This page is dedicated to people who travel from sheohanj-sumerpur to nearby cities like ahmedabad , udaipur, jodhpur, jaipur or vice versa. as we all know that plenty of people travel between these cities by their personal car and taxi and many times it is seen that few seats in the car are left blank. what if those seats can be used for the people traveling to the same place. the person who is
traveling will post his journey details as:
*****for the person with car*****
name -------
date & time----------
number of blank seats--------
*****for the person without car*****
date & time---------
required seats------
2. now the users can contact the person(by calling and commenting) and make the arrangements on their own
3.that's it. this page will be very helpful for the car owners to make the extra money and the travelers to travel with comfort and in time. terms&condition :-
the page is only a medium to share the journey details hence the page and the admin both are not responsible for anything that is related to the page and its work.