Sono nata a Foligno il 2 gennaio 1978 ed ho frequentato il Liceo Scientifico; ho conseguito la Laurea con lode in Conservazione dei Beni Culturali (Orientamento Archeologico) con una Tesi in Numismatica Antica:
“La zecca di Cartagine. Per un’esposizione museale della moneta cartaginese”. L'amore per l'arte ed il Mondo Antico, motivo portante della mia vita, ha fatto nascere in me la passione p
er il Restauro così, nel 2007, mi sono trasferita per un anno a Xi’an (Cina) per frequentare un master sul restauro archeologico organizzato dall’ Università degli studi di Bologna:
" Master on “Study, Diagnosis and Restoration of Archaeological Materials”
Stage presso lo “Xi’an Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics” e presso lo Shuilu’an Temple, Lantian, Xi’an (Shaanxi Province). Fin da piccola ho seguito gli insegnamenti di Rolando Dominici, mio padre, che mii ha tramandato la passione e la tecnica della Stampa Artistica e dell'Incisione nelle sue varie forme. Amando altresì in maniera smisurata la mia Regione, nel 2013 ho conseguito l'abilitazione a Guida Turistica dell'Umbria.
Many years working as a guide in several Museums in Umbria, such as Trinci Palace and the Archaeological Museum in Colfiorito in FOLIGNO, the Museum of the Roman Forum, The Roman Houses, The Fortress, the Picture Gallery and the Museum of Memory in ASSISI, the Museum and the Medieval Circuit in BEVAGNA, the National Archaeological Museum and the Volumnii Hypogeum in PERUGIA, grew in me the passion on this job and the love for my native territory, UMBRIA. My studies, a Bachelor’s Degree on Conservation of Cultural Heritage leaning on Archaeology, several Continuating Education Courses in the field of Restoration in Umbria and in Florence and an International Master Degree on Archaeological Restoration in Xi’an, the town of the Terracotta Warriors in China and the knowledge on the Copper Engraving and Printing Art bequeathed by my father enhanced, during the years, my interest for art in general. That’s why I became a Tourist Guide. I really would like to spread my big passion for art to other people and show them historical, artistic and cultural features of my Region, also the ones less known to the big tourism…less known but very fascinating as well. Umbria is a territory full of artistic and natural assets and with deep-rooted traditions; we can easily perceive that in the cooking and in the olive oil and wine productions, in the local handicrafts and in the historical and religious celebrations as well. “Green heart of Italy”, land rich in spirituality and birthplace of some of the most famous Renaissance painters, Umbria is the best place to enjoy a relaxing holiday with our family or friends, practising sports in contact with nature and filling up our eyes by breathtaking landscapes. Those who really like that can’t miss the following itineraries.