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The support for the head includes a relaxed sensation. The back of the neck is elongated and there is a feeling of openness in the inner ears. This variation helps to alleviate dizziness.
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“Body is the bow, asana is the arrow, and the soul is the target.”
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When life turns you UPSIDE DOWN….
simply adjust your view
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“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
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Use the support of the chair for stability in order to study the work of the legs and the turning of the pelvis. Begginers may find it hard to bend forward and place the hands on the floor; the support of the chair helps them stay in the pose.
#yogalife #yogateacher #yogaforbeginners #yogaforhealth #yogawithprops #iyengar #yogaiyengar
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Doing the pose with the hands higher than the floor is very useful for people who are stiff or have weak arms. It helps to shift the body weight from arms to the legs and to ground the heels.
In this way everyone can do this important asana, stay longer and learn to work the legs, extend the trunk open the chest,and more.
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Supta Virasana with Props
(Bolster, Belt)
This asana stretches the abdominal organs and the pelvic region. People whose legs ache will get relief from holding this pose for 10 to 15 minutes and it is recommended to athletes and all who have to walk or stand about for long hours. It can be done after meals and if before retiring at night the legs feel rested next morning.
This asana strengthens the wrists and hands, the muscles of the back and the abdominal organs. It makes the leg muscles elastic and the minor muscles of the arms will be developed and toned.
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Paripurna Navasana
This asana gives relief to person who feel a blotaing sensation in the abdomen due to gas and also to those suffering from gastric complaints. It reduces fat around the waistline and tones the kidneys.
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