Venice & Veneto Tours

Venice & Veneto Tours Guided tours in Venice and in the Veneto region, drama tours and urban hiking, food&wine tours, art,

Eggs are a symbol of Resurrection and new life. Happy Easter to everybody!

Eggs are a symbol of Resurrection and new life. Happy Easter to everybody!

To all the people who are in love with life, happy Saint Valentine's Day!

To all the people who are in love with life, happy Saint Valentine's Day!

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said o...


And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.

And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.

And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
Luke2, 15-17

“Quando gli angeli se ne furono andati verso il cielo, i pastori dicevano tra di loro: «Andiamo fino a Betlemme e vediamo ciò che è avvenuto, e che il Signore ci ha fatto sapere». Andarono in fretta, e trovarono Maria e Giuseppe e il bambino, adagiato nella mangiatoia; e, vedutolo, divulgarono quello che era stato loro detto di quel bambino…”
Luca, 2, 15-17

Un augurio di Buon Natale a tutti!

Adorazione dei Pastori di Mattia Preti (1613-1699)


Discovering Murano island...what a beauty. Thx for this suggestive pic❤️❤️❤️


Il 7 ottobre 1571 si svolse in acque greche la famosa battaglia di Lepanto.La Lega Santa, di cui faceva parte anche Venezia, sconfisse la flotta turca che stava minacciando l’Europa.Le galere veneziane al comando di Sebastiano Venier svolsero un ruolo molto importante in questa battaglia epica.Tale vittoria è stata immortalata da vari artisti tra i quali Paolo Veronese, la cui opera possiamo ammirare nella Sala del Collegio di Palazzo Ducale.Se volete saperne di più chiedete alle Palazzo Ducale Fondazione Musei Civici Venezia

On October 7th, 1571 the famous battle of Lepanto took place in Greek waters. The Holy League, including Venice, defeated the Turkish fleet which was threatening to invade Europe.The Venetian galleys, led by Sebastiano Venier, played an important role in this epic battle.This victory has been immortalized by various artists including Paolo Veronese, whose work we can admire in one of the most beautiful rooms in the Doges’ Palace. For more information ask the


Today Ca' Pesaro re-opens to the public!

Venice has often been a favorite subject for painters, and many artworks in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Ca’ Pesaro depict the floating city. Yet, every artist sees Venice in a different way: here are the “portraits of Venice” selected by one of our Erika Cornali for our blog:

Ca' Pesaro - Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna
When In Venice Guided Tours

Bellissima foto e poi mi piacciono molto questi puzzle!

Bellissima foto e poi mi piacciono molto questi puzzle!

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et voila la gondole avec son felze. si l'on cherche, avec du calme, on en trouve!!!!!

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield.” These wise words b...

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield.” These wise words by Lao Tzu remind me how water can erode and shape the landascape, softly, drop by drop, or with the force and power of storms and floods. And, like an artist, it enchants us with its work of arts. A series of caves and waterfalls alongside the river Caglieron offers us an unfogettable experience: a simple and safe walk trail takes you through the deep gorge. Part of the caves is natural, part has been excavated by men to extract the sandstone for jambs and lintels, whci we can see in many houses and palaces of the place. At the end of the pathway, you will find two old mills and a small borough, before getting back to the main road.
The Caglieron Caves are situated in Fregona, a village in the Province of Treviso – Veneto Region.


the Church of the Madonna dell’Orto in Venice – part two by Sara Grinzato | May 8, 2020 | architecture, art, churches, famous characters, painting | 0 comments the Church of the Madonna dell’Orto in Venice – part twoMay 8, 2020 | architecture, art, churches, famous characters, painting | 0 c...

My hometown Follina and its charming abbey. We will meet again soon in Veneto, the land of Venice.

My hometown Follina and its charming abbey. We will meet again soon in Veneto, the land of Venice.


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HAPPY EASTER. Eggs are symbol of Resurrection. New beginnigs and new everlasting happiness.

HAPPY EASTER. Eggs are symbol of Resurrection. New beginnigs and new everlasting happiness.

The Crucifixion at the Accademia Gallery of Venice: Jacobello Alberegno, Previtali, Tintoretto, Veronese

The Crucifixion at the Accademia Gallery of Venice: Jacobello Alberegno, Previtali, Tintoretto, Veronese


Le Café Florian par Blog Team | Avr 5, 2020 | Café, Café Florian, curiosités et traditions vénitiennes, société, Venise poétique, vie quotidienne | 0 commentaires Le Café FlorianAvr 5, 2020 | Café, Café Florian, curiosités et traditions vénitiennes, société, Venise poétique, vie quot...

La mia opera preferita di Cima da Conegliano

La mia opera preferita di Cima da Conegliano

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Free online jigsaw puzzle game


When full moon was over Venice in a cloudy night...🌚😍🌚😍🌚


Negli ultimi anni la crescita esponenziale del turismo di massa a Venezia, città di limitate dimensioni e con un tessuto viario di piccola scala, ha determin...

The tree of life

The tree of life

Lorenzo Lotto, Adoration of the Sheperds

Lorenzo Lotto, Adoration of the Sheperds


Venice and its jewels: the Golden Altarpiece – Pala d’Oro by Monica Gambarotto | Oct 25, 2019 | art, arts and crafts, churches, history | 0 comments Venice and its jewels: the Golden Altarpiece – Pala d’OroOct 25, 2019 | art, arts and crafts, churches, history | 0 comments di Monica Gambarot...


Saint George and the dragon

BBC Culture

BBC Culture

Giovanni Bellini's San Zaccaria altarpiece is a colourful masterpiece from 16th Century Venice. 😍


Carnival in Venice today!


Pigeons too are cold this morning in Venice

'Libiam ne' lieti calici', buon anno con il

waiting for the new year's concert at the Fenice theatre.
happy new year to everybody!

La sedicesima edizione del Concerto di Capodanno dal Teatro La Fenice. Per la prima volta assieme al Coro, preparato da Claudio Marino Moretti e...


Merry Christmas!




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