Pasticceria Siciliana Falanga

Pasticceria Siciliana Falanga Scopri tutti i sapori di un'isola unica e speciale custoditi nella nostra Pasticceria Siciliana

the quality and authenticity of our fine pastries, handmade with use the best natural ingredients (flour, honey, butter, eggs, chocolate), without the use of preservatives, and pistachios, almonds, oranges and lemons produced in our island, unique for their extraordinary kindness. The rigorous selection of raw materials and refined workmanship of our pastry chefs achieve the best tradition of an a

ncient bakery, in absolute respect of an art handed down from father to son. The single pack of each pastry ensures a more suitable hygiene and safety of a longer shelf life (we not use the preservatives!!). Our company has undertaken a program of research and development of total quality conquering numerous awards such the "GOLDEN TRAY" for the best confectionery product of the year, given to us in Parma at CIBUS 2008. And the confidence of customers for the prestige and international reputation such COOP Switzerland, DALLMAYR in Munich or PECK in Milan, true temples of gourmet. I invite You to come to our factory to check our processing methods, meanwhile, you can visit our corporate website:


La leggenda di di Fillide e Acamante.Acamante, eroe greco, si trovava in viaggio verso T***a. Durante una sosta a Tracia...

La leggenda di di Fillide e Acamante.
Acamante, eroe greco, si trovava in viaggio verso T***a. Durante una sosta a Tracia conobbe la principessa Fillide.
Appena i due si videro nacque un amore profondo.
Acamante dovette però lasciare la sua amata per andare a combattere a T***a.
Fillide lo aspettò per 10 anni ma quando venne a conoscenza della caduta di T***a e non vedendo l’innamorato tornare pensò che fosse morto e si lasciò morire di dolore.
La dea Atena impietosita dalla storia degli innamorati trasformò Fillide in un mandorlo e quando Acamante, in realtà ancora in vita, venne a conoscenza di questa trasformazione, si recò nel luogo dove c’era l’albero e lo abbracciò con amore e con dolore. Fillide sentì quell’abbraccio e fece spuntare dai rami dei piccoli fiori bianchi.
L’abbraccio dei due innamorati si mostra ogni inizio di primavera a testimoniare l’amore eterno tra i due.


Catania, Via Cosmo Mollica Alagona, 65


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Our Story

the quality and authenticity of our fine pastries, handmade with use the best natural ingredients (flour, honey, butter, eggs, chocolate), without the use of preservatives, and pistachios, almonds, oranges and lemons produced in our island, unique for their extraordinary kindness. The rigorous selection of raw materials and refined workmanship of our pastry chefs achieve the best tradition of an ancient bakery, in absolute respect of an art handed down from father to son. The single pack of each pastry ensures a more suitable hygiene and safety of a longer shelf life (we not use the preservatives!!). Our company has undertaken a program of research and development of total quality conquering numerous awards such the "GOLDEN TRAY" for the best confectionery product of the year, given to us in Parma at CIBUS 2008. And the confidence of customers for the prestige and international reputation such DALLMAYR in Munich or PECK in Milan, true temples of gourmet. I invite You to come to our factory to check our processing methods, meanwhile, you can visit our corporate website:

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