We wanted to share with you a brief part of Alafoss History, we hope you like it!
#alafoss #alafosslopi #álafoss #álafosslopi #lettlopi #lettlopiyarn #léttlopi #plotulopi #plötulopi #lopapeysa #lopapeysalove #icelandicwool #icelandicsheep
Make sure you have everything you need before starting a project! But remember that the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process. We promise you, once you start knitting you won’t be able to stop 🪢
#alafoss #álafosslopi #álafoss #alafosslopi #lettlopi #lettlopigarn #knittinginspiration #knittinglove
20% off Álafoss wool blankets!! Last day of this offer, run to get one before midnight tonight.
This blankets are famous in Iceland, in the 30s every Icelandic household had an Álafoss Blanket.
If you like soft wool products that will be as new for many many years, this blankets will make the perfect gift for you. The high quality wool makes them extremely durable and warm. They are also breathable and lightweight.
#álafoss #alafoss #alafosslopi #álafosslopi #lettlopi #léttlopi #lettlopiyarn #woolblanket #woolblankets #icelandicwool #icelandicwoolsweater
We all know that feeling, the quiet and peace of knitting. Here in Alafoss we want to share it with you all. Get your knitting material at www.alafoss.is #alafoss #lettlopi #wool #knitting #knittingaddict #knittinginspiration #knittinglove
Happy Women’s day !! We love you all ! ❤️😍🧶🐏
#knittersofinstagram #yarnlove #fairislekknitting #knittersoftheworld #instaknit #ourmakerlife #icelandicwoolsweater #iceland #icelandlove #igiceland #discovericeland #instaiceland #igersiceland
#everydayiceland #lostiniceland #reykjavik #reykjaviklove #reykjaviklife #visitreykjavik #reykjavikshopping #womenpower #wool #woolart #wooladdict #women #wooliscool #womensday #sheep #icelandicsheep #mystopover
Have you ever been to Alafoss ? 😍🇮🇸🧶 •
#knittersofinstagram #yarnlove #fairislekknitting #knittersoftheworld #instaknit #ourmakerlife #icelandicwoolsweater #iceland #icelandlove #igiceland #discovericeland #instaiceland #igersiceland
#everydayiceland #lostiniceland #reykjavik #reykjaviklove #reykjaviklife #visitreykjavik #reykjavikshopping #eosr #wool #woolart #wooladdict #wooliscool #woolblanket #waterfall #icelandicsheep #mystopover
Álafoss í öllu sínu veldi!
Það er kuldaboli í Álafosskvosinni en það er alltaf hlýtt og notalegt hjá okkur í Álafoss búðinni. Vertu velkomin í heimsókn - Opið til 18:00 í Mosfellsbæ og til 22:00 á Laugaveginum. Full búð af fallegum jólagjöfum.
Nú getur þú líka verslað í vefverslun okkar, www.alafoss.is og
1. Fengið vörur sendar heim
2. Sótt vörur í Álafoss Mosfellsbæ
3. Sótt vörur á Laugaveg 8 (fram að jólum bjóðum við upp á að sækja vörur í verslun okkar að Laugavegi 8 - eftir að þú gengur frá kaupum á alafoss.is munum við senda þér tölvupóst þegar vörur eru tilbúnar til afhendingar)
Hlökkum til að sjá þig <3
Álafossinn okkar var í smá "Dettifoss fíling" í dag í rokinu og rigningunni :)
Our beautiful waterfall Álafoss looked a little bit more like Dettifoss in the stormy rainy weather in Iceland today :)