Bronzino 53 Firenze

Bronzino 53 Firenze Two-room flat for vacation rentals, with private entrance and free parking. Full comfort apartment l The whole structure is air-conditioned or heated.

Bronzino 53 is a turistic apartment of 40 square meters on the ground floor, with private entrance, for up to 4 people. The property is situated near the historical city center of Florence, in a quiet and strategic location. The apartment has a living room-kitchen complete with wide screen TV’, microwave, fridge-freezer, electric kettle, toaster, child seat (on request); a room with a double bed,

wardrobe, TV wide screen’, camping cot for baby (on request) and a bathroom with shower, phone, hair services. Wi-Fi is free. Next to the apartment, a few feet from the front door, there is one free private parking. There are common areas as a playground for children and a courtyard with benches and a fountain. Near the apartment, there are public transport services like the tram stop (Tramvia), you can easily find also some bars, grocery stores, a supermarket, pizzerias and restaurants, ATM machines etc. The tram stop is about 350 meters from the apartment, in five minutes you will be in the historic city center of Florence. I recommend a 15 minute walk along the Arno River to enjoy the best the city by walking through the center. The property is also a 5 minute drive from the junction with two main roads: the S.G.C. Florence-Pisa-Livorno freeway, and the A1 Milan-Naples highway. Check-in from 14pm
Check-out before 10am

The minimum stay is 2 nights, therefore we do not accept requests for a single day. For security reasons, upon arrival guests will be asked for an identification document. It will be required a security deposit of Euro 100,00, in case of any brake, damage or missing items. The deposit will be returned the day of departure, after the check out. No pets and no smoking. No more than 4 persons allowed. The apartment is completely new, recently renovated. Please leave the apartment in the same state as you found it.


[ITA] Bronzino 53 è un Bilocale destinato ad affitti turistici, di circa 40 mq al piano terra rialzato, con ingresso indipendente, per un massimo di 4 persone. La struttura è situata a 100 m da Ponte alla Vittoria, alle porte del Centro Storico di Firenze in posizione tranquilla e strategica. Il Bilocale, interamente climatizzato, vanta una cucina-soggiorno con divano letto matrimoniale e una camera con letto matrimoniale. Bagno con angolo doccia e phon per capelli. Camera e soggiorno-cucina si affacciano entrambe, attraverso due grandi finestre, sullo spazio condominiale dove è possibile, per chi arriva in auto, parcheggiare il proprio mezzo gratuitamente nel posto privato. Cucina attrezzata con forno a microonde, macchina da Caffé espresso, tostapane, bollitore, stoviglie. Disponibile gratuitamente, su richiesta, seggiolino per bambini. Gli ospiti possono usufruire di spazi condominiali comuni come la zona giochi per bambini, panchine e cortile. Nelle immediate vicinanze della struttura sono presenti servizi essenziali come la fermata della Tramvia, Bar, Alimentari, Supermercato, Pizzerie e Ristoranti, Bancomat e molto altro. La fermate della Tramnvia distano circa 500 metri dall'appartamento, in due minuti sarete nel Centro Storico. Io comunque consiglio 10 minuti di passeggiata lungo l'Arno per godersi al meglio la Città. La struttura dista, inoltre, 5 minuti di auto dall'innesto con le due principali direttrici stradali ovvero la S.G.C. Firenze-Pisa-Livorno e l'A1 Milano-Napoli. Nonostante ami gli animali sono costretto a non ammetterli nella struttura, nemmeno di taglia piccola, per una questione di igiene. E' severamente vietato fumare nella struttura.


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[ Città di Firenze ]


Ponte Vecchio ✨



Grazie Toni


Potresti stare seduto in questa piazza per ore e non capire come hanno fatto ad erigere così tanta bellezza...




Firenze così


Riflessi d’autunno

Grazie a per la bellissima foto 📷


Vista notturna su Firenze!💜





UNICA ❤️❤️❤️

Buon San Giovanni Fiorenza! ⚜

Buon San Giovanni Fiorenza! ⚜

Buongiorno e buon San Giovanni


The perfume of roses swept over me when I stepped into the Giardino delle Rose. My eyes gently closed and my shoulders dropped as I breathed in the garden’s tangy scents mingling around me. Pastel-colored butterflies twirled around the rose bushes, adding their touch of joy to the grassy areas.

I crisscrossed the lawn multiple times to admire the roses’s delicate corollas infused with sunlight as they reached toward the heavens from their thorny branches. The warm breeze made the hazelnut tree’s leaves flutter, as if they were greeting the visitors. Many only passed through to reach Piazzale Michelangiolo while a few paused to look at the roses and sniff the air.

Sparrows dove into the rose bushes and perched themselves on the leafy branches as rose petals dropped silently onto the grass. I was so heartened by the distinct perfumes that I tried to get a whiff of as many roses as I could.

With the scent of roses still lingering in the air, I exited the gardens and strolled up Viale Poggi. I stuck to one side of the avenue, brushing against the laurel shrubs, as cars zoomed by.

The moment I noticed the Duomo framed by blossoming acacia trees, I paused. Their white blossoms flurried in and tumbled onto the pavement. While admiring the panorama, where pigeons soar overhead, Santa Croce’s bells chimed. The moment uplifted my spirits and encouraged me to continue up toward Piazzale Michelangiolo instead of heading home.


Along Lungarno Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici, people huddled together to take photographs with the Ponte Vecchio as a backdrop. I continued through the shadow of the Corridoio Vasariano and took in a deep breath when I arrived on Lungarno degli Acciaiuoli. Groups—both small and large—sat on the sidewalk terrace sipping drinks while pedestrians and bicyclists navigated between the two bridges.

The sun was shining from atop a thin layer of clouds on my walk to the center of Ponte Santa Trinita. The wind, passing at a higher velocity above the river, tossed my hair about. The colors overhead were serene while the Arno’s surface was choppy.

After watching the sunset for a half hour with little change, I decided to return home. The chilly winds were odorless, as if they hadn’t touched the city.

As I passed the Estate statue, sunbeams were shooting up from behind the clouds. With my gaze focused on the scene, I made a beeline for Ponte alla Carraia. Before arriving, I paused next to a lamppost on the brick wall. The breeze was steady as I held my iPhone away from me to snap a photo. Passersby strolled by as I watched the rays of sunlight retract. The sun set the sky aglow before sliding out of view.


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I navigated Via Calzaiuoli at dawn. My mood became melancholic as I passed the darkened shops and cafés. Only a handful of pedestrians roamed the shadowy streets. It wasn’t clear if they were starting their day or ending it. One taxi cruised past me with two wide-eyed tourists in the backseat. The sound of the car’s tires rumbling along the uneven road brought the city back to life.

When I stepped foot in Piazza San Giovanni, I let out a weary sigh. As I stood alone in between the Duomo and the Campanile di Giotto, my body tingled with joy. With soft steps, I circled the baptistery and stopped at the corner of Borgo San Lorenzo. The streetlights radiated a golden cloud of light. The moon was glowing overhead while the sun was making its debut.

With every breath, the dark blue skies faded while varying shades of pink and purple emerged above the skyline. A bicyclist sped past me, kicking up a wintry breeze that made my scarf flutter.

While scanning my surroundings, my gaze kept returning to the cathedral’s illuminated façade. It seemed even more grandiose in the barren piazza, slightly hidden by the Battistero and just beyond the Colonna di San Zanobi. 

Before walking up Via de’ Cerretani, I looked back at the Duomo, embraced by buildings on both sides. I bid farewell to the cathedral while saying hello to a new day.


Oggi inizia lo smontaggio della ruota panoramica che anche quest’anno è stata un successo straordinario insieme alla pista di pattinaggio. Tantissime famiglie hanno riempito la Fortezza di sorrisi e stupore. Ringrazio gli organizzatori per questo bel risultato.

La ruota panoramica tornerà presto, in un nuovo luogo che decideremo insieme alla Soprintendenza con la quale abbiamo già iniziato a confrontarci.

Grazie a tutti 🎡


The pristine reflection of the riverscape drew me in as I stood on Ponte Santa Trinita. The streetlights glimmered on the placid water as the sun departed for the day. A band of yellow, gradually becoming orange, stretched across the horizon and graced the Arno.

Even though locals and out-of-towners sashayed behind me, I felt alone to revel in the sunset. One person showed up alongside me, but I didn’t even turn my head.

A few moments later, I searched for the moon to the east. Above the Ponte Vecchio, the white Christmas tree in Piazzale Michelangiolo twinkled.

When I looked toward Ponte alla Carraia, a fish popped out of the water. It made no sound, but it created ripples on the water’s surface.

As the sky darkened to a deep blue, there were fewer passersby. The brisk wind didn’t inspire many to stand at the center of the bridge.

Winter sunsets are unpredictable. However, when the gloomy skies make way for the glow of the setting sun, it is pure magic. Such expressions of beauty not only soothe our hearts, they replenish our spirits.


Un fine settimana che si preannuncia molto movimentato a Firenze tra le celebrazioni dell'ultimo dell'anno e quelle per l'inizio del 2023


Tanti auguri, Firenze.




Via Bronzino 53/A


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