Beauty of Pondicherry

Beauty of Pondicherry Pondicherry History According to mythologies and legends, Pondicherry was once the dwelling place for the great Hindu sage Agastya. They ruled for a while.

It was a major Vedic centre and was called as Vedapuri. Excavations at Arikamedu have revealed that there was a possibility that this could have been a port town and there might be a Roman rule and settlement here before 2000 years. It had trade links with Rome and Greece that continued till the period of the Cholas during the 10th and the 11th century. The Pallavas, the Pandiyas, the Muslim ruler

s also invaded and ruled over this place for quite some time.
Pondicherry is the capital city of puducherry union territory . It covers a total land area of 492 Square Kilometers. The population of this town is 9,73,829. The main languages spoken here are Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, English and French. There are four districts which comprise this territory namely Pondicherry, Karaikal, Yanam and Mahe. The best season to visit Pondicherry is between July and February. This town is connected by airways, by railways, and by roadways. Pondicherry is a peaceful city. Pondicherry is referred by names such as ‘Quintessence of French Culture’, ‘India’s Little France’ and ‘The French Riviera of the East’. This territory was under the French rule for nearly 281 years. Still it has the French flavor in it as one can see by the grand colonial mansions, beautiful boulevards, and placid promenades, spellings on sign boards and buildings, names of roads and public places. Pondicherry is a well planned and well built town. This is a typical example as one can learn the way the French people gave importance to order and flair. They are known for their rich and quality living. The French too had an eye on the wealth and the fertility of India. Thus the French dream of Indian empire began and got over by establishing their supremacy in Pondicherry. The French constructed many buildings based on their craft and grand architecture. They developed an oval shaped, lovely ‘boulevard town’ – the French quarter. This French quarter was laid out in a geometric grid pattern with straight roads intersecting at right angles. A boulevard encircled the town and a grand canal, divided it into two sections- one the Tamil side called as Ville Noire or the black town and the other, a European side which was known as Ville Blanche or the white town. The impressive Ville Blanche or white town resembles a typical Medieval French township clotted with fine built monuments, government buildings, majestic mansions, elegant churches and lush green parks.


Pondicherry Historical uniqueness

In the early 16th century the Portuguese established their supremacy in Pondicherry. Then the Dutch and the French people entered this place for trade reasons and then started ruling this territory. In 1673 the French started ruling the territory. During the rule of the French in Pondicherry there were several minor conflicts and battles fought between the French and the Britishers to capture Pondicherry. After several conflicts finally both the countries came to a conclusion and an agreement was signed where Pondicherry was given back to the French by the Britishers. In the year 1954, Pondicherry was retained back to India by the French.


No words—acts. ...The Mother (1969)


Thy Presence..


Teachers are one of the most influential figures in our lives. Let’s show our respect and honour their efforts towards creating smarter minds. Happy Teacher’s Day.


Beauty of Pondicherry's cover photo


Beauty of Pondicherry

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Beauty of Pondicherry

Darshan Day

To Him I have surrendered all, will, life and self........

Aurobindo left His body on 5th December 1950.


Darshan Day

To Him I have surrendered all, will, life and self........

Aurobindo left His body on 5th December 1950.


The teacher is not an instructor or taskmaster, he is a helper and guide. His business is to suggest and not to impose. He does not actually train the pupil’s mind, he only shows him how to perfect his instruments of knowledge and helps and encourages him in the process --Sri Aurobindo

We are not here to do (only a little better) what the others do.

We are here to do what the others cannot do because they do not have the idea that it can be done.

We are here to open the way of the Future to children who belong to the Future --- The Mother

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are living embodiment of these words, the Most Perfect of Teachers. Our gratitude to them for their eternal guidance.............

Eternal Memory..


The 15th of August 1947 Message by Sri Aurobindo

August 15th, 1947 is the birthday of free India. It marks for her the end of an old era, the beginning of a new age. But we can also make it by our life and acts as a free nation an important date in a new age opening for the whole world, for the political, social, cultural and spiritual future of humanity.


மதுரைவாசிகள் மற்றும் மதுரைக்கு வருபவர்களின் கவனத்துக்கும் பயன்பாட்டுக்கும்!!!

மதுரை மாநகரின் தனிப்பட்ட மகத்துவங்களில் ஒன்றானஅதன் பாரம்பரியம் மிக்க உணவுக் கலாசாரத்தைபிரதிபலிக்கும் இந்த உணவகங்களின் தரப்பட்டியல் இதோ..!

சிறந்த மதிய உணவகம்..!

1- சந்திரன் மெஸ்,
( அயிரைமீன் குழம்பு, நெய்மீன் வறுவல்,நாட்டுக்கோழி )

2- குமார் மெஸ்,
( விரால்மீன் வறுவல்,அயிரை மீன் குழம்பு, நண்டு boneless )

3- அம்மா மெஸ்,
( நண்டு ஆம்லெட், நெய்மீன் வறுவல்,மட்டன் கோலா )

4- அன்பகம் மெஸ்,
வடக்குவெளி வீதி
( மட்டன் சுக்கா,கரண்டி ஆம்லேட்,முட்டை கறி )

5- அருளானந்தர் மெஸ்,
( நெய்மீன் வறுவல், நாட்டுக்கோழி, இறால்மீன் வறுவல் )

மற்ற சிறந்த மதிய உணவகங்கள் -
அம்சவல்லி - கீழவாசல் - மட்டன் பிரியாணி

பனமரத்து பிரியாணி கடை - புலாவ் போன்ற பிரியாணி

சரஸ்வதி மெஸ் - பெரியார் அருகில் - மட்டன் பிரியாணி

ஜெயவிலாஸ் சாப்பாட்டு கிளப் - மீன் சாப்பாடு

திண்டுக்கல் வேலு பிரியாணி - மட்டன் பிரியாணி

சிறந்த மாலை நேர உணவகம்..!
1- கோனார் மெஸ்,
( முட்டைகறி தோசை,வெங்காய கறி,குடல் குழம்பு,
மூளை ரோஸ்ட்,நெஞ்சுகறி,இடியாப்பம் பாயா )

2- குமார் மெஸ்,
( இட்லி,முட்டை வழியல்,முட்டை கறி,முட்டை ஊத்தப்பம்,வாவல்மீன் குழம்பு )

3- ஆறுமுகம் பரோட்டா கடை,
( பரோட்டா,சுவரொட்டி,குடல் வறுவல்,தலைக்கறி,ஈரல்,எலும்பு ரோஸ்ட்)

4- அன்று அமீர் மஹால், இன்று அஜ்மீர் மஹால்
( முட்டை பரோட்டா,பரோட்டா, சிக்கன் 65 )

5- சிங்கம் பரோட்டா கடை
பீபீ குளம்
( முட்டை பரோட்டா,பரோட்டா,முழுக்கோழி வறுவல் )

சிறந்த மாலை உணவகங்கள்..!
சுல்த்தான் ஹோட்டல்-- அன்னா சிலை அருகில் (சில்லி சிக்கன்,முட்டை புரோட்டா)

ஜானகிராமன் மெஸ்- திலகர் திடல் ( மட்டன் சுக்கா )

சுதா பை நைட் - ரிசர்வ் லைன் ( முட்டை பரோட்டா )

டாஜ்- டவுன்ஹால் ரோடு ( கிங் பரோட்டா,பட்டர் சிக்கன் )

பஞ்சாபி தாபா - தல்லாகுளம் ( பட்டர் நான், தந்தூரி சிக்கன் )

பரோட்டா கடை - ஆவின் சிக்னல் ( மதுரையின் சிறந்த பரோட்டா )

போஸ் கடை- அண்ணா பஸ் ஸ்டாண்ட் ( பகலில் கறிக்கடை,இரவில் இட்லி கடை )

சிறந்த சைவ உணவகங்கள் மதிய உணவு..!
கணேஷ் மெஸ், மேலபெருமாள் மேஸ்திரி ரோடு ( புல் மீல்ஸ் )

மாலை டிபன் -
மாடர்ன் ரெஸ்டாரென்ட் ( தோசை,வடக்கிந்திய உணவு வகைகள் )

சபரீஸ், டவுன்ஹால் ரோடு ( நெய் பொங்கல், முஷ்ரூம் பிரியாணி,பன் அல்வா )

இவை அனைத்தையும் விட மதுரையின் சைவ மாலை நேர உணவகங்களின் முன்னோடி -

முருகன் இட்லி கடை,
இம்மையில் நன்மை தருவார் கோயில் அருகில்
( இட்லி,இட்லி, இட்லி...
உலகின் மிகச்சிறந்த இட்லி )

மதுரையின் தனிப்பட்ட சிறப்பு சுவைகள் -
திருநெல்வேலி லக்ஷ்மி விலாஸ் லாலா மிட்டாய் கடை,
டவுன்ஹால் ரோடு,தங்க ரீகல் எதிரில் - அல்வா

( என்னைப்பொறுத்தவரை திருநெல்வேலி இருட்டுக்கடை அல்வாவை விட சிறந்தது )

சங்கர் காபி,
அண்ணா பஸ் ஸ்டாண்ட்- உழுந்த வடை
ஐயப்பா தோசை கடை,
இடம் பாண்டிய வெள்ளாளர் தெரு,பெரியார் பஸ் ஸ்டான்ட் அருகில் , ஆர்த்தி ஹோட்டல் ரோட்டில் சென்று இடப்புறம் செல்லவேண்டும் -
பால்கோவா தோசை,முஷ்ரூம் தோசை,காலி ப்ளவர் தோசை....
விசாலம் காபி-
கோரிப்பாளையம் , தல்லாகுளம்.
- காபி, "கஞ்சா" காபி என்றழைக்கும் அளவு மீண்டும் மீண்டும் பருக தூண்டுவது
பெயர் தெரியாத அந்த இளநீர் சர்பத் கடை,
மதுரா கோட்ஸ் மேம்பாலம் கீழே - இளநீர் சர்பத்.
இவை அனைத்தையும் விட
மதுரையின் பிரத்தியேக குளிர்பான சுவைக்கு...
பேமஸ் ஜிகர்தண்டா,
விளக்குத்தூண்- ஜில்ஜில் ஜிகர்தண்டா.
யானைக்கல் ராஜேஸ்வரி ஈவினிங் மட்டன் ஸ்டால் (வெங்காய குடல் )
மாமதுரை போற்றுவோம்.
மணமிக்க மதுரை உணவின் சுவை
உலகெங்கும் புகழ் பரப்புவோம்...
தகவல் : வழக்கறிஞர் சரவணன் அம்பலம்


So-called religions need beliefs. There is no other difference between one religion and another; the difference is only of beliefs. A Mohammedan has certain beliefs, a Hindu certain others, a Christian certain others. The difference is of beliefs. Yoga has nothing as far as belief is concerned; Yoga doesn't say to believe in anything.

Yoga says "Experience." Just as science says "Experiment," Yoga says "Experience." Experiment and experience are both the same; their directions are different. Experiment means there is something you can do outside; experience means there is something you can do inside. Experience is an inner experiment.

OSHO : The Path of Yoga


What is Yoga?
Yoga is a systematic Technic to improve the Body, Understand the mind, and free the spirit. Remember, what's happening on the out side of the body is an reflection of what's happening to every system of the body.

With the regular practice of yoga, we are strengthening and calming the nervous system, we are increasing blood flow to internal organs and more Oxygen to our cells. We are cleansing the mental clutter that can wreck our life. allowing us to see things more clearly. We are cultivating the spiritual muscles in a way that can make us happier. less anxious. more at peace.

In fact, Yoga is all about balance, balance between our Body, Mind and Breath. (Annamaya, Pranamaya and Manonmaya). Balance between these three is called yoga. When we experienced these three are become balance, our Intellectual strength (Vignamaya) and Spiritual (Anandamaya) experience become perfect.


You are not alone......
If you imagine your body is an Heaven your Mind is a God...
Gods: Your Love, Affection, Tolerance, Forgiveness, Truth, Discipline, Obedience, Creativity, Compassion and Consciousness....
If you imagine your body is an Hell your mind is a Devil.......
Devils: Your Angry, Greed, Lust, Envy, Jealous, Inferior, Suspicious, Indiscipline, Disobedience, Ignorance of Truth,
But the choice is yours..... Because you are responsible for your Happiness and sorrow, you are the responsible for your Pain and pleasure....

Therefore You always carrying your nature of God or Devil........

You are not alone...

Zorba Neil


Timeline Photos


We are all technically high but heartily very poor.

"Bring your brain towards heart, think less and feel more"....


Five Essential tips for practicing Asana (Posture) :-
1. The Most important: When practicing an Posture, do not hold your Breath. Breath deeply and slowly, in rhythm with your movements.

2. While practicing an Posture, focus on on your entire body and pay attention to the areas that remain tense.

3. If you want to go deeper into an posture, breathe deeply and relax into it. do not force it.

4. While doing an posture, you feel any pain on your synovial joins, don't do it. Because its cause of increasing the joint pain.

5. In a hurry? Practice some Sun salutation sequences with Ujjai (the psychic sound breath coming from your pit of the throat) breathing rather than rushing through many.
--Zorba Neil


Downward Facing Dog....

Adho mukha svanasana


24 November, Siddhi Day's message
24 November 1926 Siddhi day or the day of Victory-
Sri Aurobindo experiences the descent of Krishna into his body. He explains, "The descent of Krishna would mean the descent of the Overmind Godhead preparing, though not itself actually bringing, the descent of Supermind and Ananda."


Sri Aurobindo's Mahasamadhi day 's message


Message cards are distributed on the following days.
Day Occasion
01 January New Year's day
21 February The Mother's birthday
29 February The Supramental Manifestation day
24 April The Mother's final arrival in Pondicherry
15 August Sri Aurobindo's birthday
17 November The Mother's Mahasamadhi day
24 November Siddhi day
05 December Sri Aurobindo's Mahasamadhi day



"Darshan" in Sanskrit means "seeing". It refers here to seeing Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and to receive their blessings. After Sri Aurobindo retired from daily contact with his disciples, he saw them only a few times a year on what came to be known as the Darshan days.

During Sri Aurobindo's lifetime, messages were given out only occasionally on the Darshan days; afterwards, they were issued regularly. Some of these were written expressly for the occasion, others were passages chosen from the works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.

That tradition still continues today. The day starts with a meditation around the samadhi. During the day, sadhaks and devotees are allowed to visit either Sri Aurobindo's or the Mother's room, depending on the occasion. Message cards containing passages from their works are distributed to all who attend the Darshan.


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: Art Exhibition cm Sales
Venue : Alliance Francaise , Pondicherry
December 4-10, 2014


Hi, everybody.,
I am hereto let you all people know that you have not only given likes to the page "Beauty of Pondicherry".. but You are all sending your inner soul to experience the Heaven on Earth as we called it as "Pondicherry".
I do not want to tell you all "Thanks " for this. Because I do not want to differentiate you..Do more and be united.. with me and with all kind heart people.

Auroville, a universal city in the making

Visiting Auroville::::::|
Auroville is about 7km from Pondicherry and about 8km once you take a left from the highway into the lane that leads up to the ashram. The visitor’s centre is like a mini-mall area; with people shopping away as if it were going out of fashion. Of course, a lot of people go there to see the Matrimandir. It’s not easy to just walk into this meditation area, so check out before you make your way there. The FAQs section will tell you how to register to go inside the Matrimandir.

The one place you must check out on your way in or out of Auroville is the German bakery. It’s not exactly a fancy place but something about those warm pastries and breads is magical. Eat a cream cake — just for the sake of it. And if you have the time head off to Auro beach, although we must inform you that it’s not clean and has the wrong sort of crowd making its way there. But yes, the ocean is always beautiful, even from a distance.




Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 10pm
Tuesday 7am - 10pm
Wednesday 7am - 10pm
Thursday 7am - 10pm
Friday 7am - 10pm
Saturday 7am - 10pm
Sunday 7am - 10pm





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