Valle Romantica camping/apartments/mobilhomes

Valle Romantica camping/apartments/mobilhomes come to visit us, and spend some unforgettable holidays here at VALLE ROMANTICA ! we are looking for

Situato all´entrata della Valle Cannobina, a 1.5 km dal centro del paese, direttamente sul Torrente Cannobino, con magnifica piscina. All´interno vi é la possibilitá di affittare case o appartamenti "di campagna", rustici oppure case mobili: per ogni gusto ! Una cafeteria/ristorante, un mini-market, un parco giochi per bambini, un campo da pallavoto, un tavolo da ping-pong completano l´offerta, co

me pure la piscina per calde giornate dove rinfrescarsi. Situated at the entrance of the Cannobina Valley, 1.5 km from the town center, directly on the Cannobino rivera, with marvellous swimming pool. On itself possibily to rent old land houses or apartments, as well as mobilhomes: for every taste ! A cafeteria/restaurant, a supermarket, a children´s playground, a volleyball field, a ping-pong table are part of the offer, as well as the swimming pool to enjoy during hot days to refresh. Valle Romantica befindet sich am Eingang des Cannobinatales, 1.5 km vom Ortskern entfernt, mit schönem Schwimmbad. Sowohl Campingplätze, auch Vermietung von älteren italienischen Landhäuser oder Wohnungen, sowie Mobilheime: für jeden Anspruch ! Eine Cafeteria, ein Supermarkt, ein Spielplatz für Kinder, ein Volleyball Feld, ein Ping-Pong Tisch, sowohl das Schwimmbad; eine Abkühlung während heissen Tagen, runden das Angebot von Valle Romantica.

Looking for a seasonal work on one of the nicest campsites in Italy😜? Send us an email…we’re looking for secretaries and...

Looking for a seasonal work on one of the nicest campsites in Italy😜? Send us an email…we’re looking for secretaries and a handyman for our campsites!

Valle romantica is slowly waking up…first minutes of sunshine after two months of complete shadow during the winter mont...

Valle romantica is slowly waking up…first minutes of sunshine after two months of complete shadow during the winter months. The damages of the landslide are being fixed and all looks good for a regular reopening at the end of march! We can’t wait 😍😍❤️👌🏼🤞🏼

Ho…ho…ho…buon Natale a tutti from all of the valle romantica staff! We wish you happy holidays! See you in 2025! 🎅🏼🎅🏼🎅🏼

Ho…ho…ho…buon Natale a tutti from all of the valle romantica staff! We wish you happy holidays! See you in 2025! 🎅🏼🎅🏼🎅🏼

It’s always magical when the first snow falls on Valle Romantica…🎅🏼🎅🏼😍😍

It’s always magical when the first snow falls on Valle Romantica…🎅🏼🎅🏼😍😍

What a great day to enjoy our yearly “castagnata” at the beach! Lots of happy guests…lots of vino rosso…and lots of exce...

What a great day to enjoy our yearly “castagnata” at the beach! Lots of happy guests…lots of vino rosso…and lots of excellent castagne! Thank you to all for this lovely day! 😍🍾🎊

Beautiful days here at the camping! Happy campers finally enjoying Valley Romantica again…😍😍☀️😎

Beautiful days here at the camping! Happy campers finally enjoying Valley Romantica again…😍😍☀️😎

Beautiful weather…perfect days to relax and enjoy our campsite for our guests! 😎😎☀️☀️☀️👍🏼

Beautiful weather…perfect days to relax and enjoy our campsite for our guests! 😎😎☀️☀️☀️👍🏼

…well…we just found out that we possibly will be allowed to reopen the day that the main road will be open too! Not “off...

…well…we just found out that we possibly will be allowed to reopen the day that the main road will be open too! Not “official voices” told us it’s going to be either coming Monday or Tuesday! 🎊🎊🍾🍾🙏🏼we can’t wait to reopen and welcome our faithful guests again on our campsite! We’re going to stay open all September and will likely close after the first week of October! Let’s hope in a wonderful September, with lots of sunshine and happy guests! 😎😎☀️☀️we’re ready!

The campsite is so beautiful right now…it’s very sad that we still are not allowed to reopen these days. Cross fingers i...

The campsite is so beautiful right now…it’s very sad that we still are not allowed to reopen these days. Cross fingers it’s gonna be a matter of days 🙏🏼🙏🏼🤞🏼😍❤️

Two days ago, finally, the authorities started to clear some of the damage caused by the landslide that blocked the entr...

Two days ago, finally, the authorities started to clear some of the damage caused by the landslide that blocked the entrance of the camping on the 12. July. It’s still a long way to clear everything, but we’re confident to reopen as soon as possible. The campsite is soooooo beautiful right now…it breaks our heart not to be allowed to welcome our guests on it right now. 🥲🥲😔🙏🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Unfortunately we have no good news…the campsite will not reopen at least until the end of August…the town needs to place...

Unfortunately we have no good news…the campsite will not reopen at least until the end of August…the town needs to place some nets on the mountain before they will start to work on the main road and it all will take long. We are terribly sorry for all of our faithful guests who can’t come to Valle Romantica this summer. We will continue to clean, rebuild, etc as fast as possible on our property so that we will be definitely ready as soon as we have thumbs up from the authorities. It would have been such a nice summer for all of us! 😔🙏🏼🥲

Sad news for valle romantica! Yesterday afternoon a couple of minutes of violent rainfall caused a landslide to come dow...

Sad news for valle romantica! Yesterday afternoon a couple of minutes of violent rainfall caused a landslide to come down close to the entrance of the camping…the road of the valley cannobina is completely blocked as also the entrance of the camping. The authorities have ordered all guests to evacuate and so far we don’t know for how long the campsite will remain closed. We will inform you as soon as we have news! Luckily none got hurt. 🙏🏼🙏🏼😔

Ahhhh…the sun is back at valle romantica! ☀️☀️😎happy weekend everyone!

Ahhhh…the sun is back at valle romantica! ☀️☀️😎happy weekend everyone!

…so relaxing right now on the Camping…😍😍👍🏼☀️😎

…so relaxing right now on the Camping…😍😍👍🏼☀️😎

So many beautiful flowers right now…valle Romantica is the place to be if you love nature, isn’t it? 😍😍

So many beautiful flowers right now…valle Romantica is the place to be if you love nature, isn’t it? 😍😍

Such beautiful shades of green around the campsite right now…😍😍😎☀️

Such beautiful shades of green around the campsite right now…😍😍😎☀️

We wish a wonderful Easter weekend to all…unfortunately the weather is not on our side this year, but Monday/Tuesday it ...

We wish a wonderful Easter weekend to all…unfortunately the weather is not on our side this year, but Monday/Tuesday it will finally get sunny again! ☀️☀️🌤️enjoy a good glass of vino rosso and relax!

The Sunshine is back at valle romantica…so beautiful to see trees blooming and starting to awake! Are you ready to visit...

The Sunshine is back at valle romantica…so beautiful to see trees blooming and starting to awake! Are you ready to visit us from mid march??? 😍😍👌🏼🙏🏼see you all soon!


Strada Valle Cannobina


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