Sýsli Travel

Sýsli Travel Ferðaþjónusta á Akureyri
Tour service in Akureyri

We are experiencing many bookings for trips on some of the departures on our airport bus on Saturday the 15th of Februar...

We are experiencing many bookings for trips on some of the departures on our airport bus on Saturday the 15th of February. Therefore, we recommend booking your tickets in advance on our website sysli.is if you want to be guaranteed a space on the bus. Tickets will still be available to purchase on the bus if space allows, but rebooked passengers are always guaranteed a spot.

Íslenska neðar.A red weather alert is in force for the 5th and 6th of February.We encourage all travellers to find infor...

Íslenska neðar.
A red weather alert is in force for the 5th and 6th of February.
We encourage all travellers to find information on safetravel.is and vedur.is about the weather.
This weather will affect our operations. Transport and tour services will be unavailable from 16:00 on February 5th until 18:00 on February 6th due to weather, as it will be outside our safe operation margins.
Our office will be open as usual. If you are affected by this, you will receive an email from us regarding the steps to take.
Rauð veðurviðvörun er í gildi 5. og 6. febrúar. Við hvetjum ykkur til að skoða upplýsingar á vef veðurstofunnar vedur.is.
Vegna þessa verða engar ferðir í boði milli klukkan 16:00 5. febrúar og kl 18:00 6. febrúar.
Einnig verður hjólastóla- og leigubílaþjónustan lokuð á þessu tímabili.
Skrifstofan verður opin eins og venjulega.
Hafir þú átt bókun hjá okkur, færðu tölvupóst um næstu skref.

Did you know we have a taxi service and that you can go between towns with us?We have now added the option of booking ta...

Did you know we have a taxi service and that you can go between towns with us?

We have now added the option of booking taxi transfers to and from a few locations around the North of Iceland through our website. Click on Intercity Taxi Transfers to book your taxi. If you seek a transfer to another place than listed or have suggestions on what areas to add, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Íslenska neðarDue to a change in the easyJet flight schedule, the schedule for the Airport Bus will change from the 20th...

Íslenska neðar
Due to a change in the easyJet flight schedule, the schedule for the Airport Bus will change from the 20th of January.

You can find the new schedule here: https://www.sysli.is/en/akureyri-airport-bus/airport

We have also added the flight on the 20th of February to the schedule.

All the changes have been updated in our booking system as well.

We urge passengers to check the new schedule as their departure time may have changed.
Vegna breytinga á flugáætlun easyJet mun uppfærð áætlun flugstrætó taka gildi 20. janúar.

Finna má nýju áætlunina hér: https://www.sysli.is/en/akureyri-airport-bus/airport

Við biðjum farþega athuga hvort að brottfarartími þeirra hafi breyst.


English below.
Við óskum ykkur öllum gleðilegra jóla og þökkum viðskiptin á árinu sem er að líða. Við hlökkum til að þjónusta ykkur á nýju ári.
We'd like to wish you all a merry Christmas and thank you for being with us this year. We look forward to serving you in the new year.

English below.Um jólin verður skrifstofan opin sema þessum timum:24. desember: 9:00 til 12:0025. desember: lokað26. dese...

English below.
Um jólin verður skrifstofan opin sema þessum timum:
24. desember: 9:00 til 12:00
25. desember: lokað
26. desember: lokað
31. desember: 9:00 til 12:00
1. janúar: lokað
Aðra daga er venjulegur opnunartími.
As the holidays are approaching we'd like to point out that our office will be open as follows during the holidays:
24th of December: 9:00 to 12:00
25th of December: closed
26th of December: closed
31st of December: 9:00 to 12:00
1st of January: closed
Other days, we are open as normal.

We are thrilled to welcome Easyjet back to Akureyri.We will run the Airport bus in connection with the flights to and fr...

We are thrilled to welcome Easyjet back to Akureyri.
We will run the Airport bus in connection with the flights to and from London Gatwick and Manchester this winter.
As the flights to Manchester start on November 12th, we will only run the trips marked with trip ID 8849 and 8850 (for the London flights) on the schedule on November 5th and 9th.
You can find the schedule on our website:

Airport bus in Akureyri serving Akureyri Airport and the town

English below.Dalsbraut hefur verið opnuð aftur og gegnur flugstrætó nú sína venjubundnu leið.---Dalsbraut has been open...

English below.
Dalsbraut hefur verið opnuð aftur og gegnur flugstrætó nú sína venjubundnu leið.
Dalsbraut has been opened again so the Airport Bus runs its regular route again

English belowFrá 20. til 27. ágúst verður Dalsbraut lokuð vegna vegaframkvæmda.Það þýðir að við þurfum tímabundið að bre...

English below
Frá 20. til 27. ágúst verður Dalsbraut lokuð vegna vegaframkvæmda.

Það þýðir að við þurfum tímabundið að breyta leið 100 hjá flugstrætó.

Gatan sem um ræðir er merkt rauð á kortinu. Í staðinn munum við keyra um Þingvallastræti, Hlíðarbraut og Borgarbraut, merktar með grænu.

Stoppistöðvarnar Stóragerði og Klettaborg/Norðurslóð/HA verða ekki í þjónustu á þessu tímabili. Í staðinn munum við nota SVA stoppistöðvarnar Dalsbraut og Borgarbraut/Háskóli, merktar með gulu á kortinu.

Bláa línan er venjulega leiðin okkar.

Þetta getur valdið allt að 3 mínútna seinkun á öllum stoppistöðvum eftir Berjaya hótel á leið til flugvallarins og öllum stoppistöðvum eftir Glerártorg á leið frá flugvellinum.

Við biðjumst velvirðingar á þeim óþægindum sem þetta kann að valda.
Between the 20th and 27th of August, Dalsbraut Street will be closed due to roadwork.

That means that we temporarily need to change the 100 route of the airport bus.

The street in question is marked red on the map. Instead, we will drive through Þingvallastræti, Hlíðarbraut and Borgarbraut, marked I green.

The stops Stóragerði and Klettaborg/Norðurslóð/HA will not be serviced during this. Instead, we will use the SVA stops Dalsbraut and Borgarbraut/Háskóli marked in yellow on the map.

The blue line is our regular route.

This may cause the bus to be up to 3 minutes delayed at all stops after Berjaya Hotel going to the airport and all stops after Glerártorg going from the Airport.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.

We are expecting severe weather in our region in the next few days.The Met Office has issued yellow and orange weather w...

We are expecting severe weather in our region in the next few days.

The Met Office has issued yellow and orange weather warnings. The weather may disrupt some of our services. We therefore encourage travellers to keep an eye on safetravel.is and vedur.is

If your booking is disrupted, we will email you with information about the next steps.

English below.Ný áætlun flugstrætó tekur gildi 1. júni. einnig erum við búin að gefa út leiðakort sem sýnir hvar vagninn...

English below.
Ný áætlun flugstrætó tekur gildi 1. júni. einnig erum við búin að gefa út leiðakort sem sýnir hvar vagninn stoppar. Nánar á vefnum https://www.sysli.is/is/flugstraeto-akureyri/aaetlun-flugstraeto
A new schedule for the Airport Bus will come into force on the 1st of June. We have also made a map of the route and bus stops that shows where we stop in connection with accommodation in town. More information can be found on our website: https://www.sysli.is/en/akureyri-airport-bus/airport

English belowNý áætlun flugstrætó tekur gildi 1. mars. Nánar á sysli.is---A new schedule for the Airport Bus will be val...

English below
Ný áætlun flugstrætó tekur gildi 1. mars. Nánar á sysli.is
A new schedule for the Airport Bus will be valid from the 1st of March. More on sysli.is


Skarðshlíð 11 J

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00


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