Nonni Travel

Nonni Travel We have been operating since 1989 and offer tours in Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands for both individuals and groups.

Apart from our own excursions we have also chosen a few of the best tours/activities in these three countries.

We are hiring! 😍😀If you are based in Akureyri and interested in our job opening as a Travel Consultant, feel free to che...

We are hiring! 😍😀
If you are based in Akureyri and interested in our job opening as a Travel Consultant, feel free to check out the details in the link below.
We are looking forward to your application!

Nonni Travel offers a great selection of tours in Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, including self drive tours, day tours and tailor made tours.

Those of you who can't be in Iceland at the moment, here you can be part of this exciting volcano force and can bring th...

Those of you who can't be in Iceland at the moment, here you can be part of this exciting volcano force and can bring the vibes of Iceland live into your home all over the world:

Live Camera at eruption site in Iceland:

Enjoy this nature spectacle! 🌋😀

Visit Reykjanes:

New map - hazard zone for the eruption site in Reykjanes The new hiking trail (D) is now open Gas pollution at the eruption site and a new hazard map

Dear friends of Nonni Travel, Iceland and the Arctic North,Here we go again 🌋 Nature is talking to us and we are experie...

Dear friends of Nonni Travel, Iceland and the Arctic North,

Here we go again 🌋 Nature is talking to us and we are experiencing once more exciting times in Iceland:

After a series of thousands of earthquakes over the past weeks in the southwestern part of Iceland, another volcanic eruption was expected to happen very soon.

On Monday, 10 of July at 16:40 Icelandic time, a fissure eruption started very close to the Fagradalsfjall eruption site of 2021 and 2022. The new eruption site is about 38 kilometers away from the capital Reykjavik, located in a remote and uninhabited part on Reykjanes Peninsula in the Southwest of Iceland. As last year the current eruption doesn't show any threat to aviation, infrastructure or populated areas at this point of time.

Tourists and locals who are planning to visit the eruption site, please check the latest official information before you head out to the site as conditions can change quickly. You can follow the newest info at and Iceland

Please be aware that the eruption site is NOT at all a safe area! New erupting fissures/craters can open up without much notice. In addition to that critical gas pollution has been measured. The gas is not visible nor can you smell it.

Be safe, use common sense, follow the official guidelines and enjoy this once in a lifetime experience!

Just now a volcanic eruption started in the Reykjanes peninsula again.

Iceland Volcano Marathon  – Eldfjallamaraþonið 12. ágúst 2023Norðrið geymir einar stórkostlegustu náttúruperlur Íslands ...

Iceland Volcano Marathon – Eldfjallamaraþonið 12. ágúst 2023

Norðrið geymir einar stórkostlegustu náttúruperlur Íslands og hefur Albatros Adventure Marathon, í samstarfi við Nonni Travel, hannað hlaup sem gefur keppendum færi á að upplifa breytilegt landslag þessa magnaða svæðis með nýjum augum.

Hlaupið leiðir keppendur upp hið gífurlega Hverfjall og þaðan í átt að Mývatni, í gegnum hinar dularfullu Dimmuborgir og að pastelbláum Jarðböðunum.

Sem skrásett/ur á Íslandi, getur þú skráð þig í Eldfjallamaraþonið (Iceland Volcano Marathon) án þess að kaupa aðgang að ferðapökkunum þeirra.

Það er boðið upp á þrennskonar vegalengdir. Maraþon, hálfmaraþon og kvartmaraþon:
Maraþon/Hálfmaraþon: 150 Evrur (umþb. 22.500)
10,5 Km: 100 Evrur (umþb. 15.000)

Hægt er að bóka þátttöku í hlaupið og skoðað leiðar – og innihaldslýsingu á heimasíðu þeirra:

Við hlökkum til að hlaupa með ykkur!


Iceland Volcano Marathon – Eldfjallamaraþonið 12. ágúst 2023

Norðrið geymir einar stórkostlegustu náttúruperlur Íslands og hefur Albatros Adventure Marathon, í samstarfi við Nonni Travel, hannað hlaup sem gefur keppendum færi á að upplifa breytilegt landslag þessa magnaða svæðis með nýjum augum.

Hlaupið leiðir keppendur upp hið gífurlega Hverfjall og þaðan í átt að Mývatni, í gegnum hinar dularfullu Dimmuborgir og að pastelbláum Jarðböðunum.

Sem skrásett/ur á Íslandi, getur þú skráð þig í Eldfjallamaraþonið (Iceland Volcano Marathon) án þess að kaupa aðgang að ferðapökkunum þeirra.

Það er boðið upp á þrennskonar vegalengdir. Maraþon, hálfmaraþon og kvartmaraþon:
Maraþon/Hálfmaraþon: 150 Evrur (umþb. 22.500)
10,5 Km: 100 Evrur (umþb. 15.000)

Hægt er að bóka þátttöku í hlaupið og skoðað leiðar – og innihaldslýsingu á heimasíðu þeirra:

Við hlökkum til að hlaupa með ykkur!

We are hiring! 😍😀If you are based in Akureyri and interested in our job opening as a Travel Consultant, feel free to che...

We are hiring! 😍😀

If you are based in Akureyri and interested in our job opening as a Travel Consultant, feel free to check out the details in the link below.

We are looking forward to your application!

Nonni Travel offers a great selection of tours in Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, including self drive tours, day tours and tailor made tours.

Nonni Travel behind the scenes 😍Nonni Travel was happy to be part of the China Asean Expo Tourism 2022 end of September ...

Nonni Travel behind the scenes 😍

Nonni Travel was happy to be part of the China Asean Expo Tourism 2022 end of September and we want to share some photos with you. Our dear colleague Double was on site and she experienced a lively fair and lots of networking and interest.

So good to be back meeting our partners face to face again 😊🙏

Exciting days in Akureyri!! Thank you for those amazing pictures Whale Watching Akureyri 😍🐋

Exciting days in Akureyri!! Thank you for those amazing pictures Whale Watching Akureyri 😍🐋

Akureyri and the North of Iceland have a new outdoor adventure!!! Tourists and locals alike can enjoy an exciting 2 hour...

Akureyri and the North of Iceland have a new outdoor adventure!!!

Tourists and locals alike can enjoy an exciting 2 hour adventure ziplining over the amazing canyons and waters of Glerá river 🤪😁😍 Of course, the Nonni Travel team had to try and see this with their own eyes, what a great and fun experience!!

Thank you Zipline Akureyri for this great experience and exciting addition to our outdoor activities here in the North of Iceland!

We definitely recommend you to check it out when in Iceland!

Wow, we are impressed!!Two of the world’s most celebrated rock climbers, Alex Hannold and Hazel Findlay just completed t...

Wow, we are impressed!!

Two of the world’s most celebrated rock climbers, Alex Hannold and Hazel Findlay just completed the ascent of one of the world’s tallest monoliths - A 3,750-foot tall rock wall known as Ingmikortilaq in East Greenland!

Congratulations! 🥳

Battling treacherous conditions, celebrated rock climbers help a scientist traverse a remote Greenland ice cap, gathering crucial climate data along the way.

We love it when clients or partners stop by our Nonni Travel office to say Hi to our team 🥰😃So rewarding to see travel d...

We love it when clients or partners stop by our Nonni Travel office to say Hi to our team 🥰😃

So rewarding to see travel dreams come true 😊

Nice to meet you and enjoy the rest of your trip Donna!!


Some more beauty of our current volcanic eruption in Iceland 😍

We are in awe! ...some impressive first pictures of the eruption and current lava flow 😍

We are in awe! ...some impressive first pictures of the eruption and current lava flow 😍

To all travellers wanting to visit the eruption in Southwest Iceland:Below you can find a good description from Safetrav...

To all travellers wanting to visit the eruption in Southwest Iceland:
Below you can find a good description from Iceland on how to get there and what to consider 👍

Please look for the latest updates before you head to the site as conditions can always change.

Other than that: Enjoy Mother Earth doing her magic 😍

Here we go again 🗻 A new eruption has started just this afternoon - not far away from the site of last years' spectacula...

Here we go again 🗻 A new eruption has started just this afternoon - not far away from the site of last years' spectacular eruption at Geldingadalur in the Southwest of Iceland.

Last year we were able to admire this picture postcard eruption over a time period of several months with impressive lava streams filling up a deserted valley - with no people or buildings at harm. For many locals and visitors alike that was one of their most magical moments - definitely a once in a lifetime experience to admire, feel, smell and hear glowing lava in breathtaking nature 🔥✨

We are excited to see how this eruption evolves.
The Earth is alive 😍

You can find the livestreams of the current eruption here:

If you are in Iceland at the moment:
We can totally understand that you are super excited about this and can't wait and see the activity with your own eyes (same for us 😍😁). Please note, that the area is still closed to public traffic, so wait and stick to the online livestreams until the experts have given green light!

WE HAVE A LIVE ERUPTION, BABY! 🌋 Check out our stories for a live stream and more information!


Iceland Volcano maraþon – 10. September 2022 á Mývatni 🗻🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Þér er boðið að taka þátt í þessu frábæra alþjóðlega maraþoni sem verður haldið á Mývatni laugardaginn 10.september 2022. Hlaupið var haldið í fyrsta skipti í fyrra, í júlí 2021, og vakti gríðarlega mikla lukku, sérstaklega vegna fegurðar náttúrunnar á Mývatni.

Albatros Adventure Marathons í samstarfi við Nonni Travel sem lókal skipuleggjanda, heldur þetta maraþon og hægt að bóka þátttöku í hlaupið á þeirra heimasíðu:

Nánari upplýsingar um hlaupið:

Hlaupadagur: Laugardaginn 10. september 2022
Hlaupalengdir: Fullt maraþon, hálft maraþon & 10 km hlaup
Nánari lýsing: Það koma milli 100 og 130 alþjóðlegir ferðamenn frá allt að 15 löndum til að taka þátt í þessu flott hlaupi. Hlaupið fer meðal annars um Dimmuborgir og Hverfjall. Mývatn er margrómuð fyrir sína fegurð og þú færð að njóta alls þess besta í þínu hlaup sem þessi náttúra hefur upp á að bjóða.

Hlauparar frá Íslandi geta nú skráð sig í hlaupið og þátttökugjald er frá 150 €

Hlökkum til að sjá þig! 😍

[English below] Kæru vinir,Nonni Travel er að stækka hópinn og við erum að leita eftir jákvæðum og þjónustulunduðum eins...

[English below] Kæru vinir,
Nonni Travel er að stækka hópinn og við erum að leita eftir jákvæðum og þjónustulunduðum einstaklingum. Áhugasamir vinsamlegast skoðið heimasíðu okkar fyrir nánari upplýsingar. Okkur hlakkar til að taka á móti umsóknum.

Dear friends,
At Nonni Travel we are hiring and seeking service-oriented and positive-minded Individuals to join our Sales & Operation team in Akureyri. We are looking forward to your application.

Please find all details here:

Nonni Travel offers a great selection of tours in Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, including self drive tours, day tours and tailor made tours.

Winter lights festival began yesterday in Reykjavik to celebrate the end of Iceland's darkest (and beautiful twilight) s...

Winter lights festival began yesterday in Reykjavik to celebrate the end of Iceland's darkest (and beautiful twilight) season ✨

Whilst these days, we have around 7.5 hours of daylight by the beginning of March, Iceland will have more daylight hours already than Central Europe. The peak of daylight we celebrate in June with the stunning midsummer nights and the never setting sun ☀️

Do you have a lot of difference in daylight hours in your country and how do you like it?

The Reykjavík Winter Lights Festival begins today and continues through Sunday, February 6.


Greenland is sending us hearty greetings

Iceland: New openings in 2022 😍When life gives you hot water, create a stunning SPA 💦🌳😊A few years ago, during tunnel co...

Iceland: New openings in 2022 😍

When life gives you hot water, create a stunning SPA 💦🌳😊

A few years ago, during tunnel constructions in the North of Iceland, workers have hit an unknown geothermal hot water source. Whilst it complicated the tunnel constructions back then, now it will be used for a new exciting Spa experience.

The Forest Lagoon, also called Skógarböð Geothermal Spa will open in about 1 month close to Akureyri, the home of the Nonni Travel office.

You bet, we can't wait to soak in those waters after work 😍💦

Northern Iceland's brand-new Forest Lagoon will likely open in late February.

Iceland and Nonni Travel are looking forward to you 😍Are you planning to come?

Iceland and Nonni Travel are looking forward to you 😍

Are you planning to come?

In its Macroeconomic Forecast 2022-2024, published today, the bank Íslandsbanki predicts that between 1.1 and 1.2 million foreign tourists will visit Iceland this year.

Nonni Travel deepens its sustainability efforts 🍀🌎End of last year Nonni Travel's focus was placed on sustainability and...

Nonni Travel deepens its sustainability efforts 🍀🌎

End of last year Nonni Travel's focus was placed on sustainability and we had the opportunity to be part of several exciting projects. For Nonni Travel it is important both to increase awareness about sustainability in the Arctic North and as well to take action and inspire others to do the same.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

You can read the article about our recent sustainability projects here:

Nonni Travel offers a great selection of tours in Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, including self drive tours, day tours and tailor made tours.

It's this time of the year again!! Iceland doesn't have one Santa Claus but not less than 13 Yule Lads 😍🎅 Their funny na...

It's this time of the year again!! Iceland doesn't have one Santa Claus but not less than 13 Yule Lads 😍🎅 Their funny names reflect their special talents, look or appetite. They are for example called Skyrgámur (Skyr Gobbler), Hurðaskellir (Door-Slammer) or Kertasnýkir (Candle Stealer) - the favourite of all Lads according to a survey amongst Icelanders.

Read more about this beautiful tradition that is alive in our homes in these days:

One Santa Claus is not enough for Icelanders. We have 13 Yule Lads! For the 13 nights before Christmas Eve, one of the troublesome brothers visits Icelandic homes to tease residents. This morning Icelandic children awoke to see the gift left behind by the first visiting Yule Lad (good children get a small gift left in their shoe, naughty children get a potato!). Meet the 13 pranksters with names such as “Door Slammer”, “Bowl Licker”, and the rest of the family:


Watch Iceland's hilarious response to Mark Zuckerberg's introduction of the new virtual reality Metaverse: the Icelandverse ...with REAL water, moss, volcanoes, people and nature 🏔🐑🐳🍀

The video got viral on Social Media and receives a lot of attention by international media and followers.

And yes, in case you didn't know yet: Icelanders have a very quirky sense of humour :D

Welcome to the Icelandverse!

Winter Beauty!! Akureyri in North Iceland, home of our Nonni Travel office, has put on its most beautiful winter dress a...

Winter Beauty!! Akureyri in North Iceland, home of our Nonni Travel office, has put on its most beautiful winter dress again 🥰⛄️✨ And every year we are amazed by the snow-covered mountains surrounding the blue deep waters of our 70 km long fjord.

Many of our guests visiting us during winter time don't experience a true winter (anymore) in their home countries. And we are so glad that our customers who are travelling through North Iceland right now get to experience this beautiful winter version of Iceland 🥰

What about you? Where are you from and do you (still) have snowy winters in your home country?

Fallega Akureyri komin í vetrarbúninginn ☃️❄️⛷
Ljósmynd: Pedromyndir Axel Þórhallsson

Have you ever thought of white sand beaches and turquoise-blue waters when it comes to Iceland? No? You are not alone!Th...

Have you ever thought of white sand beaches and turquoise-blue waters when it comes to Iceland? No? You are not alone!

The majority of tourists leave Iceland without any idea of what they have missed 😍 Yes, aaallll Iceland is beautiful but the remote Westfjords deserve your special attention:

Lonely Planet has ranked the Westfjords of Iceland as the number 1 must-see region in 2022 - and we totally understand why!

Get inspired by a region home of rich birdcliffs, breathtaking waterfalls, creative colourful fishing villages, numerous natural hot springs and some of the finest Icelandic beaches:

Congratulations Visit Westfjords – Iceland 💐😊

Nonni Travel er stoltur samstarfsaðili að fyrsta alþjóðlega Iceland Volcano Marathon á Mývatni þann 24.júlí 2021.Vertu e...

Nonni Travel er stoltur samstarfsaðili að fyrsta alþjóðlega Iceland Volcano Marathon á Mývatni þann 24.júlí 2021.

Vertu einn af fyrstu hlaupurum til að taka þátt í alþjóðlega hlaupinu Iceland Volcano Marathon!

Hlaupaleiðirnar liggja innan um náttúrufegurð Mývatns eins og Dimmuborgir, Hverfjall og fleiri náttúruperlur. Takmarkað pláss. Skráningarfrestur er til 15.júlí 2021
Hlaupadagur: Laugardagurinn 24.júlí
Hlaupalengd: Maraþon,hálft maraþon og fjórðungur af maraþonhlaupi

Vinsamlegast athugið að íbúar á Íslandi get tekið þátt í hlaupinu með að borga aðeins fyrir gjald fyrir hlaup og þurfa ekki að kaupa ferðapakka sem fylgir með þátttöku erlendra gesta.


Nonni Travel er stoltur samstarfsaðili að fyrsta alþjóðlega Iceland Volcano Marathon á Mývatni þann 24.júlí 2021.

Vertu einn af fyrstu hlaupurum til að taka þátt í alþjóðlega hlaupinu Iceland Volcano Marathon!
Hlaupaleiðirnar liggja innan um náttúrufegurð Mývatns eins og Dimmuborgir, Hverfjall og fleiri náttúruperlur. Takmarkað pláss. Skráningarfrestur er til 15.júlí 2021

Hlaupadagur: Laugardagurinn 24.júlí
Hlaupalengd: Maraþon,hálft maraþon og fjórðungur af maraþonhlaupi
Vinsamlegast athugið að íbúar á Íslandi get tekið þátt í hlaupinu með að borga aðeins fyrir gjald fyrir hlaup og þurfa ekki að kaupa ferðapakka sem fylgir með þátttöku erlendra gesta.

Bókaðu núna:



Brekkugata 5


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We love our destinations. And we love to connect.

Nonni Travel is a proudly independent tour operator and travel agent that offers flexibility and personal services. Our team takes great pride in creating first class tailor-made programs for both individuals and groups. Tailor-made programs and our close attention to detail is a trademark of Nonni Travel´s services. Our team in international and multi-cultural and our mission is to provide superb services to you.

What Nonni Travel can do for you:

  • Provide services in Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands based on our extensive experience and networks in these countries.

  • Offer top of the line FIT services, with a great selection of tours
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