Finale Ligure House

Finale Ligure House Appartamento in posizione centrale a Finale Ligure a 50m dalla spiaggia. Situato al secondo piano di


To all my friends around the world.

1. We are all fine. This is kind of a bad and strong flu, guys, it's not a plague.
2. Italian healthcare is one of the best in the world. And, unbelievable, it is 100% for free. No insurance plan, no credit card. Health in Italy is a a primary constitutional right for everyone, even for you when visiting our wonderful Country.
3. Milan is not controlled by the military police: people live, love, walk and work as usual.
Our Health Authorities have made the decision of suspending many activities involving large communities JUST to reduce the risk of contamination. We had more or less 300 positive cases in Milan only because we carried out the test over almost 9000 people out of 60 million.
In the US you had around 20 cases out of 400 tests over a population of almost 300 million! Just do your own maths...
4. The real virus we must take care of is ignorance...from all over the world... Ignorance of some opinion leaders, ignorance of some politicians, ignorance of some press...which is fostering panic, hence racist and cynical behaviors...
5. Spring is close. Summer is not too far. Buy a ticket, book a room and come to Italy!
You'll be much welcome, you'll find lovely people, some sun, great food, plenty of amazing experiences.

Please Share!


Finale Ligure è una delle mete più affascinanti della costa ligure di Ponente. Mare, spiagge, lungomare a Finalpia e Finale Marina e due borghi gioiello che sanno come lasciare senza fiato: Finalborgo e Varigotti. Finalborgo, nel circuito dei Borghi più Belli d'Italia, è uno scrigno di arte e st...

Casa Centrale

Casa Centrale



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