According to a famous Persian poet Firdaus
"Gar Firdaus Bar mein Zameen Ast, Hamin Ast Hamin Ast"
"it means that if there is paradise on earth, this is it, this is it and this is it"
Most of the Kings and Spiritual Personalities who marched/travelled towards this blessed land, called it "Heaven on Earth" Even some made it, thier permanent abode ordesired to breath their last in this blessed land. Some of the historians (Indologists), Orientalists have also reprted that at every step, valley Kashmir has treasure(s) of spiritual personalities and physical artifacts, yet to be explored or unfolded. This is virtually confirmed when one moves from Martand (south) to Ushkar (north) from Bandipora-Bethpora (east) to Charisharief (west).......... NEW AL QAYIM TOUR & TRAVELS