite, Jr. Bajrang. A handsome male. There being only two jeeps, coordination among was amazing and the tiger came walking right in front of us. And we were content.
Indeed a grand season opening...


We The Safarist ensures that you experience a best wildlife Safari & Tour like no other – no matter what your preference, be it a family-friendly holiday, group tour or photographic safari that draws you to the indian wildlife. Discover the wildlife, culture and landscapes, with a personalised authentic safari experience.


ONE FOR THE SPOTTED PREDATOR A jungle safari experience was absolutely new to our guests this time. It was a leisure tri...


A jungle safari experience was absolutely new to our guests this time. It was a leisure trip of just two safaris in 3 days in Kanha. It is indeed our home turf but just 2 safaris in the huge jungle is still a pressure for us. Every guest should get to see a big cat, that's what we long for and so far since a decade we have been able to stand up to it. And yet just two safaris in Kanha had to get our confidence a bit in spaghetti legs. In the beginning of the safari itself we assumed that it's been 10 safaris and this one is the last so we have to give better than our best. Again we gambled and decided to re route on a road where no jeeps venture. All senses were active to catch any sign of tiger movement. Leopard being extremely cryptic animal, it's sighting was out of question. Within 10 minutes our driver whispered "Sahil bhaiya, leopard dekho". I did not believe what I heard. But I had to believe what I was seeing. An animal famous for extreme camouflage was right in front of us taking a stroll in the bush. The leopard could not escape the eyes of our expert driver and guide. The sighting was as good as a tiger sighting. Bold. In that adrenaline rush, I almost forgot that I could take a photograph. As he went ahead, he behind, right into our lens. A leopard sighting in the very first safari of their life took the guests on cloud 9. After some time we did see glimpse of a tiger and in the following safari a walked right next to our jeep. One more successful expedition boosted our confidence and it was indeed satisfactory.

EXPERIENCE, HOPE & a TIGER 🐅This was the last safari of the current tour and as usual we wished for at least one head-on...


This was the last safari of the current tour and as usual we wished for at least one head-on sighting of a Tiger. We had good sightings in earlier safaris and yet we dedicated this safari only for tiger sighting. It is not always good to dedicate safari for tiger because it could either yield amazing tiger sighting or nothing. Last 30 minutes of the safari and safari was still dry. We reached road no. 7 and saw the jeep crowd. It was an indication that we missed a sighting. On asking people there it wad clarified that only one jeep could see tiger in the bush there. We were well versed with the movement of tigers in that area and looking at the situation here, there were only two possibilities 1. Tiger could take fire line road and go away through the bushes or 2. it could walk on the adjacent trail which opens on another road. We took the chance to assume the later and went on opposite direction of the crowd. We had only 15 minutes left. We set our cameras into the direction of our assumption. Meanwhile the people from other jeeps laughed at us for going into exact opposite direction of the spot where tiger was sighted. We had hopes though. Thankfully our guests trusted our instincts.
And justifiably so. Our assumption was perfect. In next 5 minutes a bold male Jr. Bajrang came right in front of us. Stupendous sighting and eye contact images delighted our guests.
Tiger indeed came on road and the crowd did get to see him but the view of Him exiting the grass was only privileged to us..

Bookings are open now.

Bookings are open now.

Habitat Shot

Habitat Shot

BLUE STREAM DREAM : A story of tracking “Neela-Nala male”This was our third safari and the striped big cat had already g...

A story of tracking “Neela-Nala male”
This was our third safari and the striped big cat had already given us its glimpse. But this safari had to be different. We wanted to have a Head-on sighting of a tiger. We queued our vehicle on first number early in the morning because our safari was in Mukki zone and the zone is almost an hour drive from our entry gate, Kisli. We had a big wish to see 'Neela Nala' male tiger and we planned our movement according to the same target. We decided to not stop anywhere in between. Studying his movement pattern we understood that this tiger moves either early in the morning or at the time of safari end and that too at the far most corner of Mukki zone. The second option of time was null for us since we come from far way gate. We reached his territory. 2-3 jeeps entering from Mukki gate, were already there and each one of us was looking for tiger. In no time, we heard a growl from the jungle. We stopped the engine to listen carefully so as to understand the movement direction of the tiger. Everyone stationed their jeeps to various location according to their own guessing and now there was a big gamble of which jeep will get the privilege of the tiger walking in front of it. The growl got louder each moment and the tiger movement was inevitable. In few minutes a hefty male walked right infront of our jeep and it was Neela nala male. He is new to the place and yet dominant. Everyone craves to see him closely and now the privilege was ours. He not only walked in front of us but he walked with growls. Everyone got satisfactory photos and videos.
Our plans were successful and once again we came out of the park with successful tiger tracking.



Visit Ranthambore.

Visit Ranthambore.

Visit one of the most beautiful Tiger reserves in India

Visit one of the most beautiful Tiger reserves in India

ORDINARILY EXTRAORDINARY IMAGE Honestly speaking, this picture seems very normal or just another record shot. And it is ...


Honestly speaking, this picture seems very normal or just another record shot. And it is indeed that. But there's is whole another story and a long waiting behind this picture. Leopard is one of the most shy member of big cat family. For a wildlife photographer it is always his/her dream to capture one in the camera. I too had seen the same dream quite a few years back. But I've never had the pleasure of photographing a leopard. It's not that I had never seen one. I had seen a leopard numerous times but at those times either I did not have camera or saw it on a nature walk where, halting and photographing it is against our safety guidelines. Quite a few times, I've seen a leopard right in the campus of our accomodation facility through the window but just for few moments. Being a tour manager professionally, sometimes, we do not carry our own camera for the safari for the sake of our guests' convenience. So it always has just been a dream to capture this graceful animal in my camera. Once it so happened that our friendly guests permitted me to carry my own camera. I am very thankful to them because that very day in a very low light of ending safari we encountered this charming individual. I cannot express what I felt at that moment but I tried to take as many pictures in which ever way possible because the the safari was ending and the sun was setting. Even though it was just a record shot, I was satisfied. Our guests had good camera kit with great lens and hence I know that they've had 10 times the better pictures than I had. But I was content with whatever I could make do with this. At last, it is a dream come true.


This happened during our safari at Mukki zone in Kanha National Park. Safari time was almost over and despite of our tou...

This happened during our safari at Mukki zone in Kanha National Park. Safari time was almost over and despite of our tough efforts we couldn't spot a big cat. Being short on time we started our return drive back to exit the park. We weren't really disappointed because even with endless efforts, sometimes, our plans don't workout in a jungle. We were relaxed on our way back, chit chatting about the safari. On a sharp turn we reached a forest guard camp where there was a handpump used by the guards. Without any thoughts or anything of that sorts in mind, my eyes fell on directly into the eyes of the tigress. I had goosebumps at that moment. I was speechless and nobody else noticed it. She sitting not more than 3-4 feet away from us. I asked the driver to stop and reverse our vehicle only after moving went 30-40 meters away from the spot. I told them there was a tigress. Everyone sparkled up. Everyone feasted their eyes on DJ female, a graceful and bold tigress of Kanha. We photographed her but again due to running short on time, we couldn't stay for long.

Truly indeed, a jungle has tendency to surprise you at any given moment.

While coming back from safari we get relaxed and our excitement it not as high as it is while entering the park. But this is for all my fellow safarists that until we exit the park gate, the game is always ON..

WHISTLING HUNTERS aka WILD DOGSThis forest is fabulous. Any nature lover would fall for a less-crowded and deep dark for...


This forest is fabulous. Any nature lover would fall for a less-crowded and deep dark forest. In the quiet of the jungle our safari began. There were only 3-4 jeeps in the forest. In no time, the jungle woke up and Langurs & Spotted Deer started giving alarm calls. There was indeed a leopard around but we couldn't spot it. We waited for a while and then went ahead. This was a new forest for me and hence all without any predictions or guessing, I was merely enjoying the safari. All of a sudden we saw some Sambars pacing out of the forest. Generally, this only happens if they get startled by a vehicle or get threatened by a predator.
There was no vehicle in the direction from where they were running. We waited there for a while and in some time we heard a whistle. We were instantly excited because this whistle was given out by the pack hunters of a jungle - Wild Dogs aka Dhole. And one by one they came out on the road. We had pretty good sightings of these not-so-oftenly seen hunters. For a while we witnessed a predator-prey relationship. Sambars successfully saved themselves from the Dogs. This jungle drama is very rarrly witnessed and we were happy to encounter it. We had 3 more safaris after that and there were wild experiences. We will share them in our upcoming posts. Nagzira is one of the must visit place for nature lovers. It is not yet too much commercialized and hence we could feel the gaps in management but that will be covered up in sometime and the beauty of the forest makes you want to forget those gaps..



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm
Sunday 11am - 9pm




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Believe in Excellence

"We The Safarist" is a group of wildlife tour operators since past 8 years. Adventure always comes from out of the box activities and our core team hence has well expertise in Wildlife. We believe in experience and knowledge which is mandatory in Wildlife Tourism. We not only offer ready plans for our guests but we also love to give them one of the best tour experience in their life. Our priorities are Guest-safety, luxury as well as budget-friendly tour.

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