Genesis Adventure

Genesis Adventure We organize Christian History tours! Be inspired by the history of those who have gone before us!

“O Brethren, give ear to a noble Lesson,We ought always to watch and pray,For we see this world nigh to a conclusion,We ...

“O Brethren, give ear to a noble Lesson,
We ought always to watch and pray,
For we see this world nigh to a conclusion,
We ought to strive to do good works,
Seeing that the end of this world approacheth.
There are already a thousand and one hundred years fully accomplished
Since it was written thus, For we are in the last time.
We ought to covet little, for we are at the latter end.
We see daily the signs to be accomplished
In the increase of evil and the decrease of good.
These are the perils which the Scripture mentioneth
In the Gospels and Saint Paul’s writings.
No man living can know the end.
And therefore we ought the more to fear, for we are not certain
Whether we shall die to day or to morrow.”
-La Nobla Leyczon (The Noble Lesson) AD 1100

Here on this mountainside above the hamlet of Basiglia, the Waldensians during their Glorious Return held out against a ...

Here on this mountainside above the hamlet of Basiglia, the Waldensians during their Glorious Return held out against a much larger French Army from 1689-1690. When it seemed like the Waldensian fortress there would be taken, by providence the Waldensians managed to escape in a thick fog.

Shortly after this the Waldensians were granted their land back again! Today these people stand as a living witness of the faithfulness of Gods people for more than 1000 years.

Spring has come to the Waldensian Valleys! Want to learn more about the Waldensians? Follow us! Or contact us to find ou...

Spring has come to the Waldensian Valleys! Want to learn more about the Waldensians? Follow us! Or contact us to find out how to visit the valleys here!

Look out for our video this week about John Bunyan! He was an English Puritan preacher from the 17th century who is best...

Look out for our video this week about John Bunyan! He was an English Puritan preacher from the 17th century who is best known for writing the book The Pilgrims Progress.

“Lord open the King of England’s eyes!” These were the final words of William Tyndale who was burned at the stake in Bel...

“Lord open the King of England’s eyes!” These were the final words of William Tyndale who was burned at the stake in Belgium. He was put to death for translating and printing the Bible in English!

A few years after his death God did open the Kings eyes and King James I ordered that a new translation be done which was layered called the King James Version. But a lot of the work done on this translation was based on Tyndale’ work a few years before.

We may not always see the blessings that come out of our work for God, but that should not hinder us from being courageous for Him!

John Wesley and his brother Charles Wesley started the Christian movement that came to be called Methodism. John travele...

John Wesley and his brother Charles Wesley started the Christian movement that came to be called Methodism. John traveled thousands and thousands of kilometres preaching to people all over England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and sharing how they could receive the salvation offered them by Jesus!


Here’s a picture of the Saquet Toumpi (Deep pool) in the Angrogna River. Here in 1488 Captain Saquet of the Piedmontese ...

Here’s a picture of the Saquet Toumpi (Deep pool) in the Angrogna River. Here in 1488 Captain Saquet of the Piedmontese forces, who was a giant of a man, had his body deposited in this deep pool after slipping into the Angrogna river to his death. He had been cursing the “Waldensian Dogs” while his troops were retreating in disarray amidst the dense fog that had filled the mountain gorge.

Do you have giants in your life? Maybe debt, family challenges, lack of work, whatever… Well we serve the same God today who is able to destroy the giants that the enemy sets up against us. We must remain faithful and God will give us the victory!

“We are not doing the will of God if we sit in quietude, doing nothing to preserve liberty of conscience. Fervent, effec...

“We are not doing the will of God if we sit in quietude, doing nothing to preserve liberty of conscience. Fervent, effectual prayer should be ascending to heaven that this calamity may be deferred until we can accomplish the work which has so long been neglected. Let there be more earnest prayer; and then let us work in harmony with our prayers.” E. White

During Martin Luther’s time at the Wartburg Castle he translated the whole of the New Testament into German from the ori...

During Martin Luther’s time at the Wartburg Castle he translated the whole of the New Testament into German from the original languages. This gave the common people the Word of God in their own language!

No longer would the words of life be locked up for only the scholars to know and understand. Now the words could be shared among all people to read or at least to hear. The shackles that the priests, bishops and popes had used to keep the masses in bo***ge were broken!

Interested in visiting the Wartburg as well as other places connected with the Protestant Reformation? Book a tour to follow in the steps of Martin Luther!

“Nothing terrifies the defenders of the human traditions so much as the word of God.” - J.H. Merle D’Aubigne (History if...

“Nothing terrifies the defenders of the human traditions so much as the word of God.” - J.H. Merle D’Aubigne (History if the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Vol. V)

Wittenberg, a small city but so blessed! Blessed because you were so open to those who embraced the truth from God’s Word! You may not be as well known or popular as Paris or Rome, but you stand in history as a place willing to stand for the truth!

May God bless our leaders today that like the Duke of Saxony during the time of Martin Luther, they may uphold freedom of conscience!

While the plains of Piedmont and Northern Italy finally were enveloped with the clouds of error and superstition that bl...

While the plains of Piedmont and Northern Italy finally were enveloped with the clouds of error and superstition that blinded the people from seeing Jesus the light of the world, the Waldensians worshiped God in their mountain homes. Here away from the prevailing influence of apostasy that enveloped Europe, they were able to train their children to look to Jesus the Sun of Righteousness in all His glory!

“Behind the lofty bulwarks of the mountains—in all ages the refuge of the persecuted and oppressed—the Waldenses found a hiding place. Here the light of truth was kept burning amid the darkness of the Middle Ages. Here, for a thousand years, witnesses for the truth maintained the ancient faith.” -The Great Controversy p.65

We had the recent opportunity to visit a museum outlining the history of the Moravian Brethren in eastern Czech Republic...

We had the recent opportunity to visit a museum outlining the history of the Moravian Brethren in eastern Czech Republic. There are strong ties between the Christians here and the Waldensians of North-western Italy!

The Moravian Brethren were zealous missionaries that traveled around the world meeting every type of difficulty to people for Jesus Christ!

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” -John 1:5There have been many attempts throug...

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” -John 1:5

There have been many attempts through the centuries to smother the light that Jesus made to shine in our dark world, but that light could not be put out!

Even in the darkest hours of the Middle Ages God had his faithful people who kept the light of truth burning!

The Waldensians, the Albigensians, the Reformers and Anabaptists. Each sought to hold the torch of truth high.

Explore some of these historical sights with Genesis Adventure and be inspired to share the light as these faithful people did.

Oh Turin, you could have been a place of light! But instead you were filled with darkness. You sought to put out the lig...

Oh Turin, you could have been a place of light! But instead you were filled with darkness. You sought to put out the light of the gospel in your territory by persecuting the faithful Waldenses in their mountain retreats. You had such light within your grasp, yet failed to accept or follow it, even in the sight of the miracles of God.

You could have been like Wittenberg or Geneva and let the truth grow and flourish, but you decided to suppress and persecute instead. The blood of many martyrs is on the hands and heads of your leaders. Only in Eternity will it be realised how many people were kept from the truth by your wicked deeds.

“The law that indissolubly links great crimes with the spot where they were perpetrated, has written the Massacre of 165...

“The law that indissolubly links great crimes with the spot where they were perpetrated, has written the Massacre of 1655 on this mountain, and even it in eternal keeping to its rock. There is not another such martyrs’ monument in the whole world. While the Castelluzzo stands the memory of this great crime cannot die; through all the ages it will continue to cry, and that cry our sublimest poet has interpreted in his sublime sonnet: —

“Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughter’d saints,
whose bones Lie scattered on the Alpine mountains cold;
Even them who kept thy truth so pure of old,
When all our fathers worshipt stocks and stones,
Forget not: in thy book record their groans Who were thy sheep,
and in their ancient fold Slain by the bloody Piedmentese,
that roll’d Mother with infant down the rocks.
Their moans The vales redoubled to the hills, and they To heaven.
Their martyr’d blood and ashes sow O’er all the Italian fields,
where still doth sway The triple tyrant;
that from these may grow A hundredfold,
who, having learned thy way,
Early may fly the Babylonian woe.”. -History of Protestantism Vol. 2 p. 486-488 (Wylie)

The Angrogna River runs through a narrow gorge right below the famous Pra del Torno which was the fortress of the Walden...

The Angrogna River runs through a narrow gorge right below the famous Pra del Torno which was the fortress of the Waldensian Christians.

Here in this narrow pass many persecuting soldiers perished from the rocks that were rolled down from the heights of the sharper cliffs above or drown in the river having been pushed in by their comrades in their haste to escape.

One time God even caused a large cloud to fill this pass with a dense fog just as the persecutors entered it. This caused much confusion and assured the Waldensians of victory.

The name Angrogna means groaning.

There is a rock in Angrogna called “The Prophet” sitting high up on the mountain overlooking the valleys. It’s a reminde...

There is a rock in Angrogna called “The Prophet” sitting high up on the mountain overlooking the valleys. It’s a reminder to us to follow the prophets and what they have written in the Bible.

“[Jesus] said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken!” -Luke 24:25

When we follow the light that Hod has given us through His prophets we receive a spiritual growth and blessing! But to neglect this light is a dangerous thing.

The Waldensian Christians of old made the words of the prophets in the Bible their rule of faith and life and from that had a strong religious experience.

In 1532 the Waldensian Christians of Northern Italy officially linked hands with the Reformation after days of meetings ...

In 1532 the Waldensian Christians of Northern Italy officially linked hands with the Reformation after days of meetings with Protestants from Geneva. It was a time of great rejoicing as the two churches joined together. The older and the younger united in one cause!

But was it really a blessing? Or was the faith compromise that the Waldensians made worth it for unity? These faithful people gave up some of their special beliefs just to be like others and not be alone.

How often do we do the same? How often are we willing to compromise to have friends or to fit in? We don’t like to be different, but sometimes we need to stand out for Jesus.

For centuries the Roman Catholic Church held power over the nations of Europe and their consciences. They were a night p...

For centuries the Roman Catholic Church held power over the nations of Europe and their consciences. They were a night power to deal with, but even this power was no match for the power of the Word of God.

In the 1500’s God raised up men and women who used the Word of God to throw off the yoke of Papal Supremacy. The world was not worthy of these faithful ones.

Soon again we will need to face similar battles, and we need to prepare heart and mind for these times.

Seldom are men found in history who are willing to stand up for what they believe regardless of the opposing circumstanc...

Seldom are men found in history who are willing to stand up for what they believe regardless of the opposing circumstances. Today it’s easy to stand up in comparison with the 1500’s. Martin Luther stood up against Pope and Emperor who were seeking to control the consciences of the masses.

He famously said, “Peace if possible, truth at all costs.” We need more Luther’s today.

Spring in the Pellice Valley is a beautiful thing! In the background you see the infamous Casteluzzo where many a faithf...

Spring in the Pellice Valley is a beautiful thing! In the background you see the infamous Casteluzzo where many a faithful Christian was thrown to their death. Today we have peace and religious freedom, but for how long? It’s time to learn from the faithful Waldensians of the past.

“Is this being like the poor Jesus, or the humble Peter? He [the Pope] is , say they, the lord of the world! But Christ,...

“Is this being like the poor Jesus, or the humble Peter? He [the Pope] is , say they, the lord of the world! But Christ, whose vicar he boasts of being, has said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ Can the dominions of a vicar extend beyond those of his superior?” -Martin Luther (D’Aubigne, b. 6, ch. 3)

Explore and learn about the great apostasy of the church in the 4th Century. You won’t want to miss this history adventure!

Join us with Genesis Adventure tours!

Join us for an unforgettable adventure that starts in Rome and ends in the Waldensian Valleys of Northern Italy!See wher...

Join us for an unforgettable adventure that starts in Rome and ends in the Waldensian Valleys of Northern Italy!

See where the early Christians were persecuted and then how God prepared a place for his church in the wilderness.

Spring is coming to the Pellice valley! Summer is just around the corner and it’s time to start planning your trip to vi...

Spring is coming to the Pellice valley! Summer is just around the corner and it’s time to start planning your trip to visit the Waldensian Homelands!

Contact us about scheduling your tour of these historic valleys!

A humble place that changed the world. This little missionary school in Pra del Torno in   sent out missionaries all ove...

A humble place that changed the world. This little missionary school in Pra del Torno in sent out missionaries all over Europe, even as far as Latvia! These brave men sowed the seeds that brought forth the Protestant Reformation. Many watered this seed with their blood.

Learn more about these faithful people on a tour with Genesis Adventure!

The beautiful Pellice Valley! Hard to imagine that for centuries this beautiful place was the scene of so many atrocitie...

The beautiful Pellice Valley! Hard to imagine that for centuries this beautiful place was the scene of so many atrocities and crimes unimaginable!

Want to find out more about the Waldensian Christians and their struggle to live out their faith in the face of extreme persecution? Book your tour with Genesis Adventure!

Sibaud Monument in Bobbio Pellice! Here in 1889 Henri Arnaud returned with about 800 men to retake their homeland after ...

Sibaud Monument in Bobbio Pellice! Here in 1889 Henri Arnaud returned with about 800 men to retake their homeland after being exiled to Switzerland. Here where this monument stands these men of courage swore to stay together until their mission was complete in this “Glorious Return!”

Learn more about this history and more about the Waldensians on a Genesis Adventure tour!



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Lunedì 09:00 - 18:00
Martedì 09:00 - 18:00
Mercoledì 09:00 - 18:00
Giovedì 09:00 - 18:00
Venerdì 09:00 - 12:00




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