cerebral aneurysm
Is a condition in which your a when there is a week or thin spot in a artery in which causes it to get inflated and filled with blood causing a bulge in your brain it is most commonly noted in adults aged 30-60 and is more common in women then in men.
The resulting ballon can put strain on your nerves and tissues in your brain causing symptoms most commonly mistaken for other diseases , unless severe verbal anusum goes practiadlly unnoticed unless spotted by whilst conducting other tests for other possible medical problems that may be.It is only when their quite small that they dont even explode. Causing it to non lethal.
However in sever case it can be ,
There are two types
1.Unruptred aneurysm
Small aneurysm normally don’t cause any problems and have minimal symptoms and go largely unnoticed and you will not notice their symptoms either unless they fall in the second category we have small cereal aneusryms and large cereal aneusryms.
The larger ones are usually the ones that steadily increase their pressure on nerves and tissues which lead to symptoms like
1.Pain above or begin the eyes
3. eye sight problems
4. partial or total face paralysis
and etc.
However this type of Unruptred aneurysm can turn in tow type two as well which we will speak about soon , you must take note that both types of this disease are a abnormality in your brain which as the head of our body is as fragile as important it is to the functioning of our body and hence if noted we advise it to be treated as we are told it is better , however consult your medical proffessnal regarding this as they will be better able to assess the need and risk factor and give you a better recomandtion.
The Large Unruptred aneurysm has more symptoms in comparison to the smaller one and it is more likely to explode.
Type two
Ruptured aneurysm.
In this type the bulge that is caused due to the thining or weakness of a artery in your brain has exploded and as dramatic as it sounds , it symptoms are to be equality dramatic , and quoting multiple medical journals and patients , it is one of the worst headaches one can experience as it starts as soon as this event has occurred.
You will also have symptoms like
1 double vison
4. stiffness in your neck
6.loss of consciousness (this may happen briefly or may be prolonged)
7cardiac arrest.
Type three
Leaking aneurysm
It is a rare case that the bulge of blood starts to leak before it explodes. However it is possible the result of this event is a Sentinel headache which is common with this disease however it is very unusual for typer three to never turn into type 2.
What can cause brain aneurysm
!. smoking
2. Family history
3. high blood pressure
4. Brain trauma ( rare)
What can we do to avoid it?
To avoid this disease is rather a easy job as you only need to avoid activities that can help it , otherwise it is mostly caused by a rupture or a malformation at birth do there is not much you can do about it but what you can do is.
Avoid smoking
Avoid eating foods high in fat
Prevent obesity and control weight
Controlled blood pressure can hep reduce the risk as well .