Experience Genoa -and Liguria- from the old city. Holiday homes.

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  • Experience Genoa -and Liguria- from the old city. Holiday homes.

Experience Genoa -and Liguria- from the old city. Holiday homes. We are in love with Genoa: a city that never ceases to enchant us.

March and April the best time for urban trekking in  .From our homes to the creuze of Albaro.New urban morning guided ex...

March and April the best time for urban trekking in .
From our homes to the creuze of Albaro.

New urban morning guided excursion organized by environmental guide Davide Costa.
You walk from the hill of Carignano to that of Albaro, passing through the remains of the ancient sixteenth-century walls, what remains of the old village of Pila and then going up the hill of Albaro with its historic villas and traveling along some stretches of the historic road network that has resisted the urban upheavals of contemporary Genoa.


Nuova escursione guidata mattutina urbana organizzata dalla guida ambientale Davide Costa. Si passeggia dal colle di Carignano a quello di Albaro, passando per i resti delle antiche Mura cinquecentesche, ciò che rimane del vecchio borgo Pila per poi risalire la collina di Albaro con le sue ville st...

Just few minutes from our homes.The best   in   to visit to discover the true essence of the city.The markets to discove...

Just few minutes from our homes.
The best in to visit to discover the true essence of the city.
The markets to discover in Genoa

Eastern Market
The most important and popular market in Genoa is unquestionably the Oriental market in Via XX Settembre. Its location alone makes it a pilgrimage destination for all lovers of the city's history. The structure is, in fact, that of the ancient cloister of the Consolazione church, whose construction began in 1684 but was never finished. The current market as we see it today is the result of the works that the municipality approved in 1893. Only in 2017 was the food market added with its spaces intended for cultural events and initiatives.

fish market
The Darsena fish market in Genoa could only be located in the context of the .
others in the article

La storia di Genova può essere raccontata anche attraverso i suoi mercati, da sempre centri di sviluppo economico e identitario

URBAN TREKKING FROM OUR HOMES.The Centre-East route was inaugurated, the first of the five itineraries foreseen by the G...


The Centre-East route was inaugurated, the first of the five itineraries foreseen by the Gli rings del wellbeing project. The route winds for a length of 5.4 km with a height difference of 186 meters starting from , through a part of the historic center of , to cross the Carmine district, go up to the Castelletto area until arriving at Castello Bruzzo, descending towards the Albergo dei Poveri and returning through the historic center to the starting point.

The main points of interest of the Central-East urban trekking are: Palazzo San Giorgio, Ripa Maris, basilica of the SS Annunziata del Vastato, Carmine district, Castelletto district, Spianata Castelletto, Castello Bruzzo, Albergo dei Poveri and Church of San Luca.

Three maps were positioned along the route respectively in Piazza Caricamento, Piazza Goffredo Villa and at the Albergo dei Poveri. The panels highlight the main points of historical and artistic interest in the area and include a code to follow the itinerary via the Komoot application. The nearest public transport stops are also indicated, to make it easier for those who wish to travel part of the itinerary alone.

The project includes routes arranged from Ponente to Levante.

È stato inaugurato il percorso Centro-Est, primo dei cinque itinerari previsti dal progetto Gli anelli del benessere. Il percorso si snoda per una lunghezza pari a 5,4 km con un dislivello di 186 metri a partire da piazza Caricamento, attraverso una parte di centro storico di Genova, per attra...

In November, swimming at the beach.20 minute walk from our houses.

In November, swimming at the beach.
20 minute walk from our houses.

Da Levante e ponente pienone di turisti per il ponte tra code in autostrada e tuffi in mare

  is the only Italian city in Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2025. Genoa is among the 30 destinations recommended for 20...

is the only Italian city in Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2025.

Genoa is among the 30 destinations recommended for 2025 by .
La Superba is the only Italian city - or location - to appear in the long-awaited Best in Travel 2025 guide, a source of inspiration for world travel.
In addition to its beautiful architecture and delicious cuisine, the city is reinventing itself with sustainable mobility projects.

Genova è tra le 30 mete consigliate per il 2025 da Lonely Planet. La Superba è l'unica città italiana - o località - a comparire nell'attesa guida Best in Travel 2025, fonte d'ispirazione per i viaggi nel mondo. Non è il primo 'riconoscimento' per la città di Genova, menzionata sempre più spe...

3 minutes from our homes."Impression,  ” is the first major exhibition in Italy on the figure of the “painter of light”,...

3 minutes from our homes.
"Impression, ” is the first major exhibition in Italy on the figure of the “painter of light”, which can be visited from 11 October to 23 February in the historic and sumptuous spaces of the Doge's Apartment in the 's Palace in .
One hundred and fifty years ago Impressionism was born in : an earthquake in the history of art.
Rejected by the official Salon which brought together artists linked to the Académie des Beaux Arts of the French capital, thirty young painters gathered in the studio of the photographer Felix Nadar, where they exhibited sixty-three works.
Among the young dissidents Edgar , Paul , Pierre Auguste , Camille , Alfred , Claude and only one painter: Berthe Morisot (1841 – 1895).

Genova. Centocinquant’anni fa a Parigi nasceva l’Impressionismo: un terremoto nella storia dell’arte. Rifiutati dal Salon ufficiale che riuniva artisti legati all’Académie des Beaux Arts della capitale francese, trenta giovani pittori si riuniscono nello studio del fotografo Felix Nadar, do...

Just around our Homes  rediscovers 'its' Middle Ages, 40 sites open to the public from 11 to 13 October: here is " " The...

Just around our Homes
rediscovers 'its' Middle Ages, 40 sites open to the public from 11 to 13 October: here is " "
The key event dedicated to the rediscovery of the in Genoa is approaching: from 11 to 13 October more than 40 sites will be open to the public and told by over 100 popularizers from all over Italy, on the model of the Days.
But then several conferences and concerts will be held which will take the city back in time: "Among the events that we can already reveal is the meeting at the Bocca Negra Castle, on the morning of 11 October, dedicated to the rediscovery of the documents of the ancient Pammatone hospital, but also the music that will resonate in the church of Santi Cosma e Damiano"

Dal 11 al 13 ottobre, Genova celebra il Medioevo con l'evento "Ianua", aprendo oltre 40 siti storici e proponendo convegni e concerti. Tra le tante iniziative, saranno esposti la Bibbia Atlantica e il Codice Molfino, ma poi ci saranno cortei e attività folkloristiche nel centro storico di Genova

In September, less hot, uncrowded beaches near our homes.In the eastern part of the city, starting from the fair area of...

In September, less hot, uncrowded beaches near our homes.

In the eastern part of the city, starting from the fair area of the city waterfront, the sea is the protagonist.

Along the Corso Italia seafront, the elegant Genoese promenade which frames various beaches, mostly in non-swimming areas and managed by private bathing establishments.
The Genoese people go here from the center to enjoy a few hours of relaxation, here the good bourgeoisie of the city has always had their seasonal cabins.
It is possible to get here with bus number 31 as in the other beaches not far.

Famous, iconic, splendid, Boccadasse is a real "must" for every tourist who wants to discover Genoa and cannot be missing from a list of the most beautiful beaches in Genoa. An ancient fishing village that has been preserved over the centuries, today the area is full of shops for every taste: ice cream parlors, restaurants and bars abound.

Le spiagge più belle di Genova: da Voltri a Nervi tutti gli arenili e le info su come arrivare nelle spiagge migliori, dove parcheggiare e molti altri consigli!

15 minutes walking from our homes.Symbol of the city of  , the Lanterna, with its 77 meters of height is the tallest lig...

15 minutes walking from our homes.
Symbol of the city of , the Lanterna, with its 77 meters of height is the tallest lighthouse in the . According to some sources, its foundation dates back to 1128: it then reached its definitive appearance in 1543.

In 2001, the promenade that connects it with the rest of the city was built: a route of around 800 meters that offers a suggestive view of the port of Genoa and takes up the ancient access road from the west, through the Porta Nuova della Lanterna.

Simbolo della città di Genova, la Lanterna, con i suoi 77 metri di altezza è il faro più alto del Mediterraneo. Secondo alcune fonti, la sua fondazione risale al 1128: raggiunse poi il suo aspetto definitivo nel 1543

Five minutes walking from our homes.The Sant'Agostino  , in the center of  , reopened to the public with a new exhibitio...

Five minutes walking from our homes.
The Sant'Agostino , in the center of , reopened to the public with a new exhibition itinerary.
Inside the deconsecrated medieval church, the largest in style in the city, a selection of works from the museum are on display which tell the story of Genoa in the centuries in which the city became a great power (10th-15th century).

Riaperto con un nuovo percorso espositivo il museo che ospita l'Elevatio animae di Margherita di Brabante

Explore the city and its surroundings with a series of cycling routes. From our homes.This is the initiative of   Genova...

Explore the city and its surroundings with a series of cycling routes. From our homes.

This is the initiative of Genova, the Italian Environment and Bicycle Federation, which announced the launch of to explore places of historical, cultural and naturalistic interest. These routes, some unpublished and others reworked, are now available on the new website of the association at

Each route is accompanied by an interactive map that allows users to consult the itineraries from both computers and smartphones. By clicking on the various points of interest, it is possible to access useful information on the places crossed.

L’iniziativa di Fiab Genova per esplorare luoghi di interesse storico, culturale e naturalistico

RIPIENIVegetable fillings, stuffed vegetables, are in the   and Ligurian gastronomic tradition throughout. With the same...

Vegetable fillings, stuffed vegetables, are in the and Ligurian gastronomic tradition throughout. With the same ingredients they can be filled with the same yield in terms of taste: courgettes, peppers, aubergines, cardoons, artichokes, onions and much more that your imagination can suggest... A suggestion, which also applies to meatloaf for example, is that of enjoying them warm, at room temperature. Another warning concerns the ingredients which, depending on family traditions and tastes, appear and disappear, are modified and added. It's the beauty of stuffed vegetables...
As we always say, this is the beauty of cooking: the impossibility of codifying precise recipes which are always overcome by imagination and the strictest traditions.

The ingredients
One pound of prescinseua, or quail. Failing that, ricotta.
Two eggs
The crumb of a sandwich soaked in milk
Marjoram or a little oregano
Two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
A spoonful of grated parmesan


La cucina genovese è una cucina di orti, non di campi. In questo senso le verdure assumono un posto di rilievo e così le verdure ripiene.

Near our homes.  2024 begins on Saturday 1st June with a 16-hour non-stop at the Teatro della Tosse, and then continues ...

Near our homes.

2024 begins on Saturday 1st June with a 16-hour non-stop at the Teatro della Tosse, and then continues with a live/installation at Palazzo Ducale in from 19th to 22nd June, with the Opening Acts on Thursday 11th July and with the programming from 12 to 14 July between Darsena, Galata Museo del Mare, Virgo Club and San Michele di Pagana. «The program embraces many cultures and expressive languages".


Tante location, da palazzo Ducale ai locali underground della città. E dopo il successo del 2023 torna Groove Island, l'isola della musica a San Michele di Pagana


Our home "Casa Giulia" is located in the vicinity of Piazza San Matteo there is Piazzetta .
Here you can see the back of a building merged with the Palazzo property.
From our windows you could see pieces of frescoes that decorated the façades of the building on all sides are still visible (also overlooking Vico Isola and Vico San Matteo).

The pretty little square owes its name to the family of artists whose most famous exponent was Lazzaro who, a disciple of Luca Cambiaso, decorated the in and several noble Genoese palaces.

Among the many masterpieces of the master, the two best known and dearest to his fellow citizens are "The Last Supper" located in the cathedral of and the unmistakable Saint George killing the dragon which decorates the sea front of the palace of the same name.


Just 5' from our homes.
A gem of the historic center of , the first images of the reopening of the church of Sant'Agostino
The first appointment will be on May 30th when the naves of the ancient church of . built at the end of the 13th century and then deconsecrated, they will reopen their doors to offer tourists and citizens a taste of Medieval Genoa.
Inside, in fact, among the Gothic arches, there will be space for some of the museum's masterpieces, starting from the statue of Margaret of to light those fragments of medieval Genoa which will then be exhibited inside the museum once the works have been completed. redevelopment interventions that began in the year tht celebrates Genoa in the ..

City Break, Trips around our homes.

City Break, Trips around our homes.

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Path of the Sanctuaries of the Sea.126 km of walking to be covered in 6-8 days starting from Sestri Ponente and arriving...

Path of the Sanctuaries of the Sea.

126 km of walking to be covered in 6-8 days starting from Sestri Ponente and arriving at the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, after passing through part of the hinterland.
The path crosses in some sections the Regional Park and the famous Iron Salt roads which allowed communications between the coastal towns and those of the Ligurian Apennines, between Voltri, Tiglieto and Masone.


126 km di cammino da percorrere in 6-8 giorni con partenza da Sestri Ponente e arrivo alla Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, dopo avere attraverso parte dell'entroterra




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