Ice Lagoon

Ice Lagoon Tour company, operating 1 hour Zodiac boat tours on Jökulsárlón We offer adventure Zodiac boat tours on the Ice Lagoon ( Jokulsarlon ).

Cruise around the lagoobn around huge icebergs in our special Zodiac boats and our experinced guides will show you all the secrets of the Ice Lagoon.

Our favourite part of the day in October - the sunset 😊

Our favourite part of the day in October - the sunset 😊

Orkuskipti Ice lagoon ehf eru hafin ⚡️Ice lagoon ehf var stofnað árið 2011 af rafvirkjamenntuðum sveitadreng úr Suðursve...

Orkuskipti Ice lagoon ehf eru hafin ⚡️

Ice lagoon ehf var stofnað árið 2011 af rafvirkjamenntuðum sveitadreng úr Suðursveitinni með það að markmiði að bjóða ferðir á Jökulsárlóni upp að jökulrönd Breiðarmerkurjökuls á sérútbúnum slöngubátum knúna áfram á 100% endurnýjanlegri orku.

Allt frá stofnun fyrirtækisins hefur verið unnið ötullega að því að finna lausnir til þess að knýja báta fyrirtæksins á endurnýjanlegri orku en fram til þessa að þá hafa bátar fyrirtæksins verið knúnir áfram á hefðbundu jarðefnaeldsneyti. Margar áskoranir hafa fylgt þessari vegferð í orkuskiptum á sama tíma og aðrar stórar áskoranir hafa verið í rekstri fyrirtæksins.

Við erum því einstaklega spennt og stolt yfir því að tilkynna hér með að sú framtíðarsýn sem fyrirtækið var stofnað á fyrir um 12 árum síðan sé nú loks að verða að veruleika, en við erum á lokametrunum með að vera tilbúin með sérútbúinn slöngubát sem er knúinn áfram af 100% rafmagni.
Þegar við hefjum aftur siglingar næsta vor þá munu okkar viðskiptavinir eiga kost á því að fara í bátsferð á rafmagnsbát um ævintýraveröld Jökulsárlóns án mengunar af völdum útblásturs og án hljóðmengunar.

Þetta er fyrsta skrefið en á sama tíma það stærsta í orkuskiptum fyrirtæksins að okkar mati. Næstu vikur munu fara í prófanir á bátnum og ef allt gengur upp þá munum við í framhaldi hefja þá vinnu að rafvæða alla farþegabáta fyrirtæksins með sama hætti. Þá mun Ice Lagoon ehf í náinni framtíð eingöngu bjóða upp á bátsferðir um Jökulsárlón knúnar áfram á 100% innlendri endurnýjanlegri orku.

Við hjá Ice lagoon erum mjög spennt fyrir framtíðinni því hún verður rafmögnuð 😊⚡️

Ice Lagoon is going electric ⚡️

The company Ice Lagoon ehf was founded in 2011 by a local guy from the countryside close by Jökulsárlón lagoon. The goal and future vision from the beginning of the company was to offer tours up to the glacier wall at Jökulsarlón glacial lagoon on specially equipped zodiac boats that would be powered 100% from renewable energy.

From the first days of the company we have been working hard on finding solutions to power our boats with renewable energy but until now our boats have been powered with traditional fossel fuel. We have faced many challenges on this road from starting the company and to where we are today.

Therefore, we are really proud and excited to announce that the vision that the company was founded on 12 years ago is finally taking place. At this moment we are building a customized zodiac boat that is powered 100% with renewable energy.
Spring 2023 our clients will have the option to experience the magical world at Jökulsarlón without exhaust polution and without noise polution.

While this is the first step in the company´s energy transistion it is also the biggest step in our opinion. In the next weeks we will run the boat through test trials and if everything goes according to plan our next step will be to repower all our passengers boats with this electrical solution. In the close future all the boat tours that Ice Lagoon will offer on Jökulsarlón lagoon will be powered by electricity – 100% domestic renewable energy.

We at Ice Lagoon are looking forward to the future – it will be electric 😊⚡️

We've certainly made friends with this little guy 😊

We've certainly made friends with this little guy 😊


A big iceberg was breaking apart. All we could say was: "whoa!"

💙 We think the zodiac-boat rides are the best way to take a close look at the icebergs -

💙 We think the zodiac-boat rides are the best way to take a close look at the icebergs -

The colors of the ice are always changing, we love it 😍🚤

The colors of the ice are always changing, we love it 😍


These cuties sometimes want in on the action! 😄Seal the deal and book a boat tour on the ice lagoon:

These cuties sometimes want in on the action! 😄
Seal the deal and book a boat tour on the ice lagoon:


From one of our tours today... no words needed 😊

Some days are sunny, some days are cloudy, some days Icebergs are huge some days not so. Every day is a new adventure an...

Some days are sunny, some days are cloudy, some days Icebergs are huge some days not so. Every day is a new adventure and a new experience.

Adventure Time exploring the beautiful glacial wall at Breiðamerkurjökull.

Adventure Time exploring the beautiful glacial wall at Breiðamerkurjökull.

We have recieved a lot of messages asking us about what we do.In short we take you on an adventure of a life time visiti...

We have recieved a lot of messages asking us about what we do.

In short we take you on an adventure of a life time visiting this giant glacial wall and Icebergs.

In long, we suit you up in heavy duty flotation suits to keep you safe and warm, then we get into our fast boats with maximum 12 passengers per boat. We then spend 1 full hour on the water exploring the glacial wonderland of Jökulsárlón. We will answer your most burning questions as well as share stories about local legends and glaciers.

For more information visit

A pretty strange Iceberg, wouldn't you agree? See those horizontal lines? They are created as the salty water underneath...

A pretty strange Iceberg, wouldn't you agree?

See those horizontal lines? They are created as the salty water underneath the surface of the water melts the ice, causing the iceberg to rise further above the water exposing the line where the water line used to be.

This means that icebergs are forever changing and moving, so we get a new office every day.

MEET OUR GUIDE ERIKWe asked out staff what they loved the most about the lagoon, and here is what they said.Meet our gui...


We asked out staff what they loved the most about the lagoon, and here is what they said.

Meet our guide Erik, he has been operating on Jökulsárlón for over 5 seasons so he has seen in all.

"My favorite thing about the lagoon is the huge glacial wall found on the edge of the lagoon. It's always changing but never loosing it's charm" Erik.

What a wild few days we had,  between heavy rain and huge calving we had a few rare moments of peaceful bliss to just en...

What a wild few days we had, between heavy rain and huge calving we had a few rare moments of peaceful bliss to just enjoy the beauty with no distractions.

A few photos sent in by one of of recent clients who joined our tour. Pictures tell a thousand words. @ Glacier Lagoon-J...

A few photos sent in by one of of recent clients who joined our tour.

Pictures tell a thousand words. @ Glacier Lagoon-Jökulsárlón



Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 19:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 19:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 19:00
Thursday 08:30 - 19:00
Friday 08:30 - 19:00
Saturday 08:30 - 19:00
Sunday 08:30 - 19:00




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Join us for a tour in the Lagoon

We offer adventure Zodiac boat tours in Jökulsarlon, Ice Lagoon. Cruise on the lagoon surrounded by huge icebergs in our special Zodiac boats while our experienced guides shows you all the secrets of the Ice Lagoon.