Synergy foundation has established Synergy Institute of Management in the year 2005, under public trust act 1050(F-20500/ Pune) and Society Registration Act 1860. Mission
To impart fundamental and application based knowledge to management aspirants and produce great global managers for Indian and International Corporate world. Description
The order of the day in the business world is ‘Pri
vatize the profits and socialize the loses’ which has created chaotic situation in our society. We at Synergy are sowing the seedlings in the form of future managers for futuristic businesses, possessing certain values and qualities, which are imperative for the survival of our societies. Each of future manager ought to uphold the ‘EHICAL –MORAL’ values, should stand committed to ‘EQUITABLE OPPORTUNITIES’ to all and a demonstrative model of ‘PROFESSIONAL COMPETANCY’. Besides the objective of teaching, training, we at Synergy strongly believe in SOCIALING MANAGEMENT to the furthest and deepest corners of businesses. At first glance all this strange to those , have had the conventional experience of businesses. However, the latest research forecasts the futuristic demands in management education being different to that of today. In this sense, our model of imparting is slightly different but meaningful. SYNERGY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT (SIM)
Masters Program in Business Adminstration (MPBA)
Masters of Business Administration (MBA), Affiliated to YCMOU
established by Govt.Of Maharashtra
Executive MBA (for working professionals)
MBA through Distance Learning (DLP MBA)
Pune University Affiliated programs
MPM - Master's In Personnel Management
MMM - Master's In Marketing Management
PGDBM - Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
PGDFT - Post Graduate Diploma in Foreign Trade
Pune University Affiliated programs
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BCA - Bachelor of Computer Application
BBM-IB - Bachelor of Business Management (International Business)