Antholzertal / Valle Anterselva

Antholzertal / Valle Anterselva Beautiful Valley based on the border to the Dolomites. Get lost in a breathtaking landscape and explore high mountains and greenish blue lakes.

Tourist Board | Tourist information office

We got lost for a few minutes admiring this view of the valley, and without realizing it, we connected with nature and w...

We got lost for a few minutes admiring this view of the valley, and without realizing it, we connected with nature and with ourselves ✨🪷

How does being in nature make you feel? 🧘🏽‍♀️

An entertainment park for the whole family 👪

An entertainment park for the whole family 👪

Did you know about the existence of this beautiful chapel? ⛪📍 St Josefs Kapelle                                         ...

Did you know about the existence of this beautiful chapel? ⛪

📍 St Josefs Kapelle

We left the village behind and ventured into the forest in search of the Burgegga Mill 🕵🌲                               ...

We left the village behind and ventured into the forest in search of the Burgegga Mill 🕵🌲

Immersed in the nature that Passo di Stalle offers us every time we visit🌿🌳 Did you know about this beautiful place in t...

Immersed in the nature that Passo di Stalle offers us every time we visit🌿🌳

Did you know about this beautiful place in the valley? ✨

Bereit für ein Wanderwochenende?🤔🥾Entdecke die vielen Wanderwege vom Antholzertal!😍☀Sei pronto per un fine settimana di ...

Bereit für ein Wanderwochenende?🤔🥾
Entdecke die vielen Wanderwege vom Antholzertal!😍☀
Sei pronto per un fine settimana di escursioni? 🤔🥾
Scopri i numerosi sentieri dell'Anterselva!😍☀
Ready for a hiking weekend? 🤔🥾
Discover the many trails in the Antholz Valley!😍☀

🤩 News 🤩

🤩 News 🤩

🎟️ 💫 🎟️ 💫 🎟️ 💫 ​

La piattaforma di registrazione dei biglietti è ora aperta!​

Iscriviti subito e inizia a sognare Milano Cortina 2026!​

Qual è il tuo posto preferito per rilassarti nella nostra valle? 🤩🏞️☀️Was ist dein Lieblingsplatz zum Entspannen in unse...

Qual è il tuo posto preferito per rilassarti nella nostra valle? 🤩🏞️☀️
Was ist dein Lieblingsplatz zum Entspannen in unserem Tal? 🤩🏞️☀️
What is your favorite place to relax in the our Valley?🤩🏞️☀️

Es ist wieder so weit! Auch dieses Jahr findet in Antholz Mittertal der Abendmarkt statt. Kommt vorbei!🤩🥳È di nuovo quel...

Es ist wieder so weit! Auch dieses Jahr findet in Antholz Mittertal der Abendmarkt statt. Kommt vorbei!🤩🥳

È di nuovo quel periodo dell'anno! Anche quest'anno si terrà il mercato serale ad Anterselva di Mezzo. Venite a trovarci!🤩🥳

It's that time of the year again! This year, the evening market will take place again in Antholz Mittertal. Come and join us!🤩🥳

Nothing beats a bike ride with good friends and family. It's simply more fun together! 🚴‍♂️👫 ☀️       📷

Nothing beats a bike ride with good friends and family. It's simply more fun together! 🚴‍♂️👫 ☀️


🤩🥳* OPEN! *🥳🤩❗️Der Minigolfplatz in Niederrasen ist ab Mittwoch, 01. Mai 2024 geöffnet. Komm vorbei und teste auch du de...

🤩🥳* OPEN! *🥳🤩

❗️Der Minigolfplatz in Niederrasen ist ab Mittwoch, 01. Mai 2024 geöffnet. Komm vorbei und teste auch du dein können!😉😍

❗️Il campo da minigolf a Rasun di Sotto sarà aperto da mercoledì 1° maggio 2024. Vieni a mettere alla prova anche tu le tue abilità! 😉😍

❗️The miniature golf course in Niederrasen will be open from Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Come by and test your skills! 😉😍

Happy Easter 🐣The days are getting longer again, the temperatures are rising again and we've even spotted the first croc...

Happy Easter 🐣
The days are getting longer again, the temperatures are rising again and we've even spotted the first crocuses! 🪻

We can't deny it, we had to stop to admire the beautiful landscape surrounding us in the valley 😍                       ...

We can't deny it, we had to stop to admire the beautiful landscape surrounding us in the valley 😍

This is one of the spots in Anterselva worth reaching and enjoying the view of the valley 😍

This is one of the spots in Anterselva worth reaching and enjoying the view of the valley 😍

Palmsonntag 💐 Traditionell werden am Palmsonntag die selbst gebastelten "Palmbesen" in der Kirche geweiht. Nach der Weih...

Palmsonntag 💐

Traditionell werden am Palmsonntag die selbst gebastelten "Palmbesen" in der Kirche geweiht. Nach der Weihe wird der Palmbesen zu Hause am Gartenzaun befestigt um die Ernte vor Unwetter zu verschonen. Dort bleibt er bis zum Gründonnerstag oder bis Christi Himmelfahrt stehen.
Domenica delle Palme 💐

Tradizionalmente, le "scope di palma" fatte a mano vengono consacrate in chiesa la Domenica delle Palme. Dopo la consacrazione, la palma viene attaccata alla recinzione del giardino di casa per proteggere il raccolto dalle intemperie. Rimane lì fino al Giovedì Santo o all'Ascensione.

It's always a good day to go out there and appreciate what surrounds us.Have you already gone for a walk today?         ...

It's always a good day to go out there and appreciate what surrounds us.
Have you already gone for a walk today?

Happy Father's Day🥰👨‍👧‍👦          📷Harald Wisthaler

Happy Father's Day🥰👨‍👧‍👦

📷Harald Wisthaler

At the beginning of the valley, the green grass is starting to sprout, and the colors of spring blend with the snow-capp...

At the beginning of the valley, the green grass is starting to sprout, and the colors of spring blend with the snow-capped peaks 🏔️🌸

Hello from our winter wonderland 💙

Hello from our winter wonderland 💙

It snowed, and the skiers know it! 😎Come and enjoy our Riepen ski slope  ⛷🏂

It snowed, and the skiers know it! 😎

Come and enjoy our Riepen ski slope ⛷🏂

It's Friday.. it's snowing.. nothing in our way for a perfect weekend! ❄️🏔️p.s. who knows the mountain hut in the right ...

It's Friday.. it's snowing.. nothing in our way for a perfect weekend! ❄️🏔️

p.s. who knows the mountain hut in the right corner? 🤫

Enjoying an afternoon skiing is one of the many options to do in our valley  🏔️⛷️                                       ...

Enjoying an afternoon skiing is one of the many options to do in our valley 🏔️⛷️

We're starting to notice that the sun, little by little, begins to warm up more and more, and that's when we take advant...

We're starting to notice that the sun, little by little, begins to warm up more and more, and that's when we take advantage to enjoy it while we explore the lake 🥾🕶

Happy Valentine's Day 💙Heute durften wir Milo & Tina, die Maskottchen der Olympischen Winterspiele Milano-Cortina 2026, ...

Happy Valentine's Day 💙

Heute durften wir Milo & Tina, die Maskottchen der Olympischen Winterspiele Milano-Cortina 2026, bei uns im Biathlonzentrum Antholz begrüßen 🤩 Wir sagen Danke für den Zwischenstopp und wünschen weiterhin viel Spaß bei der Italienreise!

Endlich Wochenende 🤩Ski anschnallen, frische Luft genießen und so richtig abschalten. Egal ob Anfänger oder erfahrene La...

Endlich Wochenende 🤩

Ski anschnallen, frische Luft genießen und so richtig abschalten. Egal ob Anfänger oder erfahrene Langläufer, im Antholzertal ist für jeden was dabei. Unser Geheimtipp, die neue Waldloipe in Antholz Niedertal 🤫 🎿

Biathlon Antholz Anterselva

Home is where the mountains are 🏔️

Home is where the mountains are 🏔️


Niederrasner Str. 35 F


Montag 08:00 - 12:00
14:30 - 17:30
Dienstag 08:00 - 12:00
14:30 - 17:30
Mittwoch 08:00 - 12:00
14:30 - 17:30
Donnerstag 08:00 - 12:00
14:30 - 17:30
Freitag 08:00 - 12:00
14:30 - 17:30
Samstag 08:00 - 12:00
14:30 - 17:30




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Sanft braust der Wind in den höchsten Wipfeln der Bäume, leise knarrt das Gebälk der alten Höfe. Sonst kein Laut. Still ist’s im Antholzertal. Harzig duften die wilden Wälder, mit herbsüßem Geruch betören die Wiesen. Hochmoore, Auwälder und das Biotop Rasner Möser bilden das Landschaftsbild des Tales. Weiter oben, wo die Baumgrenze endet, beginnt alpine Landschaft, in wunderbarer Wildheit. Die Grenzen der Natur und die Grenzen des Menschen‘ - so das Thema des Naturparks Rieserferner Ahrn. Und so ist es tatsächlich: das Antholzertal ist ein Grenzlebensraum. Im zweifachen Sinne: im Norden bildet der Staller Sattelden Passübergang zum Defreggental in Österreich.

Die einzigartige Naturlandschaft des Naturparks Rieserferner Ahrn überzeugt mit hohen Gipfeln, Wasserfällen, mit dem 44 ha großen Antholzer See und einer aufregenden Dolomitenkulisse alle aktiven Entdecker. Im Sommer laden zahllose gut ausgeschilderte Wanderwege aller Art, von waldweich bis felsensteil, zur Erkundung der Landschaft ein, ob zu Fuß oder mit dem Mountainbike. Im Winter verlocken dicke Schneedecken dazu, das Weiß in Winterschuhen, Schneeschuhen oder auf Skiern zu beschreiten. Doch das Antholzertal ist vor allem das Tal des Langlauf- und Biathlon-Sports. Das Biathlonzentrum mit dem Stadion Südtirol-Arena in Antholz Obertal ist Austragungsort der Weltcup-Rennen. Wenn die Nationen gegeneinander antreten, und sich in körperlicher Leistung und mentaler Konzentration messen, beben die Tribünen. Dann ist’s ausnahmsweise nicht mehr so still, im Antholzertal.


Il vento sussurra soavemente tra le alte cime degli alberi, le travi di una vecchia baita scricchiolano piano. Altrimenti il silenzio. La pace regna in Valle Anterselva. I boschi selvaggi odorano di resina, i prati seducono con un profumo dolce e acerbo. Paludi sovracquatiche, boschi paludosi e biotopi, come il biotopo Rasner Möserformano amorevolmente il paesaggio naturale della valle. Più in alto, dove finisce la vegetazione arborea, inizia il paesaggio alpino, meravigliosamente selvaggio. “I confini della natura e i confini dell'uomo”, questo il tema del Parco Naturale Vedrette di Ries-Aurina. E in effetti è così: la Valle Anterselva è lo spazio vitale dei confini. Lo è doppiamente: a nord il Passo Stalle segna infatti il confine con la valle Defreggen in Austria.

Andere Reiseagenturen in Anterselva

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