Bade Miyah aur Chotey Miyah
On world heritage day... Here's something which I personally call as the "BADE-MIYAH CHOTEY- MIYAH DUO".
•Though they date back one another by almost 1000 years & represent different faith BADE MIYAH is often called as the victory tower or the lath of the Sufi saint qutub Uddin bhaktiyar kaki sahab or as per rumors the call for azan was also given from there (rumors).
•The iron pillar on the other part was the GARUD STAMBH (Vishnu ji ke vahan) but also this pillar was as per folklores was how a dynasty would have been stayed longer and delhi got its name. But, the fun part this too was used as a victory tower. Similarities right ????
~Hence here I will quote Prabhu Ramakrishna who long back stated “All religions are true. God can be reached by different religions. Many rivers flow by many ways but they fall into the sea. They all are one".