il più bel paese e la più bella lingua del mondo

il più bel paese e la più bella lingua del mondo We offer mini linguistic walking or sitting tours during your stay on Lipari and the Aeolian Isles. You want to get to know Sicily better? So what do we offer?

It will help you to get to know the islands and their culture in a better way. You would like to discouver a world apart, a world that seems miles away but is in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea? And we are not talking about ‘the big island’. We are talking about those little spots that are volcanoes, dead or sleaping or ... working! Yes, we are talking about Lipari, Stromboli, Vulcano and 4 ot

her sisters! Here culture and history are always and still alive. Nature is showing the way. We offer mini walking tours to foreign people who want to know or already know the Italian language. These are mini tours that are didactic and linguistic at the same time. You learn more about a region through learning Italian language and culture (and of course you can’t understand this culture without learning about Sicilian and especially Aeolian culture and nature). The walking tour can also be a ‘sitting’ tour. That is, before or after or during your aperitive, for instance, in a garden or at the seafront, you can get a mini lesson Italian basics, elementary level, intermediate level. And/or a thematic vocabulary list. Typical words that will help you during your trip. We do this on Lipari and on all the other islands. And... it’s never too late to start with a language! For people who already know Italian, the Aeolian Islands are very specific. So our advanced list of words will certainly be very interesting. Of course it’s better to do a mini didactic walking or sitting tour in the beginning of your stay. It will help you to notice and discouver more things. And it will simply be lots of fun!


Home 🇱🇺🇧🇪🇿🇦 Buongiorno, welkom op de Eolische Eilanden, Sicilia, vulkanische archipel van 7 overheerlijke eilanden, vol cultuur en natuur. Sinds 2000 staan ze op de lijst van de Unesco. Omwille van de bijzonderheid van deze bestemming, weg van het grote massatoerisme en enkel per b...

Ah e’ vero, siamo ad ottobre. Se siete nelle vicinanze? Venite a camminare. Il tempo e’ piu’ che perfetto. Io ci sono pe...

Ah e’ vero, siamo ad ottobre. Se siete nelle vicinanze? Venite a camminare. Il tempo e’ piu’ che perfetto. Io ci sono per voi. ?

Wie doet mee?

Wie doet mee?

Online-lessen, in 2 delen, geschiedenis van Sicilie in het kort. Kort, krachtig, leuk. Aan de hand van zichten, panorama’s, pleinen, monumenten enz. Zodat u virtueel effectief op reis bent. En dat temidden van een groots en uniek eiland. Wie schrijft zich in? Dagelijks op 30/08, 31/08, 01/09, 02/09, 03/09. Zowel overdag als ‘s Avonds. Een online sessie duurt maximum anderhalf uur. Voor de 2 delen: 15 eur per persoon. Indien 1 deel: 10 eur per persoon. Ps voor wie graag reist, is geschiedenis onontbeerlijk. Zeker in het hart van de Middellandse Zee. Inschrijven: [email protected] of [email protected] Ik ben de lesgeefster (Italiaanse geschiedenis en cultuur) en doe dit soort dingen al meer dan 20 jaar. Ondertussen hebben we ook al de online-ervaring. U verveelt zich geen minuut. Groepjes zijn beperkt dus graag snel inschrijven. Saluti!

Un mare di cultura. E la cultura del mare. Armonia. Een zee aan cultuur en de cultuur van de zee. Dit is het kloppende h...

Un mare di cultura. E la cultura del mare. Armonia. Een zee aan cultuur en de cultuur van de zee. Dit is het kloppende hart van de Middellandse Zee.

A few days ago. After the storm. Magic.        .

A few days ago. After the storm. Magic. .

If you come with us, you will also learn Italian. Because during our walk we will teach you typical words. So if you lik...

If you come with us, you will also learn Italian. Because during our walk we will teach you typical words. So if you like to study Italian, during your trip, please contact us. We teach during open air activities. Our method is quite original, I would dare to say. It doesn't matter if you talk German or French or English. It would be very nice to have you all together. All together learning to speak Italian. In fact we are a kind of school, 'non school'.

Un giretto. A zonzo? Alla cieca? Een toertje. En altijd verrassingen. Van kerkske tot kerkske. ‘churchhopping’ insomma.

Saluti dalle Eolie.

Saluti dalle Eolie.

If you come with us to learn something more about the Italian language and local Aeolian culture, you will also experien...

If you come with us to learn something more about the Italian language and local Aeolian culture, you will also experience these extraordinary moments. Yes, we will take you to see this kind of sunrise. You won’t believe your eyes. and so on...... this means: practical Italian. Living culture and history. In fact it’s Italian, language and culture, for tourists who come as tourists but want to learn more and in a special way.



🇮🇹 vista in questa foto aerea sopra un tappeto di nuvole, una "mamma" che ti accoglie a braccia aperte, una favola tutta siciliana ❤

🇬🇧Mount Etna in seen from the plane at sunset.

🇩🇪Der in gesehen vom Flugzeug gestern bei Sonnenuntergang.


🇧🇹A “muntagna” ra bedda Sicilia vista dall’apparecchiu quannu cala u suli. U nostru Mungibeddu.

©Photo Credit: Gianluca Rizzo

Un giorno indimenticabile a Palermo. L’ anno scorso. Con il gruppo di studenti adulti (corsi di italiano e storia dell’I...

Un giorno indimenticabile a Palermo. L’ anno scorso. Con il gruppo di studenti adulti (corsi di italiano e storia dell’Italia). Ecco qualche ricordo di quel giorno: un giorno veramente festivo. Tra arte, cultura e la bellissima processione dell’Immacolata. Ecco nel nostro blog: un po’ di spiegazione riguardante l’Immacolata.

Next week’s lesson: about dolci natalizi in Italy.

Next week’s lesson: about dolci natalizi in Italy.

Ogni giorno diverso. Always so different.

Ogni giorno diverso. Always so different.



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