Glacier Journey - Iceland

Glacier Journey - Iceland We specialize in Glacier tours in the Vatnajökull National Park area. Glacier Journey is a local family business owned and run by the couple Laufey and Gulli.

They live in the countryside and have four children and 8 grandchildren. Their combined experience is counted in decades, although there are not that old! Laufey is a certificated guide with over 18 years of experience in glacier journeys. Laufey is born and raised in the realm of the Vatnajökull glacier. Gulli has over 40 years of experience in snowmobiling and glacier journeys, he is a car mecha

nic and worked as such when glacier journeys were only their hobby. Gulli is born and raised in the realm of the Mýrdalsjökull glacier, which is about 270 km south of the Vatnajökull glacier area. Tours we offer:

Snowmobile tour
Duration: 3 hours
Price: 29.500 ISK pr pers, 2 on 1 sledge. adding solo rider 10000 ISK pr pers
Private departure 1-10 pax 85.000 ISK
Private departure 11+ pax 170.000 ISK
For booking and availability see

The standard version of our snowmobile tour has two persons riding together on a snowmobile. If you prefer to ride alone you can choose the solo rider option. However, if you are travelling solo or in a group of odd numbers 1, 3, 5, etc., you need to book at least one solo rider, as we do not pair you with another solo traveller. When choosing the solo rider option you would always have to combine that with an adult ticket. As an example, if there’s a booking for 3 adults you would have to book 3 adult tickets + 1 solo rider. Super Jeep tour
Duration: Approx. 3 hours
Price: 29.000 ISK pr pers
Private departure 1-10 pax 85.000 ISK
Private departure 11+ pax 170.000 ISK
For booking and availability see

Private Luxury tours in Super Jeep. For booking email [email protected]
Minimum price 320.000 ISK

Ice cave tour (available from November-March)
Duration: Approx. 2,5 hours
Price: 23.500 ISK pr adult 17.500 ISK pr child
For booking and availability see

Við erum auðvitað mættar á Mannamót Markaðsstofanna 2025 sem haldið er í Kórnum í Kópavogi :) Það þarf að sjálfsögðu all...

Við erum auðvitað mættar á Mannamót Markaðsstofanna 2025 sem haldið er í Kórnum í Kópavogi :) Það þarf að sjálfsögðu alltaf að vera smá glens ;)

Our Ice Cave season has started ❄️We are so glad to be back under the ice ☃️These pictures are from our Ice cave tour ye...

Our Ice Cave season has started ❄️
We are so glad to be back under the ice ☃️
These pictures are from our Ice cave tour yesterday 😁
Are you ready to go on an Ice cave adventure with us ?
____ - the journey awaits!

Yesterday was the last day of our Snowmobile season this year 🛷 Thanks to all our amazing guests that came this year, yo...

Yesterday was the last day of our Snowmobile season this year 🛷
Thanks to all our amazing guests that came this year, you made our job so much more fun🥳
We are looking forward to our next Snowmobile season that starts in March 2025. 😀
Now we are getting ready to start our Black Sand Beach tours ❄️
We will see you in November - book your Black Sand Beach tour here :
____ - the journey awaits

A wonderful day on the glacier today ❄️☃️🌞Book your adventure today 😊 - the journey awaits!

A wonderful day on the glacier today ❄️☃️🌞

Book your adventure today 😊 - the journey awaits!

The weather has been so amazing in October ! ❄️☃️🌞Book your adventure today 😊 - the journey awaits!

The weather has been so amazing in October ! ❄️☃️🌞
Book your adventure today 😊 - the journey awaits!

As many of you might know, there was a tragic accident in a guided ice cave tour in Breiðamerkurjökull yesterday. We jus...

As many of you might know, there was a tragic accident in a guided ice cave tour in Breiðamerkurjökull yesterday.
We just want let everyone know that even though Glacier Journey has been operating ice cave tours for many years, that we have never and will never operate ice cave tours during summer time.
Our ice cave tours are only operated during winter months.
Our thoughts are with everyone that were involved in that tragic accident and their loved once, as well as everyone in the rescue team. ❤️‍🩹

Í kjölfar hræðilegs slyss sem átti sér stað í Breiðamerkurjökli í gær höfum við fengið ótal símhringingar og skilaboð.
Við viljum bara koma því á framfæri að Glacier Journey hefur hvorki fyrr né síðar stundað íshellaferðir á sumrin.
Okkar íshellaferðir eru eingöngu yfir vetrarmánuðina.
Hugur okkar er hjá þeim sem í slysinu lentu og þeirra aðstandendum, sem og björgunarfólkinu öllu sem kemur að björgunaraðgerðunum. ❤️‍🩹

Two tourists remain trapped in a collapsed ice cave, as a third was pronounced dead at the scene.

Yesterday evening we had an amazing snowmobile tour with the staff from Seljavellir guesthouse 🎉The weather was perfect ...

Yesterday evening we had an amazing snowmobile tour with the staff from Seljavellir guesthouse 🎉The weather was perfect and it was so much fun 🌞😎
We never have a dull moment at work 🥳

Í gærkvöldi fórum við í geggjaða snjósleðaferð með starfsfólkið sem vinnur á Gistihúsið Seljavellir🎉 Veðrið var æðislegt og það var svo gaman 🌞😎 Okkur leiðist aldrei nokkurn tímann í vinnunni 🥳

Book your adventure today 😊 - the journey awaits!

Yesterday was an amazing day at the office🎉 We went to Kverkfjöll with such a fun family from Australia🌍 Crossing Vatnaj...

Yesterday was an amazing day at the office🎉 We went to Kverkfjöll with such a fun family from Australia🌍 Crossing Vatnajökull was no big deal for the Australians who had never stepped foot on a snowmobile before 💪

Í gær var ótrúlega gaman á skrifstofunni🎉 Við skruppum í Kverkfjöll með æðislegri fjölskyldu frá Ástralíu 🌍 Að þvera Vatnajökul var sko ekki mikið mál fyrir Ástralana sem höfðu aldrei stigið á vélsleða fyrr💪

Book your adventure today 😊 - the journey awaits!

A volcanic eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula today, May 29th at 12.46KEY TAKEAWAYS: *The area had previously b...

A volcanic eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula today, May 29th at 12.46

*The area had previously been evacuated and the eruption does not pose immediate threat to people.
* Air traffic to and from Iceland is operation normally.
* The rest of Iceland is not affected by the eruption - Iceland is still a safe place to be 😊

Image by Almannavarnir & Ferðamálastofa

Further information
* - Information on road conditions and closures in the Reykjanes region
* - Updates on safety
* ( ) - News coverage
* - Updates from the region

No traffic jams,no crowded roads. Were we go riding, there is space to feel absolutely free and one with the wast and ba...

No traffic jams,no crowded roads. Were we go riding, there is space to feel absolutely free and one with the wast and baeutiful glacier landscape of Iceland. You should come and try that😀.

What a great day at the office 🥳                                           Jeep Experience Deutschland

What a great day at the office 🥳

Jeep Experience Deutschland

We had an amazing day on the glacier yesterday 🎉 Finally after a few days of stormy weather 👏We were in good company of ...

We had an amazing day on the glacier yesterday 🎉
Finally after a few days of stormy weather 👏
We were in good company of skiers who were enjoying the good weather and beautiful view on the glacier 😍
Book your adventure today 😊 - the journey awaits!

Yay, it's snowmobile season again 🎉❄Thank you everyone that has visited us and joined us for the Ice cave tours this win...

Yay, it's snowmobile season again 🎉❄
Thank you everyone that has visited us and joined us for the Ice cave tours this winter 👏❤️
Now we can't wait to see you guys and take you on an unforgettable adventure 🥳
Book your adventure today - the journey awaits!

There is just something so mesmerizing about the sun & the ice caves 🌞❄ - the journey awaits!  ...

There is just something so mesmerizing about the sun & the ice caves 🌞❄

____ - the journey awaits!

A volcanic eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula on Thursday, February 8th at 06:03 AM.KEY TAKEAWAYS:*The area had...

A volcanic eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula on Thursday, February 8th at 06:03 AM.

*The area had previously been evacuated and the eruption does not pose immediate threat to people.
*Air traffic to and from Iceland is operating normally.

Image by Almannavarnir & Ferðamálastofa

Further information
* - Information on road conditions and closures in the Reykjanes region
* - Updates on safety
* ()- News coverage
* - Updates from the region

There is a whole new world underneath the ice. Are you ready to step into an icy fairytale? ❄Reindeer and seals honor us...

There is a whole new world underneath the ice. Are you ready to step into an icy fairytale? ❄
Reindeer and seals honor us with their presence ❄

____ - the journey awaits!

A volcanic eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula on Monday, December 18th at 10:17 PM.More information on :https:/...

A volcanic eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula on Monday, December 18th at 10:17 PM.
More information on :

*The area had previously been evacuated and the eruption does not pose immediate threat to people.
*Air traffic to and from Iceland is operating normally.

Image by Almannavarnir & Ferðamálastofa

Further information
* - Information on road conditions and closures in the Reykjanes region
* Iceland - Updates on safety
* - News coverage
* Visit Reykjanes - Updates from the region

Join our Super Jeep Black Beach tour and drive with us on the black sand beaches. We will see the ruins of our first loc...

Join our Super Jeep Black Beach tour and drive with us on the black sand beaches. We will see the ruins of our first local airport and the lighthouse Hvanneyjarviti.

You get to see one of Iceland’s toughest entrance to Höfn harbour, where we can see seals spying on us while we look at the amazing view of the mountains all around us.

Finally we travel to a mesmerizing Glacial lagoon that lies beneath Fláajökull or Heinabergsjökull. There is a big herd of reindeer that we are often so lucky to see on our way to the lagoon.

____ - Book your adventure today

Our Ice cave season starts tomorrow 🥳❄️ Let us show you the magic world underneath the 1000 year old ice of Vatnajökull!...

Our Ice cave season starts tomorrow 🥳❄️ Let us show you the magic world underneath the 1000 year old ice of Vatnajökull! Book your Ice cave tour now!

Ice Cave season is just around the corner. One thing not to miss when travelling in winter to Iceland are the ice caves....

Ice Cave season is just around the corner. One thing not to miss when travelling in winter to Iceland are the ice caves. The most stunning ones are for sure those found beneath Vatnajökull glacier, as you can clearly see in the photo. So, who's ready to go there with us?

____ - book your ice cave tour now!

Today was the last day of our Snowmobile season this year 🛷 Thanks to all our amazing guests that came this year, you ma...

Today was the last day of our Snowmobile season this year 🛷
Thanks to all our amazing guests that came this year, you made our job even more fun🥳
We are looking forward to our next Snowmobile season that starts in March 2024. 😀
Now we are getting ready to start our Ice Cave season ❄️
We will see you in November - book your Ice Cave tour here :
____ - the journey awaits

What a glorious day😀

What a glorious day😀

Glacier Journey was awarded the Glacier Tour Operator of the year 2023 from IGap Travelguide 😎 We are very thankful for ...

Glacier Journey was awarded the Glacier Tour Operator of the year 2023 from IGap Travelguide 😎
We are very thankful for the recognition 🥰
____ - the journey awaits

We can't ask for more 😎🌞Would you like to go on a ride with us? - the journey awaits           ...

We can't ask for more 😎🌞
Would you like to go on a ride with us?
____ - the journey awaits

We are happy to announce that we have built a wheelchair ramp for easier access to our Base Camp. We have had quite a fe...

We are happy to announce that we have built a wheelchair ramp for easier access to our Base Camp. We have had quite a few people in wheelchairs on our snowmobile and super jeep tours and we are happy to have even more in the future. We have now made better access for everyone 😎
These pictures are from a snowmobile tour with Dave & Aubrey, who have sadly been turned down from a lot of adventures all over the world just because Dave is in a wheelchair.
Book your adventure today 😀

Við erum ánægð og stolt að tilkynna að við höfum smíðað hjólastólaramp að móttökunni okkar. Við höfum farið með nokkra viðskiptavini sem nota hjólastóla í snjósleða og jeppaferðarnar okkar og við tökum glöð á móti fleirum í framtíðinni. Við höfum nú bætt aðgengi fyrir öll 😎
Þessar myndir eru úr snjósleðaferð með Dave & Aubrey, en þeim hefur því miður verið vísað frá mörgum ævintýrum um allan heim eingöngu vegna þess að Dave er í hjólastól.
Bókaðu ævintýrið þitt í dag 😃

We are having a blast🙂 Have you ever driven a snowmobile on a glacier? We promise, it's an amazing experience and super ...

We are having a blast🙂 Have you ever driven a snowmobile on a glacier? We promise, it's an amazing experience and super much fun! We're looking forward to meeting you on Vatnajökull!
____ - the journey awaits

Have you ever been snowmobiling ? Now is the perfect time to try it for the first time. Book your snowmobile adventure t...

Have you ever been snowmobiling ? Now is the perfect time to try it for the first time.
Book your snowmobile adventure today. 😎 - the journey awaits!


🇬🇧 September 1-2, 2023: Weather alert for all interior highlands of Iceland! Friday evening until Saturday, extreme wind (72-90 km/h) and heavy rain. No weather for hiking or other outdoors!! Hikers seek shelter on Friday afternoon and postpone outdoor activities until the storm has passed.
🇮🇸 1.-2. september 2023: Gul veðurviðvörun fyrir allt hálendið! Föstudagskvöld og fram á laugardag, 18-25 m/sek og slagveðursrigning. Ekkert útivistarveður! Göngufólk komi sér í skjól seinnipart föstudags og þar til veðrið er gengið yfir.
Photo/Mynd: Katie Featherstone - Scotland/Iceland.

The vast Vatnajökull ice cap is a perfect playground for everybody who likes to go on a snowmobile ride. Endless options...

The vast Vatnajökull ice cap is a perfect playground for everybody who likes to go on a snowmobile ride. Endless options for paths to take, and so many rewarding views. 😍

By the way: Driving a snowmobile is not that hard and the basics are easy and quick to learn. So even if you've never tried it before - don't worry, we got you covered. 😎
As long as you have a driver's license, we arrange a short introduction, and off we go to your next big adventure!

____ - the journey awaits

No traffic jams, no crowded roads. Where we go riding, there's enough space to feel absolutely free and one with the vas...

No traffic jams, no crowded roads. Where we go riding, there's enough space to feel absolutely free and one with the vast and beautiful glacier landscape of Iceland. You should come and try that! 😉😎

_____ - the journey awaits!

Skemmtileg tilbreyting í ferðunum okkar á Illakamb að hitta Háhólsgeiturnar. Við erum alltaf með brauð í bílnum til að g...

Skemmtileg tilbreyting í ferðunum okkar á Illakamb að hitta Háhólsgeiturnar. Við erum alltaf með brauð í bílnum til að gefa þeim ef við erum svo heppin að hitta á þær.

It's always so much fun when we get to meet the goats from Háhóll on our tours to Illikambur. We always have some bread in the car to give to them if we see them.



The gigantic Vatnajökull ice cap offers sheer endless options for outdoor fun. We love to go snowmobiling and ride for h...

The gigantic Vatnajökull ice cap offers sheer endless options for outdoor fun. We love to go snowmobiling and ride for hours through the magic winter world on top of the glacier. Would you like to join us?


🌞 Happy sled - summer 🛷

The Sun is shining and we are ready to play🌞

The Sun is shining and we are ready to play🌞

Fantastic day yesterday👌 Crossing the Glacier with our friends from Local Guide of Vatnajokull. Skálafellsjökull to Kver...

Fantastic day yesterday👌
Crossing the Glacier with our friends from Local Guide of Vatnajokull.
Skálafellsjökull to Kverkfjöll and back, approximately 160 km.
Thanks to you all 🛷

Photos from Kári Þorleifsson Stepman Sveinn Snorri Sighvatsson

The past few days and weeks have reminded us of just how unpredictable Icelandic weather can be. You always have to be o...

The past few days and weeks have reminded us of just how unpredictable Icelandic weather can be. You always have to be on your toes and be flexible. The weather doesn't care about us, we are a tiny part of nature. We just have to go with the flow. We have had to go with the flow a lot these last few weeks and our guests have been so flexible and amazing :)

First day of the Snowmobile season today🛷 Beautiful weather even though it is freezing cold 🌞❄

First day of the Snowmobile season today🛷 Beautiful weather even though it is freezing cold 🌞❄


Víkurbraut 4

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday 08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday 10:00 - 15:00




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