Insight Italy

Insight Italy Scopri questo straordinario Paese in gruppi guidati da tour leader con profonda conoscenza e passione

🇦🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧September is the end of summer, but in Umbria you don't stop ‘dancing’. 🥳Discovering nature 🌲, villages 🏰, food an...

September is the end of summer, but in Umbria you don't stop ‘dancing’. 🥳

Discovering nature 🌲, villages 🏰, food and wine 🍷, festivals 🎸 and historical re-enactments 🛡, we are waiting for you to discover the Green Heart of Italy 💚 with the Insight Italy family!


Der September ist das Ende des Sommers, aber in Umbrien hört man nicht auf zu „tanzen“. 🥳

Entdecke die Natur 🌲, die Dörfer 🏰, das Essen und den Wein 🍷, die Feste 🎸 und die historischen Aufführungen 🛡, wir warten auf dich, um das Grüne Herz Italiens 💚 mit der Familie von Insight Italy zu entdecken!


A settembre finisce l'estate, ma in Umbria non si smette di "ballare". 🥳

Alla scoperta della natura 🌲, dei borghi 🏰, dell'enogastronomia 🍷, dei festival 🎸 e delle rievocazioni storiche 🛡, ti aspettiamo alla scoperta del Cuore Verde d'Italia 💚 con la famiglia di Insight Italy!

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇩🇪Ein Sommertag in Umbrien kann mit den Farben und Düften der von der Sonne beleuchteten Natur 🌳💐 erfreuen. 🌞Aber wenn d...

Ein Sommertag in Umbrien kann mit den Farben und Düften der von der Sonne beleuchteten Natur 🌳💐 erfreuen. 🌞

Aber wenn die Sonne untergeht, beginnt die Show.... 🌄🤩

Erlebe Umbrien das ganze Jahr über mit Wanderungen, geselligen Momenten, Entspannung und dem richtigen Biorhythmus dank Insight Italy! 💚


A summer day in Umbria can satisfy you with the colours and scents of nature 🌳💐 illuminated by the sun. 🌞

But when the sun goes down the show begins.... 🌄🤩

Experience Umbria all year round with walks, convivial moments, relaxation and the right biorhythms thanks to Insight Italy! 💚


Una giornata estiva in Umbria sa appagarti con i colori e i profumi della natura 🌳💐 illuminati dal sole. 🌞

Ma quando il sole va giù comincia lo spettacolo... 🌄🤩

Vivi l'Umbria tutto l'anno con passeggiate, momenti conviviali, relax e i giusti bioritmi grazie a Insight Italy! 💚

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

Che lo passiate in mezzo alla natura, al mare, al lavoro o in relax a casa, Buon Ferragosto da Insight Italy! 😃

Che lo passiate in mezzo alla natura, al mare, al lavoro o in relax a casa, Buon Ferragosto da Insight Italy! 😃

🇺🇸🇬🇧Water 💦 is a very present element in Umbria: water gives the landscape its characteristic green 🏞, breathtaking scen...

Water 💦 is a very present element in Umbria: water gives the landscape its characteristic green 🏞, breathtaking scenery with the Marmore Falls, and... is a great way to combat the heat! 😊

A swim in the lake 🏖 or in the streams of the woods, rafting in the rushing torrents of the Valnerina, a nice sip of spring water: in the hot summer, Umbria and its waters are the top solution! 🔝

Discover Umbria in summer (and not only) with Insight Italy's slow tours! 💚


Wasser 💦 ist ein sehr präsentes Element in Umbrien: Wasser verleiht der Landschaft ihr charakteristisches Grün 🏞, atemberaubende Landschaften mit den Marmore-Wasserfällen und... eine gute Möglichkeit, die Hitze zu bekämpfen! 😊

Ein Bad im See 🏖 oder in den Bächen der Wälder, Rafting in den rauschenden Sturzbächen der Valnerina, ein schöner Schluck Quellwasser: im heißen Sommer sind Umbrien und seine Gewässer die beste Lösung! 🔝

Entdecke Umbrien im Sommer (und nicht nur) mit den slow tours von Insight Italy! 💚


L'acqua 💦 è un elemento molto presente nel territorio umbro: l'acqua dona il caratteristico verde del paesaggio 🏞, scenari mozzafiato con la Cascata delle Marmore e... un bel modo per combattere il caldo! 😊

Un bagno al lago 🏖 o nei ruscelli dei boschi, il rafting negli impetuosi torrenti della Valnerina, un bel sorso di acqua sorgiva: nell'estate torrida, l'Umbria e le sue acque sono La soluzione top! 🔝

Scopri l'Umbria d'estate (e non solo) con i tour slow di di Insight Italy! 💚

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇦🇹🇨🇭🇩🇪Was gibt es Schöneres, als im Sommer die Natur 🌲💐 zu genießen, in der Kühle zu spazieren, in Gesellschaft 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻...

Was gibt es Schöneres, als im Sommer die Natur 🌲💐 zu genießen, in der Kühle zu spazieren, in Gesellschaft 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ und den Moment zu genießen?
Tu es im Grünen Herzen Italiens 💚 mit dem Staff von Insight Italy! 🔝

Wenn du den langsamen Teil Umbriens entdecken willst, zwischen Dörfern 🏰, Natur 🌳, Essen und Wein 🍝🍷 und echten Menschen 😊, kontaktiere uns 👇🏻


What could be nicer in the summer than enjoying nature 🌲💐 , al fresco, walking in company 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ and enjoying the moment?
Do it in the Green Heart of Italy 💚 with the staff of Insight Italy! 🔝

If you want to discover the slow part of Umbria, among villages 🏰, nature 🌳, food and wine 🍝🍷 and genuine people 😊, contact us 👇🏻


Cosa c'è di più bello in estate che godersi la natura 🌲💐 , al fresco, passeggiando in compagnia 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ e godendosi il momento?
Farlo nel Cuore Verde d'Italia 💚 con lo staff di Insight Italy! 🔝

Se vuoi scoprire la parte slow dell'Umbria, tra borghi 🏰, natura 🌳, enogastronomia 🍝🍷 e persone genuine 😊, contattaci 👇🏻
📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇦🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧Sunflower fields dominate and colour Umbria in summer. 🌻With Insight Italy's walking tours 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ we take you...

Sunflower fields dominate and colour Umbria in summer. 🌻

With Insight Italy's walking tours 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ we take you to discover the most beautiful corners of the Green Heart of Italy💚, looking for the "sun" 🌞 that illuminates this land: authenticity and simplicity. 😊

Discover more about our stays in Umbria 👇🏻


Sonnenblumenfelder dominieren und färben Umbrien im Sommer. 🌻

Mit den Wandertouren von Insight Italy 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ entdeckst du die schönsten Ecken des Grünen Herzens Italiens💚, auf der Suche nach der "Sonne" 🌞, die dieses Land erhellt: Authentizität und Einfachheit. 😊

Entdecke mehr über unsere Aufenthalte in Umbrien 👇🏻


I campi di girasoli dominano e colorano l'Umbria in estate. 🌻

Con i tour a piedi di Insight Italy 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ ti portiamo alla scoperta degli angoli più belli del Cuore Verde d'Italia💚, cercando il "sole" 🌞 che illumina questa terra: l'autenticità e la semplicità. 😊

Scopri di più sui nostri soggiorni in Umbria 👇🏻
📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇩🇪Umbrien ist ein kleines Juwel im Herzen Italiens. 💚Unberührte Natur 🌲, unglaubliche Ausblicke 🏞, die Geschichte der Dö...

Umbrien ist ein kleines Juwel im Herzen Italiens. 💚
Unberührte Natur 🌲, unglaubliche Ausblicke 🏞, die Geschichte der Dörfer 🏰, unverfälschtes Essen und Wein. 🍷

Entdecke es zusammen mit leidenschaftlichen Menschen wie dir, zu Fuß und mit viel Spaß auf den Slow Tours von Insight Italy! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️


Umbria is a little jewel in the heart of Italy. 💚
Unspoilt nature 🌲, incredible views 🏞, the history of its villages 🏰, genuine food and wine. 🍷

Discover it together with passionate people like you, walking and having fun on Insight Italy's slow tours! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️


L'Umbria è un piccolo gioiello nel cuore d'Italia. 💚
Natura incontaminata 🌲, panorami incredibili 🏞, la storia dei suoi borghi 🏰, enogastronomia genuina. 🍷

Scoprila insieme a persone appassionate come te, camminando e divertendoci nei tour slow di Insight Italy! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇺🇸🇬🇧In summer it is wonderful to enjoy Umbria with the right background music. 🎶Throughout the region it is great to enj...

In summer it is wonderful to enjoy Umbria with the right background music. 🎶

Throughout the region it is great to enjoy concerts and music festivals of all kinds: from Umbria Jazz 🎷 in the historic centre of Perugia, to the artistic magic of the Festival dei Due Mondi 🎭 in Spoleto, to the dreamy atmospheres of Lake Trasimeno for Moon in June 🎹 and Trasimeno Blues. 🎺

With Insight Italy you can discover the Green Heart of Italy 💚 from a different perspective, and with the soundtrack of your choice! 🎼


Im Sommer ist es wunderbar, Umbrien mit der richtigen Hintergrundmusik zu genießen. 🎶

In der ganzen Region kann man Konzerte und Musikfestivals aller Art genießen: von Umbria Jazz 🎷 im historischen Zentrum von Perugia über den künstlerischen Zauber des Festival dei Due Mondi 🎭 in Spoleto bis hin zu den verträumten Atmosphären des Trasimeno-Sees beim Moon in June 🎹 und Trasimeno Blues. 🎺

Mit Insight Italy kannst du das Grüne Herz Italiens 💚 aus einer anderen Perspektive entdecken, und das mit dem Soundtrack deiner Wahl! 🎼


In estate è bellissimo godersi l'Umbria con il giusto sottofondo musicale. 🎶

In tutta la regione è molto bello godersi concerti e festival musicali di ogni genere: da Umbria Jazz 🎷nel centro storico di Perugia, alla magia artistica del Festival dei Due Mondi 🎭 a Spoleto, fino alle sognanti atmosfere del Lago Trasimeno per Moon in June 🎹 e Trasimeno Blues. 🎺

Con Insight Italy puoi scoprire il Cuore Verde d'Italia 💚 da un'altra prospettiva, e con la colonna sonora che preferisci! 🎼

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇦🇹🇨🇭🇩🇪Wer sagt, dass man in einer Region ohne Meer nicht schwimmen kann?! 💦Vom Trasimeno-See bis zu den Nera-Schluchten,...

Wer sagt, dass man in einer Region ohne Meer nicht schwimmen kann?! 💦

Vom Trasimeno-See bis zu den Nera-Schluchten, auch in Umbrien gibt es keinen Mangel an Badestellen 🏖um sich von der Sommerhitze abzukühlen! 😊

Entdecke das grüne Herz Italiens das ganze Jahr über mit den langsamen Touren von Insight Italy! 💚


Who said you can't swim in a region without sea?! 💦

From Lake Trasimeno to the Nera gorges, even in Umbria there is no shortage of places to bathe 🏖and cool off from the summer heat! 😊

Discover the Green Heart of Italy all year round with Insight Italy's slow tours! 💚


Chi l'ha detto che in una regione senza mare non si può fare il bagno?! 💦

Dal Trasimeno alle gole del Nera, anche in Umbria non mancano posti dove potersi bagnare 🏖per rinfrescarsi dal caldo estivo! 😊

Scopri il Cuore Verde d'Italia tutto l'anno con i tour slow di di Insight Italy! 💚

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇦🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧The summer colours of Umbria 💚 are those of its wheat fields 🌾, its green hills 🏞, but also of the many flowers of...

The summer colours of Umbria 💚 are those of its wheat fields 🌾, its green hills 🏞, but also of the many flowers of this period.

From poppies to violets to the fragrant lavender 🌺🌸🪻, getting to know Umbria is even more beautiful and magical,
walking in the nature with Insight Italy's tours!


Die Sommerfarben Umbriens 💚 sind die der Weizenfelder 🌾, der grünen Hügel 🏞, aber auch die der vielen Blumen dieser Zeit.

Von Mohn über Veilchen bis hin zum duftenden Lavendel 🌺🌸🪻, Umbrien kennenzulernen ist noch schöner und magischer,
in der Natur mit den Touren von Insight Italy wandernd!


I colori estivi dell'Umbria 💚 sono quelli dei suoi campi di grano 🌾, delle verdi colline 🏞, ma anche dei tanti fiori di questo periodo.

Dai papaveri alle violette, fino alla profumatissima lavanda 🌺🌸🪻, conoscere l'Umbria è ancora più bello e magico,
passeggiando nella natura con i tour di Insight Italy! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇩🇪Insight Italy nimmt dich mit auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch das Grüne Herz Italiens mit einem Angebot, das die Entdec...

Insight Italy nimmt dich mit auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch das Grüne Herz Italiens mit einem Angebot, das die Entdeckung weniger bekannter Orte 🏞, den Kontakt mit der Natur 🌲💐 und die Interaktion mit dem Alltag der Menschen in Umbrien miteinander verbindet. 👱🏻‍♀️🧑🏻‍🦱👵🏻

Entscheide dich für einen maßgeschneiderten Urlaub für dich und deine Familie 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, um mit den Menschen, die du am meisten liebst, eine einzigartige Erfahrung außerhalb der traditionellen touristischen Routen zu teilen. 🤩


Insight Italy takes you to discover the Green Heart of Italy with a proposal that combines the discovery of lesser-known places 🏞, contact with nature 🌲💐, interaction with everyday Umbria including people. 👱🏻‍♀️🧑🏻‍🦱👵🏻

Choose to take it easy, with a tailor-made holiday for you and your family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, to share with the people you love most a unique experience outside the traditional tourist circuits.


Insight Italy ti porta alla scoperta del Cuore Verde d'Italia con una proposta che coniuga la scoperta di posti meno conosciuti 🏞, il contatto con la natura 🌲💐, l'interazione con l'Umbria di tutti i giorni comprese le persone. 👱🏻‍♀️🧑🏻‍🦱👵🏻

Scegli di prendertela comoda, con una vacanza a misura tu e della tua famiglia 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, per condividere con le persone più care un'esperienza unica al di fuori dei tradizionali circuiti turistici. 🤩

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇺🇸🇬🇧In a world increasingly in turmoil, come and purify yourself in Umbria. 😊A region that welcomes you with its varied ...

In a world increasingly in turmoil, come and purify yourself in Umbria. 😊

A region that welcomes you with its varied nature 🌲💐, which gives tranquillity, relaxation and inner peace to those who come here!
A region that knows how to teach brotherhood and peace among peoples, thanks to the messages that the Peace March between Perugia and Assisi launches every year. ☮️

Discover Umbria all year round with Insight Italy's slow tours! 💚


In einer Welt, die immer mehr in Aufruhr ist, komm und erhole dich in Umbrien. 😊

Eine Region, die dich mit ihrer vielfältigen Natur empfängt 🌲💐, die denjenigen, die hierher kommen, Ruhe, Entspannung und inneren Frieden schenkt!
Eine Region, die es versteht, Brüderlichkeit und Frieden zwischen den Völkern zu vermitteln, dank der Botschaften, die der Friedensmarsch zwischen Perugia und Assisi jedes Jahr aussendet. ☮️

Entdecke Umbrien das ganze Jahr über mit den langsamen Touren von Insight Italy! 💚


In un mondo sempre più in agitazione, vieni a purificarti in Umbria. 😊

Una regione che ti accoglie sua variegata natura 🌲💐, che regala tranquillità, relax e pace interiore a chi vi arriva!
Una Regione che sa insegnare cosa sia la fratellanza e la pace tra i popoli, grazie agli insegnamenti del suo concittadino Aldo Capitini e i messaggi che ogni anno lancia la Marcia per la Pace tra Perugia e Assisi. ☮️

Scopri l'Umbria tutto l'anno con i tour slow di Insight Italy! 💚
📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇦🇹🇨🇭🇩🇪Nicht nur die Natur... 🌳Geschichte, Spiritualität, architektonische Stile aus allen Epochen: das Umbrien der Dörfe...

Nicht nur die Natur... 🌳
Geschichte, Spiritualität, architektonische Stile aus allen Epochen: das
Umbrien der Dörfer 🏰 wartet diesen Sommer auf dich, und nicht nur das 😉 .

Bereit für Touren, um das grüne Herz Italiens mit Insight Italy zu
entdecken! 💚


Not only nature... 🌳
History, spirituality, architectural styles from every era: the Umbria
of villages 🏰 is waiting for you this summer, and not only! 😉

Ready for tours to discover the Green Heart of Italy with Insight Italy?! 💚


Non solo natura... 🌳
Storia, spiritualità, stili architettonici di ogni epoca: l'Umbria dei borghi 🏰 ti aspetta questa estate, e non solo! 😉

Pronti per i tour alla scoperta del Cuore Verde d'Italia con Insight Italy?! 💚

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇦🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧What could be more beautiful than walking in nature 🌳 kissed by the sun? 🌞Do it discovering Umbria, in the company...

What could be more beautiful than walking in nature 🌳 kissed by the sun? 🌞

Do it discovering Umbria, in the company of passionate people like you and the expert guides of Insight Italy! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️

We are waiting for you in the Green Heart of Italy! 💚


Was gibt es Schöneres als einen Spaziergang in der Natur 🌳 von der Sonne geküsst? 🌞

Entdecke Umbrien in Begleitung von leidenschaftlichen Menschen wie dir und den erfahrenen Guides von Insight Italy! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️

Wir warten auf dich im Grünen Herzen Italiens! 💚


Cosa c'è di più bello che camminare nella natura 🌳 baciati dal sole? 🌞
Farlo alla scoperta dell'Umbria, in compagnia di persone appassionate come te e delle esperte guide di Insight Italy! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️

Ti aspettiamo nel Cuore Verde d'Italia! 💚

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇩🇪Von der Porchetta 🐷 über Wein 🍷 bis hin zu den ersten Dorffesten, die den ganzen Sommer beleben werden. 🍽Die große und...

Von der Porchetta 🐷 über Wein 🍷 bis hin zu den ersten Dorffesten, die den ganzen Sommer beleben werden. 🍽

Die große und lange Saison der kulinarischen Veranstaltungen in Umbrien hat begonnen: ein angenehmes Zwischenspiel für alle, die die Natur und die Geschichte dieser herrlichen Region kennenlernen möchten. 💚
Natürlich mit Insight Italy! 😉


From porchetta 🐷 to wine 🍷, to the first village festivals that will enliven the entire summer. 🍽

The great and long season of food and wine events in Umbria has begun: a pleasant interlude for those who want to visit the nature and history of this splendid region. 💚
Obviously with Insight Italy! 😉


Dalla porchetta 🐷 al vino 🍷, fino alle prime sagre di paese che animeranno tutta l'estate. 🍽

E' partita la grande e lunga stagione degli eventi enogastronomici dell'Umbria: un piacevole intermezzo per chi vuole visitare la natura e la storia di questa splendida regione. 💚
Ovviamente con Insight Italy! 😉

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

🇺🇸🇬🇧Spring and ‘mid-season’ are among the most beautiful times to experience the Green Heart of Italy. 💚Fine weather 🌞 b...

Spring and ‘mid-season’ are among the most beautiful times to experience the Green Heart of Italy. 💚
Fine weather 🌞 but without oppressive heat, nature most resplendent 🌳💐, historical re-enactments beginning to animate the villages. 🏰⚔️

Insight Italy is waiting for you to discover Umbria in slow mode! 😊


Der Frühling und die „Zwischensaison“ gehören zu den schönsten Zeiten, um das Grüne Herz Italiens zu erleben. 💚
Schönes Wetter 🌞 aber keine drückende Hitze, die Natur in ihrer ganzen Pracht 🌳💐, historische Aufführungen, die die Dörfer zu beleben beginnen. 🏰⚔️

Insight Italy erwartet Sie, um Umbrien im Slow-Mode zu entdecken! 😊


La primavera e la "mezza stagione" sono tra i periodi più belli per vivere il Cuore Verde d'Italia. 💚

Bel tempo 🌞 ma senza caldo opprimente, natura nella sua mise più splendente 🌳💐, le rievocazioni storiche che cominciano ad animare i borghi. 🏰⚔️

Insight Italy ti aspetta per andare alla scoperta dell'Umbria in modalità slow! 😊

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇦🇹🇨🇭🇩🇪Der Frühling erhellt die Natur 🌿🌳 Umbriens... und auch die Städte! 🏰Mai und Juni sind die perfekten Monate, um die...

Der Frühling erhellt die Natur 🌿🌳 Umbriens... und auch die Städte! 🏰
Mai und Juni sind die perfekten Monate, um die bunten Blumen 💐 zu bewundern, die die Wiesen, aber auch die schönen mittelalterlichen Ecken unserer Dörfer schmücken. 🤩

Komm und entdecke diese Wunder mit Insight Italy! 💚


Spring brightens up the nature 🌿🌳 of Umbria... and the cities too! 🏰
May and June are perfect months to admire colorful flowers 💐 that beautify the meadows but also the beautiful medieval corners of our villages. 🤩

Come discover these wonders with Insight Italy! 💚


La primavera illumina la natura 🌿🌳 dell'Umbria... e anche le città! 🏰
Maggio e giugno sono mesi perfetti per ammirare coloratissimi fiori 💐 che abbelliscono i prati ma anche i bellissimi angoli medievali dei nostri borghi. 🤩

Vieni a scoprire queste meraviglie con Insight Italy! 💚

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇦🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧Umbria also has its "spring break"🌞 : no sea, but an ocean of colors, people and parties! 🥳Want to get to know Umb...

Umbria also has its "spring break"🌞 : no sea, but an ocean of colors, people and parties! 🥳

Want to get to know Umbria and its springtime attractions? 💐 With Insight Italy's tours, the Green Heart is in your hands! 💚😉


Auch Umbrien hat seinen "Spring Break" 🌞 : kein Meer, aber ein Meer von Farben, Menschen und Partys! 🥳

Möchtest du Umbrien und seine Frühlingsattraktionen kennenlernen? 💐 Mit den Touren von Insight Italy ist das Grüne Herz in deinen Händen! 💚😉


Anche l'Umbria ha il suo "spring break"🌞 : niente mare, ma un oceano di colori, persone e feste! 🥳

Vuoi conoscere l'Umbria e le sue attrattive di primavera? 💐 Con i tour di Insight Italy il Cuore Verde è nelle tue mani! 💚😉

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇩🇪Die Natur 🌲 Umbriens mit Insight Italy zu erleben ist erfüllend, aber auch leicht und lustig. 😁Ausflüge und Wanderunge...

Die Natur 🌲 Umbriens mit Insight Italy zu erleben ist erfüllend, aber auch leicht und lustig. 😁

Ausflüge und Wanderungen 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ sind besser in Gesellschaft, mit Leuten, die man bis zum Beginn der Aktivität nicht kannte.
Und wie schön ist es, im Freien zu essen, ein Picknick zu machen 🥗 oder in den vielen ausgestatteten Einrichtungen zu kochen, die in der Gegend verstreut sind. 🌭🥓

Wir warten auf dich im Grünen Herzen Italiens! 💚
📱+39 348 073 5226


Experiencing the nature 🌲 of Umbria with Insight Italy is fulfilling but also light and fun. 😁

Trips and walks 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ are better in company, with people you didn't know until the beginning of the activity.
And how nice it is to eat outdoors, having a picnic 🥗 or cooking in the many equipped facilities scattered around the area. 🌭🥓

We are waiting for you in the Green Heart of Italy! 💚


Vivere la natura 🌲 dell'Umbria con Insight Italy è appagante ma anche leggero e divertente. 😁

Le gite e le passeggiate 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ sono più belle in compagnia, con persone che non conoscevi fino all'inizio dell'attività.
E quanto è bello mangiare all'aria aperta, facendo un picnic 🥗 o cucinando nelle tante strutture attrezzate disseminate nel territorio. 🌭🥓

Vi aspettiamo nel Cuore Verde d'Italia! 💚
📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇺🇸🇬🇧Umbria 💚 has always been associated with silence, calm, spirituality 😇: but the Green Heart knows how to surprise! 🤩...

Umbria 💚 has always been associated with silence, calm, spirituality 😇: but the Green Heart knows how to surprise! 🤩
Paragliding, rafting 🛶, Europe's highest Tibetan bridge 🌉 and more: there's no shortage of adrenaline rushes in this region.

Get to know Umbria thanks to Insight Italy and their trails all to be experienced! 🏞


Umbrien 💚 wurde schon immer mit Stille, Ruhe und Spiritualität in Verbindung gebracht 😇: aber das Grüne Herz weiß zu überraschen! 🤩
Paragliding, Rafting 🛶, die höchste tibetische Brücke Europas 🌉 und vieles mehr: An Adrenalinstößen mangelt es in dieser Region nicht.

Lerne Umbrien dank Insight Italy und seinen Erlebnisrouten kennen! 🏞


L'Umbria 💚 è da sempre associata al silenzio, alla calma, alla spiritualità 😇: ma il Cuore Verde sa sorprendere! 🤩
Parapendio, rafting 🛶, il ponte tibetano più alto d'Europa 🌉 e non solo: in questa regione le scariche di adrenalina non mancano.

Vieni a conoscere l'Umbria grazie a Insight Italy e ai suoi percorsi tutti da vivere! 🏞

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇺🇸🇬🇧Happy Easter in green and happy Umbria 💚 from the big family of Insight Italy! ! 🐣🇩🇪Frohe Ostern im grünen, glücklic...

Happy Easter in green and happy Umbria 💚 from the big family of Insight Italy! ! 🐣

Frohe Ostern im grünen, glücklichen Umbrien 💚 von der grossen Familie von Insight Italy! ! 🐣

Tanti auguri di Buona Pasqua nella verde e felice Umbria 💚 dalla grande famiglia di Insight italy! 🐣

🇦🇹🇨🇭Tradition 🐣, Spiritualität 😇, Ausflüge 🌞, Freunde 👱🏻‍♀️🧑🏻‍🦱: das ist Ostern in Umbrien! 💚Entdecke die Feste und Ritu...

Tradition 🐣, Spiritualität 😇, Ausflüge 🌞, Freunde 👱🏻‍♀️🧑🏻‍🦱: das ist Ostern in Umbrien! 💚

Entdecke die Feste und Rituale des Grünen Herzens das ganze Jahr über, dank der ausgewählten Touren von Insight Italy mit Leichtigkeit und in guter Gesellschaft! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒😊


Tradition 🐣, spirituality 😇, out-of-town trips 🌞, friends 👱🏻‍♀️🧑🏻‍🦱: this is Easter in Umbria! 💚

Discover the festivities and rituals of the Green Heart all year round, thanks to Insight Italy's selected tours with a light heart and in good company! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒


Tradizione 🐣, spiritualità 😇, gite fuori porta 🌞, amici 👱🏻‍♀️🧑🏻‍🦱: questa è la Pasqua in Umbria! 💚

Scopri le ricorrenze e le ritualità del Cuore Verde tutto l'anno, grazie ai selezionati tour di Insight Italy in leggerezza e compagnia! 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒😊

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.

🇦🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧In spring, Umbrian nature begins to colour itself with flowers and buds, capable of warming this green heart of It...

In spring, Umbrian nature begins to colour itself with flowers and buds, capable of warming this green heart of Italy! 💚

Strolling together 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ to discover the villages 🏰, the unspoilt corners 🏞 and the excellencies 🍷 of this region is the mission of Insight Italy and its slow tours. 🔝


Im Frühling fängt die umbrische Natur an, sich mit Blumen und Knospen zu schmücken, die das grüne Herz Italiens erwärmen! 💚

Gemeinsam 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ spazieren gehen, um die Dörfer 🏰, die unberührten Ecken 🏞 und die Exzellenz 🍷 dieser Region zu entdecken, ist die Mission von Insight Italy und seinen Slow Tours. 🔝


In primavera, la natura umbra comincia a colorarsi di fiori e boccioli, capaci di scaldare questo cuore verde! 💚

Passeggiare insieme 🚶🏼‍♀️🎒🚶🏻‍♂️ alla scoperta dei borghi 🏰, degli angoli incontaminati 🏞 e delle eccellenze 🍷 di questa regione è la mission di Insight Italy e dei suoi slow tour. 🔝

📱+39 348 073 5226
📧 [email protected]

For over 20 years Insight Italy has been planning and organizing trips to Italy for tourists from all over the world.


Via Sant'Agostino 8
Gualdo Cattaneo

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 08:00 - 12:30
Martedì 08:00 - 12:30
Mercoledì 08:00 - 12:30
Giovedì 08:00 - 12:30
Venerdì 08:00 - 12:30




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