Florence Tours by Made of Tuscany

Florence Tours by Made of Tuscany Made of Tuscany is a tour operator which organizes expertly led tours around Florence in a unique way Reserve your Tour now at http://www.madeoftuscany.it

Made of Tuscany invites you to discover the beauty and secrets of Florence with exciting professional guided tours. Made of Tuscany is a tour operator established by a group of professional and skilled guides with many years experience in the field of tourism incoming in Florence. Our guided tours will reveal the unique and magical atmosphere of Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance. The histori

c center of Florence can be considered a real open air museum full of majestic palaces, amazing museums and precious churches. We offer our love for the city and our professionalism to make your visit in Florence an immersive and stressfree one, so you will skip unnecessary queues and enjoy the city with no problem about timing.

The most exciting way to see Florence and the Chianti region from the air is on a hot-air balloon ride tour over the Chi...

The most exciting way to see Florence and the Chianti region from the air is on a hot-air balloon ride tour over the Chianti hills!
"The hot air balloon is the romantic dream of a time when inventions were not necessarily meant for anything, but were scales of the imagination." (Rosario Battiato)

Live an incredible experience, the magic of the Ballooning in Tuscany, discover the Chianti hills from another perspective.

A unique panorama as you only could see in a postcard. In this case you will get to enjoy Chianti from this marvellous optic- the mosaic of cypresses and olives from an aerial perspective.

Chianti from the sky- just seize this opportunity!

Uffizi Gallery Guided Tour: This museum in Florence is the most visited art gallery in Italy.The important artistic heri...

Uffizi Gallery Guided Tour:

This museum in Florence is the most visited art gallery in Italy.

The important artistic heritage in the Uffizi is because of the legacy that the family of Medici created for the city of Florence.

This important Florentine dynasty gave freely all the works of art of great value to the city, with the rule that they cannot be sold or to leave town for any reason.

With the time, the artistic heritage in the Uffizi museum was increasing, thanks to bequests donated to the city.

Some of the masterpieces of the Uffizi presented today also came from other structures and museums, which over time were abandoned or became less suited to keep important works of art.

Here it is hosted the Venus and the Spring by Sandro Botticelli, the Bacchus and the Medusa by Caravaggio, the Announciation by Leonardo Da Vinci, may paintings by Raphael, The Venus of Urbino by Titian and many other artworks.

Quando camminerete sulla terra dopo aver volato, guarderete il cielo perché là siete stati e là vorrete tornare.(Leonard...

Quando camminerete sulla terra dopo aver volato, guarderete il cielo perché là siete stati e là vorrete tornare.
(Leonardo da Vinci)

Basilica of Santa Croce: the mausoleum of the Italic Glories The Basilica of Santa Croce is an unmissable wonder of the ...

Basilica of Santa Croce: the mausoleum of the Italic Glories

The Basilica of Santa Croce is an unmissable wonder of the city of Florence, this guided tour is a must to get to know its essence.

It is loved all over the world, sung by poets and rich in works of art from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. In this basilica rest the great personalities who have given clear fame to our Italy all over the world.

Who doesn't know Michelangelo, Galileo Galilei and Machiavelli?

The tombs of these great characters are located right here, in Santa Croce. They rest in peace in large monumental tombs in the central nave of the Basilica.

To contribute to the fame of this Basilica there is also much more: the cenotaph of Dante Alighieri, or his funeral monument, the wonderful sepulcher of Vittorio Alfieri, poet tombeur de femmes, to whom Antonio Canova sculpted one of the most impressive tombs of the Gallery of the Great Italians.

And many other tombs, more or less monumental, which house great artists such as Lorenzo Ghiberti and his son Vittorio, the creators of the fifteenth-century Gates of Paradise in the Baptistery of Florence.

Exclusive Private Wine Tour in Florence Our private wine tasting tour in Florence will take you to the Oltrarno, an hist...

Exclusive Private Wine Tour in Florence

Our private wine tasting tour in Florence will take you to the Oltrarno, an historical neighborhood where you can live the true florentine lifestyle, away from the classic wine routes with a glass in your hand.

Starting with Ponte Vecchio, our guides will take you for a walk through Oltrarno, the soul of the Florentine workshops.

While you are walking, enjoy the sunset and the best views of Florence while you are surrounded by beautiful squares, gardens, and palaces.

Our expert guides will show you the history of the city and point out the places of interest that you may have missed.

With this, our guides will help you understand and feel the atmosphere of the neighborhood.

During the tasting, you can try bottles of white and red wine including the Chianti, a famous Tuscan wine.

Structura si grande, erta sopra e’ cieli, ampla da coprire chon sua ombra tutti e popoli toscani. (Leon Battista Alberti...

Structura si grande, erta sopra e’ cieli, ampla da coprire chon sua ombra tutti e popoli toscani.
(Leon Battista Alberti)

Esoteric Florence: private tour for lovers of the Occult A nice original three-hour tour, to calmly examine the esoteric...

Esoteric Florence: private tour for lovers of the Occult

A nice original three-hour tour, to calmly examine the esoteric symbols hidden in the great monuments and also in the secret folds of the city.

Florence and the occult: alchemical symbols that have their roots in the centuries of this city's history.

Both the great personalities and the people belonging to the common people have always relied on the occult, when the logic of the facts seemed to lack the evidence of reason.
Here, alongside the strict religiosity prevailing in the Middle Ages, in the Renaissance and even during the counter-reformation of the seventeenth century, there is a need to invoke esotericism and often necromancy as well.
In the religious field there are symbols of the facades of Santa Croce and Santa Maria Novella, but also the palindrome of the Baptistery of Florence.

We will go to dig into the fabulous story of Pazzino dei Pazzi, an eleventh-century crusader knight and of the three splinters of flint coming from the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, splinters that on Easter day are used to set fire to the Brindellone during the Explosion of the Cart in Florence. .

We will reconstruct the death from arsenic of Pico della Mirandola in 1494, a profound intellectual of the circle of Lorenzo the Magnificent, and that of Agnolo Poliziano, poet of the Medici court, who was poisoned in the same year as Pico della Mirandola. The two intellectuals rest together in the church of San Marco in Florence.

Have you seen the tv series "the Medicis"? do you want to know more about the family that transformed florence into the ...

Have you seen the tv series "the Medicis"?
do you want to know more about the family that transformed florence into the symbolic city of the renaissance?

Come and listen to this family’s plotting, power games, conspiracies, wives, and lovers. You will learn about who Cosimo The Elder really was, Peter the Gouty, and Lorenzo Il Magnificient.

We will show you the Palaces of Rinaldo degli Albizi, as well as the Strozzi and the Pazzi families, the sworn enemies of the Medici Family.

This is a tour you do not want to miss.

Together we will see the palace where the famous Medici family lived and hear the tales of the artists and philosophers who created the renaissance in florence and the world!

Il Tour de France 2024 partirà dall'Italia! Un sogno che diventa realtà per gli amanti del ciclismo di tutto il mondo. P...

Il Tour de France 2024 partirà dall'Italia!

Un sogno che diventa realtà per gli amanti del ciclismo di tutto il mondo.

Per la prima volta nella sua storia, la Grande Boucle prenderà il via dal nostro Paese, con tre tappe mozzafiato che attraverseranno Toscana, Emilia-Romagna e Piemonte.

Si parte da Firenze il 29 giugno, con un omaggio al grande Gino Bartali.

La prima tappa si snoderà tra le bellezze naturali dell'Appennino tosco-emiliano fino a Rimini.

Le altre tappe italiane saranno:

Cesenatico - Bologna (30 giugno) - dedicata a Marco Pantani
Piacenza - Torino (1° luglio) - con un omaggio a Fausto Coppi

Un'occasione unica per celebrare i grandi campioni del ciclismo italiano e per ammirare i paesaggi incantevoli del nostro Paese.

San Giovanni: Firenze esplode di gioia per il suo Patrono!È il 24 giugno e Firenze è in festa!La città si tinge di rosso...

San Giovanni: Firenze esplode di gioia per il suo Patrono!

È il 24 giugno e Firenze è in festa!

La città si tinge di rosso e bianco per celebrare San Giovanni Battista, il suo amato patrono.

Al mattino si terrà il tradizionale Corteo Storico per la consegna dei Ceri e delle Croci al Sindaco e all’Arcivescovo di Firenze

La sera del 24 giugno, la città si illumina con migliaia di fuochi d'artificio che danzano nel cielo sopra il Duomo.

Un vero spettacolo da non perdere!

Firenze di notte: dove l'arte e la storia sussurrano al chiaro di lunaQuando il sole cala su Firenze, la città si trasfo...

Firenze di notte: dove l'arte e la storia sussurrano al chiaro di luna

Quando il sole cala su Firenze, la città si trasforma in un palcoscenico magico, dove l'arte e la storia sussurrano al chiaro di luna.

La Cupola del Brunelleschi si illumina di una luce dorata, mentre il Ponte Vecchio si specchia nelle acque calme dell'Arno.

Le strade acciottolate del centro storico si animano di un'atmosfera romantica e misteriosa, perfetta per perdersi tra vicoli segreti e piazze incantevoli.

Firenze di notte è un'esperienza che non può essere descritta a parole, ma solo vissuta.

Firenze di notte è un sogno ad occhi aperti, un viaggio nel tempo che vi lascerà senza fiato.

Vivi un tramonto mozzafiato a Firenze con Made of Tuscany!Immaginate questo: il sole cala sulla città di Firenze, tingen...

Vivi un tramonto mozzafiato a Firenze con Made of Tuscany!

Immaginate questo: il sole cala sulla città di Firenze, tingendo il cielo di sfumature di arancione, rosa e viola.

Voi siete lì, al Piazzale Michelangelo, con lo sguardo incantato dalla bellezza di questo panorama mozzafiato.

Insieme a voi, un gruppo di amiche che immortalano questo momento magico con una fotografia, ridendo e spensierate.

Questo è solo un assaggio di ciò che potrete vivere con i tour di Made of Tuscany.

Vi porteremo nei luoghi più iconici di Firenze e della Toscana, facendovi vivere esperienze autentiche ed indimenticabili.



Do you want to find out in the hands of our specialized guide the mysterious intrigues, gruesome conspiracies, and virtuous or sinful ladies? Do you want to know in depth the famous figures of Juan de Medici, Cosimo the Elder, Piero de Gouty or Lorenzo the Magnificent?

Do you want to see the spectacular buildings of the great enemy families of the Medici? Strozzi, Albizi, Pazzi… These are just some of the families from which you will learn about their enigmatic past and their fascinating history.

You can join our tour now and we will tell you the exciting story of the great family that ruled the city of Florence for more than three centuries. Together we will be able to visit the extraordinary Palazzo Medici, the majestic residence of the Medici family in the city of Florence, where the most famous and prominent artists and philosophers of the Renaissance have visited or even stayed.

Le "bizzarrie" di agrumi create per secoli dai giardinieri medicei ed ancora presenti nel giardino della Villa di Castel...

Le "bizzarrie" di agrumi create per secoli dai giardinieri medicei ed ancora presenti nel giardino della Villa di Castello

We will work with you to make the most of your time in Florence by providing personalized assistance in booking activiti...

We will work with you to make the most of your time in Florence by providing personalized assistance in booking activities and accommodations.

Our individual approach to meet the needs of our customers has earned us high ratings and prestige.

We can’t wait to assist you next!

We strongly believe that our experience in Florence tourism combined with our exquisite tour offerings will create a mem...

We strongly believe that our experience in Florence tourism combined with our exquisite tour offerings will create a memorable experience for all. With tours led in all possible languages, the history, art, and culture of Italy is within your reach. Our exceptional staff of over 200 tour guides is ready to lead you in discovering the wonders of Florence, Tuscany and all over Italy

Here at Made of Tuscany Tours, we believe in the values of originality and experience.

Here at Made of Tuscany Tours, we believe in the values of originality and experience.

Made of Tuscany is the guide that really guides youA team of tour guides who, for over 20 years, not only accompanies to...

Made of Tuscany is the guide that really guides you
A team of tour guides who, for over 20 years, not only accompanies tourists to discover Florence and Tuscany, but strives to make the journey in this museum city remain forever carved in the heart.


Great Medici tour in Florence! Under the ceiling painted by Painter Luca Giordano in the 17th century with the Glory of the Medici Dynasty

Hard happy job!

Hard happy job!

Cezanne e Renoir a Milano: una mostra che consiglio di visitare con calma come ho fatto io! Immersione totale nella Pari...

Cezanne e Renoir a Milano: una mostra che consiglio di visitare con calma come ho fatto io! Immersione totale nella Parigi dell'Ottocento💚🧡🧡💚💙❤

What a marvellous Sunday in   tasting

What a marvellous Sunday in tasting

Buona Pasqua in Toscana con Made of Tuscany!Scopri la bellezza della primavera in Toscana con i nostri tour e le nostre ...

Buona Pasqua in Toscana con Made of Tuscany!

Scopri la bellezza della primavera in Toscana con i nostri tour e le nostre esperienze personalizzate.

Relax, gusto e scoperta ti aspettano in questa Pasqua indimenticabile.

Visita il nostro sito o contattaci per ricevere una consulenza personalizzata.

Vieni a scoprire la storia e le insidie della famiglia più antica e potente di Firenze•••

Vieni a scoprire la storia e le insidie della famiglia più antica e potente di Firenze

A nice day in Florence in Giotto’s Bell Tower with an amazing view 🗼⚜️

A nice day in Florence in Giotto’s Bell Tower with an amazing view 🗼⚜️

Our guests for the Medici Family tour of Florence ⚜️•••

Our guests for the Medici Family tour of Florence ⚜️

Bye Sasha💖, we will miss you💖Thank you for having worked with us 💖

Bye Sasha💖, we will miss you💖Thank you for having worked with us 💖

A hidden jewel most of the time closed to the general public. Why? Today it is the deposit of the Greek Roman Etruscan s...

A hidden jewel most of the time closed to the general public. Why? Today it is the deposit of the Greek Roman Etruscan statues which belong to the Archeological museum of Florence and to the Uffizi Gallery



23/R Via Degli Alfani

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 09:00 - 19:00
Martedì 09:00 - 19:00
Mercoledì 09:00 - 19:00
Giovedì 09:00 - 19:00
Venerdì 09:00 - 19:00
Sabato 09:00 - 15:00




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