The main street of the area, the SS 98, runs along the edge of the 1669 Etna lava flow, the same one that reached and destroyed the city of Catania: from one side, just rocks and some of the first traces of life (Ginestra dell'Etna), from the other, fertile soil, land of wine and olives, featured by terraces with retaining walls made by dry stones and irrigation canals called "saie". Along this ro
ad people walked from the city during the two world wars in order to find a safer area. After almost 50 years that our family live here, half of a century, here is a mess: in 2004 the Master Plan of the city (and variazione 2008) decided that this was an area of urban growth. The population of the area is growing and growing. One by one, all the owners of the lands (the biggest) started to sell to builders their properties, or started to became builder themselves (like both our neighbors, s**t). It goes without saying that the land prices went through the roof! Before this building madness, many year of abandonment. Always less people used to care of their land, of their property, and nature took the place of human mind and arms: some little forestland grew, where hundreds of birds use to make nest, while some other properties get burned every year, in summer, after every flourishing spring (shepherds who wanted to have fresh pasture the next year? hunters who wanted to drive the prey out?). The abandonment is the prelude of real estate speculation, with a small, naturalistic, wild break. The matter is now: what to do with our house and land? What to do with a property that has been itself pioneering of the mess we are living now? Does it have any sense to keep on living here, saving the 2500 square meters of land we own, when all around there are hundreds of semi-detached with 20 sqm of lawn and one tree? What we see, looking at our story, projecting a scenario for us, is a direct passage from rural to urban farm, without becoming first urban tout court. This page is the place where this passage will be narrated.