🇮🇹 Quando parliamo di Vini di Qualità nelle nostre Colline pensiamo certamente al Prosecco DOCG! Ma le nostre Colline sono anche terre di Rossi, dalla Recantina, al Merlot, al Raboso del Piave, il maestoso Piave Malanotte e qualche eccellenza dai Nomi Importanti.
Le nostre proposte vogliono dare una panoramica a 360 gradi delle eccellenze enologiche delle Terre di Venezia, raccontandovi la tradizione di un popolo, di luoghi, di tecniche di vinificazione e del loro forte collegamento con la #Serenissima.
🇺🇸 When we talk about Quality Wines in our Hills we certainly think of Prosecco DOCG! But our Hills are also lands of Red Wineas, from Recantina, to Merlot, to Raboso del Piave, the majestic Piave Malanotte, and some excellence with Great Name. Our proposals aim to give a complete overview of the oenological excellence of the Lands of Venice, telling you about the tradition of a people, places, winemaking techniques and their strong connection to the Serenissima Republic.
Contact us to for your private experience in the #LandofVenice and for your customized wine tour ! 📩 [email protected] 📞 +39.3276274014 - 🛜 https://asolando.com
#wine #proseccohills #italianhills #italy #tripinvenice #asolando #winery #proseccodocg #piavemalanotte #italianwinetours #visititaly #visitveneto #capodistato #winelover #winetasting #winetourism #italianredwines #piave #montello #asolando
🇮🇹 La città più bella al mondo? Si… lo è! Venezia è talmente unica e magica che è impossibile non innamorarsene a prima vista! Ed in questo periodo è ancora più unica e colorata! Tra le calli e le piazze, le maschere salutano, nei loro sfarzi, nei loro colori e volti celati! E quando scende la sera, I balli, le feste, gli eventi tra le mura di sontuosi palazzi sono esperienze uniche da provare! Dal Ballo del Tiepolo - nelle sale apollinee del gran Teatro La Fenice, al Minuetto of Love, al Dancing Chocolate, Al Gran Ballo del Doge, Asolando propone ingressi ai Grandi Eventi, Noleggio di Costumi, servizi transfer e tutto quanto necessario per un Carnevale Veneziano Unico!
🇺🇸 The most beautiful city in the world? Yes... it is! Venice is so unique and magical that it is impossible not to fall in love with it at first sight! And in this period it is even more unique and colorful! Among the “calli” and Squares, masks greet, in their pageantry, colors and concealed faces!
And when evening falls, the dances, parties, events within the walls of sumptuous palaces are unique experiences to be had! From the Tiepolo Ball - at La Fenice Theatre - to the Minuetto of Love, to the Dancing Chocolate, to the Doge’s Grand Ball, Asolando offers admissions to the Great Events, Costume Rental, transfer services and everything you need for a Unique Venetian Carnival!
Contact us to for your private experience in the #VeniceCarnival and for your customized experience ! 📩 [email protected] 📞 +39.3276274014 - 🛜 https://asolando.com
#venice #venicecarnival #masks #carnivalofvenice2025 #venicianmasks #carnivalexperience #GranBallodelDoge #balliinmaschera #uniqueexperience #dress #carnivaltradition #visitveneto #customizedexperience #venicelover #exclusiveevent #ballotiepolo #asolando
🇮🇹 Un meraviglioso #2024 insieme! Fatto di scoperte, incontri, luoghi da visitare, esperienze da vivere! Dalle #Dolomiti, alle #CollinedelProsecco, a #Venezia, alla #Toscana, passando per Parma, per le #CinqueTerre e per Bologna, abbiamo raggiunto #Perugia e #Roma, e i luoghi nascosti del Lazio, fino a #Napoli e alla bella #CostieraAmalfitana! Vi abbiamo fatto davvero viaggiare! Coppie, Famiglie, Musicisti, gruppi di Amici, e colleghi… dai viaggi rilassanti a quelli più adrenalinici, sotto il sole e sotto la pioggia! Facciamo a noi l’augurio di continuare ad accogliervi numerosi anche per il prossimo #2025 e facciamo a Voi l’augurio di continuare a spiegare le vele e scoprire luoghi nuovi! #GRAZIE! Vi siamo riconoscenti per averci scelti! BUON2025!
🇺🇸 A wonderful #2024 together!Made of discoveries, meetings, places to visit, experiences to live!
From the #Dolomites, to the #ProseccoHills, to #Venice, to #Tuscany, going through Parma, the #CinqueTerre and Bologna, we reached #Perugia and #Rome, and the hidden places of Lazio, to #Naples and the beautiful #AmalfiCoast! We really made you travel! Couples, Families, Musicians, groups of Friends, and colleagues... from relaxing trips to adrenaline-pumping ones, in sunshine and in rain! We wish us to continue to welcome you for the next #2025 and let us wish you to continue to unfurl your sails and discover new places! #THANK YOU! We are grateful to you for choosing us! HAPPY #2025!
Contact us to for your private experience in the #LandofVenice ! 📩 [email protected] 📞 +39.3276274014 - 🛜 https://asolando.com
#customizedtour #vacationinitaly #visititaly #specialvacation #privatetour #triptoitaly #triptovenice
🇮🇹 Con sincerità, affetto e riconoscenza auguriamo a tutti i nostri amici viaggiatori, colleghi, partner, suppliers, un sereno Natale fatto di Famiglia, Gioie, e Affetti! #BUONNATALE!
🇺🇸 With sincerity, love and gratitude we wish all our traveling friends, colleagues, partners, suppliers, a peaceful Christmas made of Family, Joys, and Affects! #HAPPY CHRISTMAS and #TRAVELTOITALY!
Contact us to for your private experience in the #LandofVenice ! 📩 [email protected] 📞 +39.3276274014 - 🛜 https://asolando.com
This Autumn we planed a special tour for a group of women: arriving in Venice, and then in Florence and in a private Villa in Tuscany, these five women enjoyed a special tour that we customized, listening and understanding their wishes and preferences. From private guided tour, to a special dinner with personal chef, an unmissable Gondola Tour, and a cooking class, they appreciated the cultural masterpieces, enjoying the authentic Italian atmosphere. Thank you Katherine! It has been a great pleasure welcoming all if you! - @katherine.kellerman.1
Contact us to for a customized private tour in Italy for women! 📩 [email protected] 📞 +39.3276274014 - 🛜 https://asolando.com/italy-tour-for-women/
#asolando #landofvenice #tourofitaly #customizedtour #vacastioninitaly #italyforwomen #visititaly #specialvacation #privatetour #triptoitaly #triptovenice #visittuscany #visitveneto #experince #privateguidedtour #tour #italy #women #travelforwomen #italiantraveldesigner
The first cold has arrived and with it the #firstsnow! here in the #Dolomites we look forward to welcoming you for wonderful #skiing, among our peaks, in our beautiful hotels with all the amenities for the whole #family! Contact us to for a customized private tour if the #Dolomites!
📩 [email protected] 📞 +39.3276274014 - 🛜 https://asolando.com
#letitsnow ❄
🇮🇹 in questi giorni un soffice manto copre i pensieri e risveglia i #sogni!❤ #tornetemoaviaggiare
🇺🇸 During these days a soft mantle covers thoughts and awakens #dreams!
📷 Cortina Marketing
Contact us for customized experiences!
📩 [email protected]
🔗 www.asolando.com
#italy2021 #sustainableitaly #sustainable #triptoitaly #vacation #visititaly #visitvenice #asolando #sustainabletravel #vacanzeitaliane #vacation #backtoitaly #veneto #venezialife #walkinvenice #hiddencorners #pinkines #sustainablevenice #dolomites #winterholidays #cortinadampezzo
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Great #lunch with #amazing #view ❤ #positano 🇮🇹 @lesirenuse
Tag someone you'd love to have lunch with😉
#asolando #sustainable #sustainabletourism #sustainableitaly #greenholidays #travelstoitaly #italy2021 #southernitaly #amalficoast #exclusive #luxuryitaly #bestvacations #wonderful_places #pinkines #travelguide #travelitaly #travelawesome #forbestravelguide #condenasttraveler #vacanzeitaliane
#buongiorno 🇮🇹
#welcome back in #Venice ❤🥰
#asolando #sustainability #sustainabletravel #greentravels