i was in london 5 years. so i know all about .In Polish cities it's easy for a student to find a part-time job. The wages increase systematically, so many Polish students choose paid studies and start working. Although the permission to work in Poland depends on your country of origin.Non EU and EEA citizens must apply for a long term visa at their local Polish consulate. The certificate of enroll
ment is required. The visa is valid for no longer than 12 months and must be revalidated in a local Voivodship Office. The visa allows to stay in Poland, and, for the first three months also to visit the other Schengen Agreement member countries. The prolongation of visa may occur only in exceptional circumstances. The general rule is, in the case of the planned extension of the period of stay in Poland over the period specified in the visa, to apply for residence permit. In order to acquire the permit, international students must have a valid health insurance policy and enough money to cover the costs of stay and return travel to the country of origin. All international students must apply for a temporary residence certificate within 3 days from the date of crossing the Polish border. In order to apply, it's necessary to visit the local Population Registry Bureau in the Municipal Office.The crime rate in Poland is much lower than in EU countries, and significantly lower than in the USA.