Podere Umbro Guest Houses - Città della Pieve, Italy

Podere Umbro Guest Houses - Città della Pieve, Italy Podere Umbro is an old farmhouse renovated by its current owners into 4 apartment-style villinos. Each villino has their own private dining terrace

Set in 17 acres of oil-producing olive groves with a large pool overlooking the Tuscan hills. Lovingly restored mid 19th century Farmhouse set on an olive grove of over 600 olive trees. The farmhouse has been restored to contain 4 individual apartments, fully equipped for a self catering vacation. There are 17 acres of land and views of the Tuscan hills and countryside as far as the eye can see. 2

miles from the medieval town of Citta Della Pieve it's the perfect location to enjoy the surrounding area and nearby cities and towns. 30 foot swimming pool which is privately owned by the apartments and has views over the valleys in an elevated position. The owners are happy for you to help yourself to the fig trees, apricots, hazelnuts, pomegranate and vegetable gardens plus all the herbs for cooking are growing on the land. November vacations can include olive picking for harvesting and a can of your own hand picked olive oil to take home. There are lots of animals on the farm, horses, goats, chickens and two dogs. The dogs are extremely friendly and love guests, but please don’t bring children if they are afraid of dogs, because we won’t lock them inside. They like to be free and to play. Restaurato con cura metà Casale 19 ° secolo, situato in un uliveto di oltre 600 alberi di ulivo . Il casale è stato ristrutturato per contenere 6 appartamenti individuali , completamente attrezzata per una vacanza self-catering . Ci sono 17 acri di terreno e vista sulla campagna umbra per quanto l'occhio può vedere . 2 miglia dalla città medievale di Città della Pieve è il luogo ideale per godersi la zona circostante e le città e le città vicine. piscina 30 piedi che è di proprietà privata dagli appartamenti e offre una vista sulle valli in una posizione elevata . I proprietari sono felice per voi per aiutare voi stessi di fichi , albicocche, nocciole , melograno e orti , più tutte le erbe per la cottura stanno crescendo sulla terra . vacanze novembre possono includere la raccolta delle olive per la raccolta e una bottiglia del proprio raccolte a mano olio d'oliva da portare a casa.



🌻CAMINETTO🌻Smallest ApartmentOne bedroom, bathroom with showerSmall living/kitchen areaSmall terrace with table and chai...


Smallest Apartment

One bedroom, bathroom with shower
Small living/kitchen area
Small terrace with table and chairs



🌻 L’ANGOLINO🌻The biggest apartment Two large double bedroomsLarge bathroom with bath & Shower cubicle Living room/kitche...


The biggest apartment

Two large double bedrooms
Large bathroom with bath & Shower cubicle
Living room/kitchen
Patio doors leading to terrace for outside dining/napping😂 with amazing views

L’ Angolino


One bedroom upstairs apartment with bunk beds downstairs for extras and a sofa bed.
Outside dining terrace and also terrace in bedroom
Large living room/kitchen
Views facing Tuscan Hills

La Terrazza (The Terrace)


🌻LA TERRAZZA🌻One bedroom upstairs apartment with bunk beds downstairs for extras and a sofa bed. Outside dining terrace ...


One bedroom upstairs apartment with bunk beds downstairs for extras and a sofa bed.
Outside dining terrace and also terrace in bedroom
Large living room/kitchen
Views facing Tuscan Hills

La Terrazza (The Terrace)


🌻LA VISTA🌻All six apartments have names (or else we’d get lost😂) and this is La Vista, aptly named as The View because o...


All six apartments have names (or else we’d get lost😂) and this is La Vista, aptly named as The View because of the views of the Tuscan hills from each window.

Two large bedrooms, living/kitchen area, large bathroom. Enormous outside covered dining area which leads up to the pool.

If this one is your choice remember to book La vista on booking.com or call us direct for private booking


🦅 BIRDS EYE VIEW 🦅We were gifted some drone photos of the house and land the other day. How amazing to see Podere from a...


We were gifted some drone photos of the house and land the other day. How amazing to see Podere from another perspective. We didn’t quite realize how enormous it is till we saw this! 😂

17 acres of land, 600 olive trees, the villa, all the outhouses and the pool area looks amazing from the sky
Come see us 2024. Open for bookings now 🌻


Always lots going on in our town over Christmas and new year period ❤️                                                  ...

Always lots going on in our town over Christmas and new year period ❤️

Podere Umbro is still enjoying the Indian summer that feels like July in October ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️   ...

Podere Umbro is still enjoying the Indian summer that feels like July in October ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️


Vocabolo Acquaiole, 5
Città Della Pieve


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Our Story

Lovingly restored mid 19th century Farmhouse set down a valley in an olive grove of over 600 olive trees. The farmhouse has been restored to contain 4 individual guest houses, one formally the main house, two that were formally the stables underneath and one Grandma house on the side. Each house is fully equipped for a self catering vacation. There are 17 acres of land and views of the Tuscan countryside as far as the eye can see. Only 2 miles from the stunning little medieval town of Citta Della Pieve, it's the perfect location to enjoy the surrounding area and nearby cities and towns. 30 foot swimming pool which has views over the valleys in an elevated position. The animals on the farm are 3 horses (available to ride), show breed silkie chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, cockerals, rabbits our two resident dogs and our cat. The owners are happy for you to help yourself to the fig trees, apricots, hazelnuts, pomegranate, cherries and vegetable gardens plus all the herbs for cooking grow on the land as well as our Saffron production. November vacations can include olive picking for harvesting season and a bottle of your own hand picked, superior quality extra virgin olive oil to take home. Fattoria restaurata con cura a metà del XIX secolo situata in una valle in un uliveto di oltre 600 ulivi. Il casale è stato restaurato per contenere 4 case per gli ospiti individuali, una formalmente la casa principale, due che formalmente erano le stalle sottostanti e una nonna sul lato. Ogni casa è completamente attrezzata per una vacanza in piena autonomia. Ci sono 17 acri di terra e vista sulla campagna toscana a perdita d'occhio. Solo 2 miglia dalla splendida cittadina medievale di Città della Pieve, è il luogo perfetto per godersi la zona circostante e le città vicine. Piscina di 30 piedi con vista sulle valli in posizione elevata. Gli animali della fattoria sono 3 cavalli (disponibili per cavalcare), mostrano polli di razza, anatre, oche, tacchini, galletti, conigli, i nostri due cani residenti e il nostro gatto. I proprietari sono felici che tu ti aiuti ai fichi, alle albicocche, alle nocciole, al melograno, alle ciliegie e agli orti, oltre a tutte le erbe per cucinare che crescono sulla terra così come la nostra produzione di zafferano. Le vacanze di novembre possono includere la raccolta delle olive per la stagione della raccolta e una bottiglia di olio extra vergine di oliva di qualità superiore da portare a casa.