Free Walking Tour Bari

Tutta Barivecchia è in festa per il matrimonio del nostro uomo del ghiaccio! 💒Biagio è il figlio del famoso Luigi del Gh...

Tutta Barivecchia è in festa per il matrimonio del nostro uomo del ghiaccio! 💒

Biagio è il figlio del famoso Luigi del Ghiaccio, proprietario di un piccolo negozio che da oltre 70 anni rifornisce le case baresi di... ghiaccio!

🧊 Alla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, quando i frigoriferi erano ancora un lusso per molti baresi, Luigi decise di aiutare la comunità vendendo ghiaccio al dettaglio.

Grazie a lui, le vecchie famiglie baresi erano sempre in grado di tenere al fresco verdure, pesce, carne e bevande anche senza elettrodomestici.

💛 Naturalmente oggi ogni casa di Bari ha un frigorifero. Ma noi restiamo affezionati al signor Luigi e alla sua famiglia, che continuano a vendere ghiaccio nel loro negozio nella stradina dietro Tresca.

Per questo il suo negozio è una tappa storica del nostro Free Tour The First e vorremmo fare i nostri più grandi auguri a Biagio per il suo matrimonio! 🍾

The whole of Barivecchia is celebrating the marriage of Biagio! 💒

Biagio is the son of the famous Luigi del Ghiaccio, owner of a small shop that for more than 70 years has been supplying Bari's homes with... ice!

🧊 At the end of World War II, when fridges were still a luxury for many people in Bari, Luigi decided to help the community by selling ice at retail.

Thanks to him, old baresian families were always able to keep vegetables, fish, meat and drinks cool even without electrical appliances.

💛 Of course now every house in Bari has a refrigerator. But we remain fond of Mr Luigi and his family, who continue to sell ice in their shop in the little street behind Tresca.

That is why his shop is a historical stop on our Free Tour The First and we would like to offer our biggest congratulations to Biagio on his wedding! 🍾

📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍 September 4, Wednesday
📍 September 5, Thursday
📍 September 6, Friday
📍 September 7, Saturday
📍 September 8, Sunday
📍 September 9, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍 September 5, Thursday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 5:30 PM


◽"The Jungle" 🌴, the most out-of-the-charts free tour of Bari, to discover street-art masterpieces and craft workshops, listen to slapstick stories which combine pop-folk and activism

📍 September 4, Wednesday
📍 September 6, Friday

🕕 "The Jungle" 🌴 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Septiembre 4, Miércoles
📍Septiembre 7, Sàbado

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 10:30


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍August 27 , Tuesday
📍August 28, Wednesday
📍August 29, Thursday
📍August 30, Friday
📍August 31, Saturday
📍 September 1, Sunday
📍 September 2, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍August 29, Thursday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 5:30 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Agosto 31, Sàbado

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 10:30


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


Intraprendente e viaggiatore entusiasta: Francesco è una guida dalle mille passioni! Nato non troppo lontano dalle Alpi,...

Intraprendente e viaggiatore entusiasta: Francesco è una guida dalle mille passioni!

Nato non troppo lontano dalle Alpi, Francesco ha viaggiato a lungo tra la Puglia e la Lombardia prima di mettere radici nella nostra città.

🎓 Laureato in Lettere all’Università di Bari, nel 2019 ottiene l’abilitazione come guida turistica e insieme a Free Walking Tour Bari condivide il suo amore per la Puglia con viaggiatori da tutto il mondo.

Quando non è occupato a esplorare Bari, Francesco si dedica alla gestione del suo progetto di inclusione sociale per ragazze e ragazzi con bisogni speciali.

🍝 E nel tempo libero? A quanto pare Francesco è un grande appassionato di vini e cucina.

Quindi non perdere l’occasione di averlo come guida per il tuo prossimo Tour Enogastronomico!

Francesco, a passionate traveler and adventurer, is a guide with a plethora of passions!

Born not too far from the Alps, Francis traveled long between Puglia and Lombardy before taking root in our city.

🎓 Graduated in Humanities from the University of Bari, he obtained his qualification as a tourist guide in 2019.

🗺️ Together with Free Walking Tour Bari, he shares his love for Puglia with travelers from all over the world.

While he's not exploring Bari, Francesco dedicates his time to managing his social inclusion project for girls and boys with special needs.

🍝 What does he do outside of work? Apparently Francesco is a great fan of wines and cuisine!

So do not miss the opportunity to have him as a guide for your next Food and Wine Tour!

📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍August 20 , Tuesday
📍August 21, Wednesday
📍August 23, Friday
📍August 24, Saturday
📍August 25, Sunday
📍August 26, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽"The First" by Night 🌃, to explore Bari under the moonlight 🌙

📍August 22, Thursday

🕣 "The First" by Night starts at 8:00 PM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍August 22, Thursday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 5:30 PM


◽"The Jungle" 🌴, the most out-of-the-charts free tour of Bari, to discover street-art masterpieces and craft workshops, listen to slapstick stories which combine pop-folk and activism

📍August 21, Wednesday

🕕 "The Jungle" 🌴 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Agosto 23, Viernes

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 10:30


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍August 13 , Tuesday
📍August 14, Wednesday
📍August 17, Saturday
📍August 18, Sunday
📍August 19, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Agosto 16, Viernes
📍Agosto 17, Sábado

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 10:30


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍August 6 , Tuesday
📍August 7, Wednesday
📍August 8, Thursday
📍August 9, Friday
📍August 10, Saturday
📍August 11, Sunday
📍August 12, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽"The First" by Night 🌃, to explore Bari under the moonlight 🌙

📍August 8, Thursday
📍August 10, Saturday

🕣 "The First" by Night starts at 8:00 PM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍August 6, Tuesday
📍August 8, Thursday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Agosto 2, Sábado

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 18:00


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


A huge thank you from the bottom of our hearts!⭐ Your reviews help us to improve every single day, to make our offer the...

A huge thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

⭐ Your reviews help us to improve every single day, to make our offer the best it can possibly be for our amazing travellers.

Thank you so much for all the feedback on our Free Tours and Private Tours. We absolutely love reading your comments and look forward to hearing more.

📍We’d love to hear about your experience with our tours! Leave a review on our Google profile or look us up on TripAdvisor!

500 volte grazie!

⭐Le vostre recensioni ci aiutano a migliorare ogni giorno, per rendere la nostra offerta sempre a misura di viaggiatore.

Grazie per tutti i feedback sui nostri Free Tour e sui nostri Tour Privati. Non vediamo l’ora di leggerne sempre di nuovi!

📍 Vuoi raccontarci la tua esperienza con i nostri tour?

Lascia una recensione sul nostro profilo Google o cercaci su TripAdvisor!

📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍July 30 , Tuesday
📍July 31, Wednesday
📍August 1, Thursday
📍August 2, Friday
📍August 3, Saturday
📍August 4, Sunday
📍August 5, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽"The First" by Night 🌃, to explore Bari under the moonlight 🌙

📍August 3, Saturday

🕣 "The First" by Night starts at 8:00 PM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍July 30, Tuesday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽"The Jungle" 🌴, the most out-of-the-charts free tour of Bari, to discover street-art masterpieces and craft workshops, listen to slapstick stories which combine pop-folk and activism

📍July 31, Wednesday

🕕 "The Jungle" 🌴 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Julio 31, Miércoles
📍Agosto 2, Viernes

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 10:30


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍July 23 , Tuesday
📍July 24, Wednesday
📍July 25, Thursday
📍July 26, Friday
📍July 27, Saturday
📍July 28, Sunday
📍July 29, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽"The First" by Night 🌃, to explore Bari under the moonlight 🌙

📍July 23, Tuesday

🕣 "The First" by Night starts at 8:00 PM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍July 23, Tuesday
📍July 25, Thursday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Julio 27, Sábado

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 10:30


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


Un nuovo traguardo per Free Walking Tour Bari! 🥇 Abbiamo ricevuto il Premio Travellers' Choice di TripAdvisor per il dec...

Un nuovo traguardo per Free Walking Tour Bari!

🥇 Abbiamo ricevuto il Premio Travellers' Choice di TripAdvisor per il decimo anno consecutivo, un riconoscimento che ci riempie di orgoglio spingendoci a fare sempre meglio.

Questo successo è dedicato a voi: viaggiatori, strutture ricettive e tutti coloro che hanno scelto di vivere Bari con noi promuovendo un turismo consapevole e a contatto con il territorio.

💛 Non vediamo l'ora di continuare a farvi innamorare della nostra città!

Unisciti ai nostri tour cliccando qui ➡️

A new milestone for Free Walking Tour Bari!

🥇 We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have received the Travellers' Choice Award from TripAdvisor for the tenth consecutive year! This incredible achievement fills us with pride and motivates us to keep doing better and better.

This amazing award is for you, our wonderful travellers, accommodation facilities and everyone who has chosen to experience the magic of Bari with us by embracing conscious tourism and getting in touch with the local area.

💛 We can’t wait to keep making you fall in love with our incredible city!

Join our tours by clicking on this link ➡️

📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍July 16 , Tuesday
📍July 17, Wednesday
📍July 18, Thursday
📍July 19, Friday
📍July 20, Saturday
📍July 21, Sunday
📍July 22, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽"The First" by Night 🌃, to explore Bari under the moonlight 🌙

📍July 16, Tuesday
📍July 20, Saturday

🕣 "The First" by Night starts at 8:00 PM


◽ "The Jungle🌴", a deep dive into Bari’s alternative scene thought stories of resistance, secret bunkers from WWII and stunning street art!

📍July 17, Wednesday

🕕 "The Jungle" 🌴 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍July 18, Thursday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Julio 17, Miércoles
📍Julio 21, Domingo

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 10:30


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


Calorosa, spumeggiante e sempre sorridente: Anna è una guida straordinaria e la fondatrice di Free Walking Tour Bari!  L...

Calorosa, spumeggiante e sempre sorridente: Anna è una guida straordinaria e la fondatrice di Free Walking Tour Bari!

La passione per i viaggi ha sempre fatto parte della sua vita, insieme con l’amore per le lingue straniere.

🎓 Dopo la laurea in Lingue e Letterature Straniere ha vissuto tra Berlino, Lipsia e Friburgo in Brisgovia.

📍Ma la nostalgia della sua Puglia era tanta che alla fine ha deciso di tornare a Bari, dove nel 2013 ottiene il patentino di guida turistica e nel 2014 fonda Free Walking Tour Bari insieme a Giuseppe, il suo compagno di viaggio, di lavoro e di vita!

Alla guida dei Free Tour e dei Tour Privati, Anna mostra il volto più autentico e vivo della nostra città ai viaggiatori di tutto il mondo.

🧳E quando non è impegnata con i Tour, non perde occasione per fare lunghe passeggiate sul Lungomare, dispensare coccole a cani e gatti e naturalmente viaggiare!

Ti va di seguire Anna in un fantastico viaggio nella nostra città?

Heartwarming, bubbly and always smiling: Anna is an amazing guide and most importantly the founder of Free Walking Tour Bari!

Travelling has always been a part of her life, along with her love for foreign languages.

🎓 After graduating in Foreign Languages and Literature, she lived between Berlin, Leipzig and Freiburg im Breisgau.

📍But she missed her Apulia so much that she finally decided to return to Bari, where in 2013 she obtained her tour guide license and in 2014 founded Free Walking Tour Bari together with Giuseppe, her travel, work and life partner!

Leading Free Tours and Private Tours, Anna shows to travelers from all over the world the most authentic and alive face of our city.

🧳 And when she's not busy with Tours, she misses no opportunity to take long walks along the Lungomare, provide cuddles to dogs and cats, and of course travel!

Would you like to follow Anna on a fantastic journey through our city?

📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍July 9 , Tuesday
📍July 10, Wednesday
📍July 11, Thursday
📍July 12, Friday
📍July 13, Saturday
📍July 14, Sunday
📍July 15, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽"The First" by Night 🌃, to explore Bari under the moonlight 🌙

📍July 9, Tuesday

🕣 "The First" by Night starts at 8:00 PM


◽ "The Jungle🌴", a deep dive into Bari’s alternative scene thought stories of resistance, secret bunkers from WWII and stunning street art!

📍July 12, Friday

🕕 "The Jungle" 🌴 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍July 9, Tuesday
📍July 11, Thursday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Julio 13, Sàbado

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 10:30


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍July 2 , Tuesday
📍July 3, Wednesday
📍July 4, Thursday
📍July 5, Friday
📍July 6, Saturday
📍July 7, Sunday
📍July 8, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽"The First" by Night 🌃, to explore Bari under the moonlight 🌙

📍July 6, Saturday

🕣 "The First" by Night starts at 8:30 PM


◽ "The Jungle🌴", a deep dive into Bari’s alternative scene thought stories of resistance, secret bunkers from WWII and stunning street art!

📍July 5, Wednesday

🕕 "The Jungle" 🌴 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍July 2, Tuesday
📍July 4, Friday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Julio 3, Miercolès
📍Julio 7, Domingo

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 10:30


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!



Cosa significa esplorare Bari con i nostri Tour?

🗺️ Da 10 anni il nostro obiettivo è restituire alla nostra città e ai viaggiatori di tutto il mondo una nuova idea del viaggio, fatta di contatto diretto con la comunità locale e di scoperta autentica della cultura locale.

🎤 Ne abbiamo parlato in un'intervista esclusiva con TELEBARI , l'emittente locale che da più di 50 anni informa i baresi attraverso i suoi servizi e le sue rubriche di approfondimento.

💛 Un grazie speciale va al giornalista Andrea Dammacco, per averci incluso nel suo servizio.

Ti piacerebbe conoscere meglio la storia della nostra città con i nostri Free Tour? Prenota il tuo prossimo tour di Bari in soli 3 click dal nostro sito!


What does it mean to explore Bari with our tours?

🗺️ For 10 years, our aim has been to give our city and travellers from all over the world a new idea of travel, made up of direct contact with the local community and authentic discovery of local culture.

🎤 We talked about this in an exclusive interview with Telebari, the local broadcaster that has been informing the people of Bari for more than 50 years through its reports and in-depth columns.

💛 Special thanks go to journalist Andrea Dammacco for including us in his very interesting report for Telebari.

We'd love to tell you more about the history of our city with our free tours! Book in 3 clicks from our website and join us!


I bellissimi scatti del tour  !🌏 Ragazzi e Ragazze provenienti da tutti i Continenti raccontano il Quartiere Libertà e c...

I bellissimi scatti del tour !
🌏 Ragazzi e Ragazze provenienti da tutti i Continenti raccontano il Quartiere Libertà e condividono le loro storie e quelle dei propri paesi di origine.

💚 Si realizza un viaggio nel viaggio, un'opportunità di confronto e integrazione, una dimensione di scoperta dell'alterità e abbattimento dei pregiudizi.

è una proposta culturale ideale per Scuole, E.T.S., gruppi informali e tutti coloro che vedono nella comunità barese un esempio di inclusività, meticciamento e solidarietà.
📩 Scrivici per informazioni e prenotazioni.

📷 Grazie a A. e R. Tartaglione [Carnevali Resistenti] per le foto.

HaBari - Ostello senza confini- Penny Wirton Bari - OdV

📣 WEEKLY FREE TOURS 📣Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!Pick one of our city ...


Explore Bari with the original Free Walking Tour Bari team of licensed guides!

Pick one of our city free tours based on "Pay What You Want" formula:

◽ “The First”🥇, our most loved Free Tour that will take you around Bari Old Town to discover our history and traditions

📍June 25, Tuesday
📍June 26, Wednesday
📍June 27, Thursday
📍June 28, Friday
📍June 29, Saturday
📍June 30, Sunday
📍July 1, Monday

🕥 "The First" Free Tour starts at 9:30 AM


◽ "The Jungle🌴", a deep dive into Bari’s alternative scene thought stories of resistance, secret bunkers from WWII and stunning street art!

📍June 26, Wednesday

🕕 "The Jungle" 🌴 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ "The Bohémien" 🥂, a tour across the most elegant and fancy districts of Bari to admire Art-neauveau buildings, vintage boutiques and stunning theatres!

📍June 25, Tuesday
📍June 28, Friday

🕕 "The Bohémien" 🥂 Free Tour starts at 6:00 PM


◽ “The First” en Español 🇪🇦, nuestro Free Tour favorito que te llevará por el casco antiguo de Bari para descubrir nuestra historia y tradiciones.

📍Junio 25, Martes
📍Junio 29, Sàbado

🕚 "THE FIRST" en Español comienza a las 11


Book in 3 clicks from our website and get to know Bari like a true local!


Free Walking Tour Bari ha compiuto 10 anni! 🎉Era il 2014 quando abbiamo deciso di rivoluzionare il turismo a Bari, punta...

Free Walking Tour Bari ha compiuto 10 anni! 🎉

Era il 2014 quando abbiamo deciso di rivoluzionare il turismo a Bari, puntando su un'esperienza nuova, autentica e legata al territorio.

🗺️ Ricordiamo ancora l'emozione di creare il primo team di guide, l'entusiasmo dei primi free tour e la gioia di ricevere le prime recensioni positive. Erano le "prime volte" che hanno dato vita a Free Walking Tour Bari, che oggi vanta il primo posto su TripAdvisor tra le "Outdoor Activities" più consigliate a Bari.

Ma Free Walking Tour Bari non è solo classifiche e recensioni. Il vero cuore di questo progetto sono le persone.

♥️ Le guide esperte che conducono i tour, i "locals" che arricchiscono ogni itinerario con aneddoti e ricette tipiche, e il team fantastico che lavora dietro le quinte per garantire il successo di ogni attività.

🎂 Per questo motivo, abbiamo voluto festeggiare questo primo decimo anniversario con tutti coloro che hanno contribuito alla nostra crescita con la loro professionalità, i loro consigli e la loro amicizia.

Grazie a tutti! Non vediamo l'ora di continuare a camminare insieme a voi per scoprire sempre nuove meraviglie di Bari 💛

Free Walking Tour Bari: Celebrating 10 Years of Success! 🎉

It feels like just yesterday! Back in 2014, we set out to revolutionize tourism in Bari with a new, authentic, and immersive experience.

🗺️ We still remember the thrill of forming our first guide team, the excitement of our earliest free tours, and the joy of receiving our first positive reviews. These "firsts" were the building blocks of Free Walking Tour Bari, which today proudly holds the number one spot on TripAdvisor for "Outdoor Activities" in Bari.

But Free Walking Tour Bari is more than just rankings and reviews. At the heart of this project are the people.

♥️ Our passionate guides who lead the tours, the locals who enrich each itinerary with anecdotes and traditional recipes, and the amazing team behind the scenes who work tirelessly to ensure every activity is a success.

🎂 That's why we wanted to celebrate this 10-year milestone with all of you who have contributed to our growth with your expertise, advice, and friendship.

Thank you all! We can't wait to continue walking with you and discovering the ever-new wonders of Bari 💛


Corso Antonio De Tullio


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About us

We are a passionate group of licensed tour guides whose mission is to design urban itineraries around the city of Bari in order to give you a unique experience through an authentic and captivating storytelling.

Genuine, friendly, enthusiastic

We are passionate about what we do: we show and let the city talk for itself in order to create bonds both with the local people and urban scenery.

Striking, lively, independent

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