Santa Vittoria Farm Shop

Santa Vittoria Farm Shop Fattoria ed agriturismo. Selezione di prodotti naturali della nostra fattoria e di altri produttori

Quella di Geppy Cucciari a Splendida cornice credo sia la battuta definitiva sul saluto rom@no di Elon Musk. “Professore...

Quella di Geppy Cucciari a Splendida cornice credo sia la battuta definitiva sul saluto rom@no di Elon Musk. “Professore può tracciare un profilo psicologico dei soggetti che eseguono questo tipo di saluto?”

“Alcuni hanno citato l’autismo, altri una rievocazione storica fatta in buona fede. Sono tutte teorie rispettabili, ma recenti studi hanno dimostrato che questo tipo di saluto più che altro ha a che fare con il fatto di essere delle colossali teste di minchi@“. Definitiva davvero!!!

Al contadino non far sapere quant’é bono il tartufo con le pere. Curiosi, venite a trovarmi per assaggiare questa ricett...

Al contadino non far sapere quant’é bono il tartufo con le pere. Curiosi, venite a trovarmi per assaggiare questa ricetta! 🌾 **Tagliatelle of Ancient Grains with Pears & Hooked Truffle** 🍐✨
A dish that brings together the earthy elegance of *Tuber Aestivum Uncinatum* and the sweetness of ripe pears. The result? A pairing so unique and delicious, you have to try it to believe it.

🍴 *No shortcuts here!* Only real truffle—pure and authentic. No oils, creams, or artificial derivatives—just nature on your plate.

🌳 Want to make it even more special? Join us at to pick the truffle yourself from our truffle orchard, then savor this recipe fresh from farm to fork. An unforgettable journey for food and nature lovers alike.

And now something completely different: A fricassée of free-range chicken, delicately sautéed with Vin Santo and black g...

And now something completely different: A fricassée of free-range chicken, delicately sautéed with Vin Santo and black garlic, adorned with the earthy allure of black truffle. Garnished with pears, lovingly caramelized in Vin Santo, this dish is a tribute to the bounty of the land and the art of fine dining.

The secret to creamy pasta isn’t:  1. Adding cream  2. Adding potatoes  3. Adding flour  4. Adding strange ingredients. ...

The secret to creamy pasta isn’t:
1. Adding cream
2. Adding potatoes
3. Adding flour
4. Adding strange ingredients.

The secret to creamy pasta is high-quality pasta made with real artisan flour, dried at a very low temperature. If you care about your health, choose our pasta. Our pasta is dried over 168 hours. Do you know why the most famous industrial pasta brands can’t create that perfect creamy texture? Because they use low-quality flours and dry their pasta in just 2-3 hours at high temperatures.

È pronta la nuova Pasta Santa Vittoria di grani antichi raccolti nella stagione 2024!Per ordini contattare info@fattoria...

È pronta la nuova Pasta Santa Vittoria di grani antichi raccolti nella stagione 2024!

Per ordini contattare [email protected] o chiamare il 3934410905. The new *Pasta Santa Vittoria* made from ancient grains harvested in the 2024 season is ready!

For orders, please contact [email protected] or call +39 393 4410905.


È pronta la nuova Pasta Santa Vittoria di grani antichi raccolti nella stagione 2024!Per ordini contattare info@fattoria...

È pronta la nuova Pasta Santa Vittoria di grani antichi raccolti nella stagione 2024!

Per ordini contattare [email protected] o chiamare il 3934410905.

É un lungo e lento percorso quello che sta dietro la nostra pasta. Inizia dai campi dove coltiviamo una selezione di 3 grani di untempo: Cappelli, Russello e Timilia. Grani che vengono da un passato dove il grano era selezionato per essere saporito e nutriente, con un glutine gentile adatto all’alimentazione umana e non per soddisfare le economie ed i tempi della produzione industriale. Prosegue al mulino a pietra dove viene trasformato in una farina ricca di nutrienti preziosi quali la germe di grano e le fibre e non solo carboidrati e proteine. Prosegue al pastificio Pasta Fabbri dove la farina diventa pasta non in 2 ore ad altissime temperature ma in 168 ore, 7 giorni a 38* gradi. In questo lungo tempo le sostanze contenute nella farina, si comservamo od evolvono in sostanze nobili, in vitamine del gruppo A, E e B. Il risultato è una pasta unica, nutriente e digeribile anche per gli intolleranti al glutine o ai diabetici. Tutto questo ha un valore unico. La nuova pasta è pronta!

The new *Pasta Santa Vittoria* made from ancient grains harvested in the 2024 season is ready!

For orders, please contact [email protected] or call +39 393 4410905.

Our pasta is the result of a long and careful process. It starts in the fields, where we cultivate a selection of three heritage wheat varieties: Cappelli, Russello, and Timilia. These grains come from a time when wheat was chosen for its flavor and nutritional value, with a gentle gluten profile suited for human consumption, rather than the demands of industrial production. The process continues at the stone mill, where the grain is ground into flour rich in essential nutrients like wheat germ and fiber, not just carbohydrates and protein. Next, the flour is taken to *Pasta Fabbri*, where it is crafted into pasta—not in just two hours at high temperatures, but over 168 hours (7 days) at 38°C. This slow drying process allows the nutrients in the flour to be preserved and transformed into noble substances, including vitamins A, E, and B. The result is a unique pasta, both nourishing and digestible, even for those intolerant to gluten or diabetics.

This is something truly special. The new pasta is ready!

Ecco i tag pronti per il copia e incolla:


In primo piano semifreddo di ricotta di pecora con miele e sale, crumble biscuits multicereali con b***o salato e menta ...

In primo piano semifreddo di ricotta di pecora con miele e sale, crumble biscuits multicereali con b***o salato e menta del nostro orto in polvere. Dietro semifreddo di mascarpone, aglione nero, miele. Tutto poggiato su nostro miele raccolto a primavera, piccante per 3 mesi di immersione di carolina reaper sempre dal nostro orto. La polvere verde è polvere di foglie di fico seccate. Abbinamento nostro Vinsanto Valdichiana Toscana Doc.

In the foreground, a semifreddo of sheep's ricotta, laced with honey and salt, atop a crumble of multigrain biscuits blended with salted butter and powdered mint from our garden. Behind it, a mascarpone semifreddo with black garlic and honey. All of this rests upon our spring-harvested honey, spiced after three months of infusion with Carolina Reaper peppers from our own garden. The green powder is dried fig leaf dust. Paired with our Vinsanto Valdichiana Toscana DOC.

Cerchiamo una persona da aggiungere allo staff.Contratto agricolo mansioni principali presso l’agriturismo.Mandare un me...

Cerchiamo una persona da aggiungere allo staff.

Contratto agricolo mansioni principali presso l’agriturismo.

Mandare un messaggio a:
+393934410905 o [email protected]

Titolo: tagliatelle artigianali di Cappelli, Russello e tumminia con tartufo estivo.Cosa fa il prezzo di un piatto servi...

Titolo: tagliatelle artigianali di Cappelli, Russello e tumminia con tartufo estivo.

Cosa fa il prezzo di un piatto servito a tavola? Coltivare campi è un rischio altissimo, negli ultimi anni abbiamo avuto di tutto: grandine, tornadi, siccità. Coltivare grani antichi in modo sostenibile vuol dire produrre altissima qualità e un terzo della quantità rispetto ai grani intensivi bombari di sostanze chimiche. Certo puoi comprare il grano dal Canada e ammazzare gli agricoltori italiani, oppure sfruttare i lavoratori e pagarli una miseria magari in nero, anche questa è una sokuzione.. non la nostra. Poi c’è la farina e la pasta. Una pasta industriale rimane in cella 2 ore e viene cotta ad altissine temperature. La nostra pasta artigianale la cella la occupa non due ore ma un’intera settimana. poi ci sono gli altri ingredienti ed il personale di cucina, anche quello pagato il giusto e con contratto. Immaginate quanto costa tutto questo? È facike scandalizzarsi per i lavoratori sfruttati, per gli agricoltori alla canna del gas per poi spendere 600 euro blnel cellulare che si usa per fotografare uno scontrino scandalizzandosi del prezzo di un piatto di tagliatelle. Continuiamo cosí a far finta di essere onesti sulla pelle di chi lavora onestamente.

Tortellini ricotta e spinaci, b***o e salvia con Gnudo e pesto di salvia. Domenica cosí. Farina macinata stamani al nost...

Tortellini ricotta e spinaci, b***o e salvia con Gnudo e pesto di salvia. Domenica cosí. Farina macinata stamani al nostro mulino da grano Tumminia.

Welcome to another week of delicious Tuscan cuisine! This week, we're showcasing a classic dish from the Santa Vittoria ...

Welcome to another week of delicious Tuscan cuisine! This week, we're showcasing a classic dish from the Santa Vittoria Tuscan Cookbook - Lasagne with Pesto. A perfect representation of the Mediterranean diet, this flavorful pasta dish combines tender lasagne noodles, a rich pesto sauce, and a blend of cheeses for a delicious taste of Tuscany. Get ready to take a culinary journey and bring a touch of Italy to your dinner table. Buon appetito!
Mauro Pieri Farmer Chef from Fattoria Santa Vittoria, Tuscany.

Lasagne with Pesto and Cherry Tomatoes
Cooking Time: 60 MN, Serving Size: 6/8
1- Béchamel: 50Gr/1.7Oz butter, 80Gr/2.9Oz flour, 1.1Lt/35FOz milk, 1 teaspoon salt, White pepper, A couple of good pinches of ground nutmeg
2- Pesto: Check recipe pag 54 of Santa Vittoria's Cook Book
3- 1kg/35Oz cherry tomatoes,
4- thinly sliced, 250Gr/Oz fresh pasta lasagne sheets
5- 60Gr/2Oz Parmesan for sprinkling over at the end
When you have a glut of basil in the garden it's time to make pesto, and what better dish to make with pesto than this Lasagne with cherry tomatoes? If you have a salad spinner leave it in the cupboard. After washing the basil, dry it as Marta does, by folding it in a dish rag and twirling it above your head as fast as you can, until all the water has been forced out! Try to buy really thin fresh lasagne pasta. If you can't get the very thin sort, you may need to cook the dish a little longer.
How to cook it?
Pre-heat the oven to 220C/428F. Set the sliced cherry tomatoes to drain in a colander for at least 20 minutes. (The drained juice can be thrown away.) Make the béchamel sauce by melting the butter in a pan, stirring in the flour and cooking for a minute before whisking in the milk, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stir the sauce over a moderate heat until slightly thickened.
Smear a few tablespoons of béchamel on the bottom of a rectangular oven-proof dish, (35x25cm). Put a layer of lasagne on top. Ladle a good quantity of béchamel over the pasta and smooth it out evenly. It needs to be generous because the sauce will be cooking the pasta. Cover the sauce with spoonfuls of pesto, over which arrange a single layer of cherry tomatoes, seasoning well and sprinkling a little bit of grated parmesan. Repeat the layers until all the pasta, béchamel, pesto and tomatoes have been used up. Finish by sprinkling the final 60g Parmesan over the last layer of tomatoes, and bake at 220C/428F for 35 to 40 minutes, until nice and crunchy and golden brown on top. It's a good idea to keep an eye on it the last 10 minutes, to see that it doesn't get too brown.
Wine Suggestion: with this recipes I suggest a white wine like our Matilde IGT white.

Get your paper copy on Amazon:

Get free Kindle Ebook - Free from February 4th to Febreuary 8th:

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Welcome to another week of delicious Tuscan cuisine! This week, we're showcasing a classic dish from the Santa Vittoria ...

Welcome to another week of delicious Tuscan cuisine! This week, we're showcasing a classic dish from the Santa Vittoria Tuscan Cookbook - Lasagne with Pesto. A perfect representation of the Mediterranean diet, this flavorful pasta dish combines tender lasagne noodles, a rich pesto sauce, and a blend of cheeses for a delicious taste of Tuscany. Get ready to take a culinary journey and bring a touch of Italy to your dinner table. Buon appetito!

Lasagne with pesto
Hello everyone, I'm Mauro and I'm excited to share with you a fantastic Lasagne with Pesto recipe straight from pages 18 of our cook book Santa Vittoria's Secret Tuscan Cook Book.

This dish is a perfect representation of the delicious pasta dishes found in italian cuisine, and especially in Tuscany region in Italy known for its rich and flavorful cuisine. Inspired by the healthy and flavorful Mediterranean diet, this dish is sure to tantalize your taste buds with its fresh ingredients and bold flavors. Get ready to take a culinary trip to Italy with this classic Italian dish, made with the traditional Tuscan pasta. Enjoy!

LASAGNE WITH PESTO and Cherry Tomatoes
Cooking Time: 60 MN, Serving Size: 6/8


1- Béchamel: 50Gr/1.7Oz butter, 80Gr/2.9Oz flour, 1.1Lt/35FOz milk, 1 teaspoon salt, White pepper, A couple of good pinches of ground nutmeg

2- Pesto: Check recipe pag 54 of Santa Vittoria's Cook Book

3- 1kg/35Oz cherry tomatoes,

4- thinly sliced, 250Gr/Oz fresh pasta lasagne sheets

5- 60Gr/2Oz Parmesan for sprinkling over at the end

When you have a glut of basil in the garden it's time to make pesto, and what better dish to make with pesto than this Lasagne with cherry tomatoes? If you have a salad spinner leave it in the cupboard. After washing the basil, dry it as Marta does, by folding it in a dish rag and twirling it above your head as fast as you can, until all the water has been forced out! Try to buy really thin fresh lasagne pasta. If you can't get the very thin sort, you may need to cook the dish a little longer.

How to cook it?
Pre-heat the oven to 220C/428F. Set the sliced cherry tomatoes to drain in a colander for at least 20 minutes. (The drained juice can be thrown away.) Make the béchamel sauce by melting the butter in a pan, stirring in the flour and cooking for a minute before whisking in the milk, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stir the sauce over a moderate heat until slightly thickened.

Smear a few tablespoons of béchamel on the bottom of a rectangular oven-proof dish, (35x25cm). Put a layer of lasagne on top. Ladle a good quantity of béchamel over the pasta and smooth it out evenly. It needs to be generous because the sauce will be cooking the pasta. Cover the sauce with spoonfuls of pesto, over which arrange a single layer of cherry tomatoes, seasoning well and sprinkling a little bit of grated parmesan. Repeat the layers until all the pasta, béchamel, pesto and tomatoes have been used up. Finish by sprinkling the final 60g Parmesan over the last layer of tomatoes, and bake at 220C/428F for 35 to 40 minutes, until nice and crunchy and golden brown on top. It's a good idea to keep an eye on it the last 10 minutes, to see that it doesn't get too brown.

Wine Suggestion: with this recipes I suggest a white wine like our Pugnitello IGT rosé.

Get your copy on Amazon:


Attention all foodies!

Get ready to bring the flavors of Tuscany to your kitchen with the free Kindle Ebook of "Santa Vittoria's Secret Tuscan Cookbook". From February 4th to February 8th, you can download your copy at no cost!

This cookbook is filled with traditional Tuscan recipes, from savory pasta dishes to mouth-watering roasted meats. Each recipe is a nod to the simple, delicious food of Tuscany and is sure to bring a touch of Italy to your dinner table.

And if you're looking for a unique Valentine's Day gift for your significant other, this cookbook makes for a great choice. Spend a cozy night in, whipping up a delicious dinner from the comfort of your own kitchen.

Don't miss this chance to try something new. Follow the link to download your free Kindle Ebook now!

Buon appetito! 🍴🇮🇹"

Attention Foodies & Wine Connoisseurs! 🍷🍝Mark your calendars, because from February 4th to 8th, we're giving away a FREE...

Attention Foodies & Wine Connoisseurs! 🍷🍝

Mark your calendars, because from February 4th to 8th, we're giving away a FREE Kindle copy of our best-selling ebook "Santa Vittoria Secret's Tuscan Cook Book"! 📚

Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and impress your dinner guests with the savory secrets of Tuscany's finest cuisine. And all while enjoying the California-chic elegance you know and love. 🌴

So, grab a glass of Chianti, sit back, and get ready to be transported to the rolling hills of Italy with every delicious recipe. Trust us, you won't want to miss this! 😋

get your Kindle free Copy:

Discover the secrets of authentic Tuscan cuisine with Marta and Mauro, the authors of "Santa Vittoria" cookbook. Immerse yourself in the rich culinary heritage of Italy's culinary capital at Fattoria Santa Vittoria, their stunning farm and winery nestled in the rolling hills between Cor...

SPAGHETTI S. VITTORIA WITH TRUFFLEHere it is one of the recipes from my recently published Santa Vittoria Tuscan cookboo...


Here it is one of the recipes from my recently published Santa Vittoria Tuscan cookbook on Amazon:

It's called Spaghetti Santa Vittoria with Truffles, and it's a delicious combination of earthy mushrooms, delicious truffles, and robust flavors. This traditional recipe is perfect for any night of the week, and it's sure to delight both young and old alike.

Not to mention, it's super easy to make and it comes together in no time. I hope you give this one a try and let me know what you think. Buon Appetito!

Truffles are one of the special and tasty products of our farm. We organize truffle huntings for our guest sand pickup truffles with the help of our dogs in our truffle orchard composed by around 400 oaks, hornbeams and hazelnuts.


7 Oz of butter
1 clove of garlic, bruised
500Gr/18Oz of
S. Vittoria Spaghetti
500Gr/1,8Oz of
Black Summer Truffle
90Gr/3Oz of
grated Parmisan cheese
White Pepper

How to cook it
The subtle hum of Black Truffle in this creamy, buttery pasta dish is going to change your life. Well, not really, but it will change how you look at pasta, and that’s almost life changing to us! This is one of the few recipes that need butter instead of olive oil because it’s too tasty and aggressive for truffle. Melt butter, Parmesan, garlic, 0,7 Oz of sliced Black Summer Truffle swirled together in a large sauté pan. Don’t fry the butter, just melt!

Cook pasta in a large pot of salted boiling water before it’s al dente (14 mn with our spaghetti) you will finish to cook the pasta in the pan. Save some of the pasta water before straining. Strain the pasta and mix in the sauté pan adding some pasta water to loosen the mixture to a desired consistency and mix to combine, about half minute.
Thinly shave black summer truffle over each bowl at the table and some large slices of Parmesan

Wine Suggestion: with this recipes I suggest a fruity white wine like our Matilde Igt white

Santa Vittoria Tuscan cookbook on Amazon:

Vacanze sane e piacevoli tra buona tavola e natura! prova l'emozione dell'esplorazione in e-bike e godi il buon vino e c...

Vacanze sane e piacevoli tra buona tavola e natura! prova l'emozione dell'esplorazione in e-bike e godi il buon vino e cibo di Santa Vittoria.


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Foiano Della Chiana


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