International Augmented Med (IAM) is a project, funded by the European Union programme ENPI CBC MED, developing pilot initiatives that use interactive technologies for the promotion of tourism sites, AR, VR, videomapping, 3D modelling. It refers to the innovative multimedia technique which makes reality interact with digital constructions and reconstructions , thus modifying, enhancing and enrichi
ng the perceived world. It includes interactive projections, lighting techniques, virtual architecture and communication and audiovisual instruments. In this field, IAM will create applications and events which promote archaeological sites, monuments and historical heritage (also in view of tourism and economic development).
- Municipality of Alghero (Italy) LP
- University of Genova (Italy)
- Ministry of Culture - Government of Catalonia (Spain)
- i2Cat (Spain)
- KonicLab (Spain)
- Library of Alexandria (Egypt)
- Municipality of Jebeil (Lebanon)
- American University of Beirut (Lebanon)
- Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities – Department of Antiquities (Jordan)
- Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan)
- Municipality of Al-Taybeh (Palestinian Territories)
- RIWAQ (Palestinian Territories)
- National Office for Tunisan Tourism - Regional Commissariat for Tourism of Nabeul-Hammamet (Tunisia),
- Association of Geographic Research and Studies of the University of Manouba (Tunisia).
> The PROJECT ACTIVITIES, will include the following types of activities, defined in cooperation with partners:
1. Development of a number of “multimedia objects” and “multimedia events”, applying the AR technologies, in each participating partner country, to archaeological or architectural sites, monuments, landscapes, exhibition spaces;
2. Training (on potential and use of AR for cultural heritage promotion, development of workshops and seminars);
3. Exchanges of experts among participating countries (technicians, researchers, managers of exhibition spaces etc);
4. International augmented reality “festival”, with conferences, seminars, workshops, artistic performances, demonstrations of technical and visual potential etc;
5. Creation of an internet portal for sharing of documents, announcements of events, digital objects, open source software, online courses as well as technical forum discussions networking opportunities etc.
> The PROJECT activities would have numerous BENEFITS for participating organisations:
1. Creation of employment (such as curators of exhibitions, multimedia technicians, project developers, researchers, tourism operators etc);
2. Promotion of tourism in the participating regions (thanks to the enhancement of the local resources);
3. Strong visibility of the participating region or town at international level in terms of image and
4. Acquisition of know-how of technologies and instruments and/or improvemnet of existing structures;
5. Refining of research into technological AR instruments (hardware, software, logical models, computer
graphics, sound design, animation techniques, video mapping);
6. Cultural awareness and dialogue (through, training, information and events) for local population and
7. Development of initiatives with minimal or nonexistant environmental impact.