Why G.Local
In the extreme south-eastern part of the Italian peninsula there’s the land of Salento: that’s where G.Local’s unique story started. It all began with our passion for travel and our will to combine a culture and nature-driven approach by building a team of local experts to guide you through Southern Italy and beyond. Ours is a family-owned business that meets the needs of the traveller - we are travellers too! - and takes care of your love for discovery, exploration and learning through quality experiences.
Whether you prefer tailor-made holiday packages or pre-packed ones, the varied experiences we design are more than authentic: they meet the principles of responsible travel, with a touch of exclusiveness.
"Vincitore PIN – Iniziativa promossa dalle Politiche Giovanili della Regione Puglia e ARTI e finanziata con risorse del FSE – PO Puglia 2014/2020 Azione 8.4 e del Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione"