About Whale Watching Akureyri
Whale Watching Akureyri is the sister company of the biggest whale tour operator in Iceland, Elding, and was founded in early 2016.
We offer two different types of whale watching tours with one being on a comfortable family friendly and specially modified sightseeing boat, equipped with a heated indoor lounge and an onboard café. We also offer high-speed whale watching on two specially modified 12 seater RIB's that can get faster and closer to the whales - quick travel time means a bigger search area and more time spent with the whales!
We have a long standing commitment to environmental sustainability and contribution to whale research. From the start our emphasis has been on whale friendly whale watching and to care for the wildlife in our waters. Therefore we actively follow IceWhales' guidelines for responsible and respectful whale watching.
Find more information about us and our operations online at whalewatchingakureyri.is