EY4U Yacht Agents for Italy, Sardinia and Sicily

EY4U Yacht Agents for Italy, Sardinia and Sicily EY4U is a Shipping Italian Yacht Agency specialized in yachting, leisure for guests and concierge. Our clients’ satisfaction is our satisfaction!

EY4U is a Shipping Agency Network & Partners operating in the Yachting Industry since 2011. We are not just another yacht agency; our onshore and onboard service is available 24/7, from Genoa to Southern Italy, going through Naples, from Sardinia to Sicily and from Adriatic coast ports in Puglia, Croatia and Albania. Our key strength is the ability to find prompt solutions for any need that those

involved in a voyage may have, thanks to our deep knowledge of the yachting industry and of the Med. We are highly experienced in dealing with the authorities and attending to formalities. Through the years, we have specialized to fulfill the needs of guests and owners and to support captains and crew with a full range of services: VIP transfers, exclusive tailor-made tours, onboard entertainment, water games, helicopter hiring and provisions. As to charter yachts, captains and charter managers can take advantage of our rapid and reliable accounting service. We are based in Palermo, Sicily, with other offices located in the main Italian ports. We act as Yachts agents and suppliers offering our customers a wide range of services to make their vacation easy and unforgettable. Our team is composed of expert professionals, available 24/7, who will take care of every aspect and every need of our customers. We believe in giving customers not only what they ask for, but even what they do not ask for, because we want to make them happy and satisfied. We work with passion and enthusiasm, as we believe this is the key to do a good job. EY4U is your reliable partner that you can trust!

As Goethe once said: “To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the ...

As Goethe once said:
“To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything. The purity of the contours, the softness of everything, the exchange of soft colors, the harmonious unity of the sky with the sea and the sea to the land… who saw them once, shall possess them for a lifetime.”

www.ey4u.com ⚓✨🌅😍

For more information contact us:
📧 Write us [email protected] | [email protected]
📞 Call us +39 3443883639

Among the 58 Italian sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Costiera Amalfitana looks like a balcony over...

Among the 58 Italian sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Costiera Amalfitana looks like a balcony overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea and the slopes of the Lattari mountains: valleys and promontories between coves, beaches and terraces, citrus fruits, vines and olive trees.

www.ey4u.com ⚓✨🌅😍

For more information contact us:
📧 Write us [email protected] | [email protected]
📞 Call us +39 3443883639

🌍⛵️ Did you know that the high seas sailing regatta starts in Palermo? Starting from the Gulf of Mondello and finishing ...

🌍⛵️ Did you know that the high seas sailing regatta starts in Palermo? Starting from the Gulf of Mondello and finishing in the Principality of Monaco, it covers 500 miles in the Mediterranean.

🤝🏻 We can assist you throughout your stay in Sicily.

For more information contact us:
📧 Write us [email protected] | [email protected]
📞 Call us +39 3443883639

Quella voglia di essere lì, al Marina Villa Igiea, in piena estate, per vivere gli intensi attimi che precedono la partenza della ...
E mentre noi facciamo i conti con questa voglia di vela irrefrenabile, voi lo avete già scaricato il Bando di Regata della ?
lo trovate qui: http://www.palermo-montecarlo.it/public/2022-allegati/BdR%20ITA%20-%202022%20Palermo%20Montecarlo%20VF.pdf

Qui invece potete iscrivervi (cosa aspettate??!): http://www.palermo-montecarlo.it/2022/it/iscriviti.asp
Circolo della Vela Sicilia Tasca d'Almerita
Foto StudioBorlenghi.

🎯 Our key strength is the ability to find prompt solutions for any need that those involved in a voyage may have, thanks...

🎯 Our key strength is the ability to find prompt solutions for any need that those involved in a voyage may have, thanks to our deep knowledge.

💯 Our team is composed of expert professionals, available 24/7, who will take care of everything.

👉🏻 For reservations and more information:
🌐 Visit our website http://www.ey4u.com/
📧 Write us [email protected] | [email protected]
📞 Call us +39 3443883639


Here’s to freedom, cheers to life! Here’s to having an excellent adventure and may the stopping never start!

За свободу, за жизнь! За отличное приключение, и пусть остановка никогда не начинается!

Prost auf die Freiheit, Prost auf das Leben! Auf ein großartiges Abenteuer und darauf, dass das Aufhören nie aufhört!

À la liberté, à la vie ! A une excellente aventure et que l'arrêt ne commence jamais !

Por la libertad, ¡salud a la vida! ¡Brindemos por una excelente aventura y por que la parada nunca comience!


We are getting ready for the new season and you?Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year from all the...

We are getting ready for the new season and you?
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year from all the EY4U staff!
Мы готовимся к новому сезону, а вы готовы?
Счастливого Рождества и Нового года от всех сотрудников EY4U!
Wir bereiten uns auf die neue Saison vor - sind Sie bereit?
Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr von allen EY4U Mitarbeitern!
Nos preparamos para la nueva temporada, ¿estás preparado?
Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo de parte de todo el personal de EY4U!
Nous nous préparons pour la nouvelle saison et vous êtes prêts?
Joyeux Noël et bonne année de la part de tout le personnel de EY4U!

Join the adventure and discover the enchanting landscape of Valley of the Temples at night in Agrigento, Sicily.⚓Присоед...

Join the adventure and discover the enchanting landscape of Valley of the Temples at night in Agrigento, Sicily.

Присоединяйтесь к приключению и откройте для себя очаровательный пейзаж Долины храмов ночью в Агридженто, Сицилия.

Lassen Sie sich auf das Abenteuer ein und entdecken Sie die zauberhafte Landschaft des Tals der Tempel bei Nacht in Agrigento, Sizilien.

Rejoignez l'aventure et découvrez le paysage enchanteur de la Vallée des Temples de nuit à Agrigente, en Sicile.

Únase a la aventura y descubra el encantador paisaje del Valle de los Templos por la noche en Agrigento, Sicilia.

www.ey4u.com 👈🏻🥂🥰✨⛵💯

Even in autumn M/N MARELLA shines at its best under the warm and glowing Sicilian sun ! www.ey4u.com☀️💛😍🥂⚓✨             ...

Even in autumn M/N MARELLA shines at its best under the warm and glowing Sicilian sun !


Marella Cruises


Last day of ? Don't worry, we will give you unique all year round, so for today enjoy this view from above…

Последний день лета? Не волнуйтесь, мы будем радовать вас уникальными #впечатлениями круглый год, поэтому сегодня насладитесь этим UNEXPECTED видом сверху...

Der letzte Tag des Sommers? Keine Sorge, wir werden Ihnen das ganze Jahr über einzigartige bieten, also genießen Sie heute diesen UNEXPECTED Blick von oben...

¿El último día del verano? No te preocupes, te daremos únicas durante todo el año, así que por hoy disfruta de esta UNEXPECTED vista desde arriba...

Dernier jour de l'été ? Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous vous ferons vivre des uniques tout au long de l'année, alors pour aujourd'hui, profitez de cette vue UNEXPECTED du ciel...

www.ey4u.com 😎💯✨🚤🥂

Shall we set sail together for the weekend aboard this 46m sailing yacht?⚓Давайте вместе отправимся на  #выходные на бор...

Shall we set sail together for the weekend aboard this 46m sailing yacht?

Давайте вместе отправимся на #выходные на борту этой 46-метровой парусной яхты?

Wollen wir gemeinsam ein an Bord dieser 46 m langen Segelyacht verbringen?

¿Partimos juntos el fin de semana a bordo de este velero de 46 metros?

Et si nous partions ensemble pour le week-end à bord de ce voilier de 46 mètres?

www.ey4u.com 😎🥂✨🏝⛵️

No matter how many times you may have seen the   set in Sicily, it will always be an    …⚓Сколько бы раз вы ни наблюдали...

No matter how many times you may have seen the set in Sicily, it will always be an …

Сколько бы раз вы ни наблюдали заход солнца на Сицилии, это всегда будет UNEXPECTED эмоцией…

Egal, wie oft Sie den Sonnenuntergang in Sizilien schon gesehen haben, es wird immer ein UNEXPECTED Gefühl sein...

No importa cuántas veces haya visto la puesta de sol en Sicilia, siempre será una emoción UNEXPECTED…

Peu importe le nombre de fois où vous avez vu le soleil se coucher en Sicile, ce sera toujours une émotion UNEXPECTED…

www.ey4u.com 😎🍾🥂🎉✨🌅

We are HERE and proud to be part of this !!! 🏎💨🤩💯Red Bull Red Bull Racing F1                                            ...

We are HERE and proud to be part of this !!! 🏎💨🤩💯

Red Bull Red Bull Racing F1

https://youtu.be/T8Yxjf5hv-E. . 🏎💨🤩💯

Max Verstappen drives across Palermo in a never-seen-before road trip. He discovers the Sicilian capital and its iconic places from the Ballarò market to Mon...


Have you ever seen clearer water ? 🌊✨

Вы когда-нибудь видели более чистую воду?

Haben Sie jemals klareres Wasser gesehen?

¿Has visto alguna vez agua más clara?

Avez-vous déjà vu une eau plus claire?

www.ey4u.com 🥂😍☀️🏖

We are ready for the  ... ⚓Мы готовы к  #выходным...⚓️Wir sind bereit für das  ...⚓️Estamos listos para el  -semana...⚓N...

We are ready for the ...

Мы готовы к #выходным...
Wir sind bereit für das ...
Estamos listos para el -semana...

Nous sommes prêts pour le ...

www.ey4u.com 😎🍾🥂🎉✨🌅

Have you ever been to  ? Described as 'the big butterfly on the sea' by the painter Salvatore Fiume in the 1970s, it is ...

Have you ever been to ? Described as 'the big butterfly on the sea' by the painter Salvatore Fiume in the 1970s, it is the capital and largest of the archipelago... 😍🌊🏝☀️

www.ey4u.com ⚓✨

Welcome to the 16th edition of Palermo-Montecarlo, the offshore race organised by the Circolo della Vela Sicilia in coll...

Welcome to the 16th edition of Palermo-Montecarlo, the offshore race organised by the Circolo della Vela Sicilia in collaboration with the Yacht Club de Monaco and the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda... 😎⛵️🌊

Palermo - Montecarlo

www.ey4u.com ✨🥂⚓️

S/Y RUNNING ON WAVES in Palermo at dawn www.ey4u.com🌅🧡😍🥂⚓✨                                                       RUNNING...

S/Y RUNNING ON WAVES in Palermo at dawn


Anything more delightful than welcoming our guests with a Sicilian summer sunrise?⚓Что может быть прекраснее, чем встреч...

Anything more delightful than welcoming our guests with a Sicilian summer sunrise?

Что может быть прекраснее, чем встречать наших гостей сицилийским летним рассветом?

Was gibt es Schöneres, als unsere Gäste mit einem sizilianischen Sonnenaufgang zu begrüßen?

¿Hay algo más bonito que recibir a nuestros huéspedes con un amanecer de verano en Sicilia?

Rien de plus beau que d'accueillir nos invités avec un lever de soleil d'été sicilien?

www.ey4u.com 🌅✨🥰☀️🌊🥂

Ready to fill this   night with lots of beautiful memories? This   we take you to  , part of the   Islands marine protec...

Ready to fill this night with lots of beautiful memories? This we take you to , part of the Islands marine protected area…

Готовы наполнить вечер пятницы множеством прекрасных воспоминаний? В эти выходные мы приглашаем вас на #Фавиньяна, часть охраняемой морской зоны островов Эгади…

Sind Sie bereit, diesen Freitagabend mit vielen schönen Erinnerungen zu füllen? Dieses Wochenende nehmen wir Sie mit nach Favignana, das zum Meeresschutzgebiet der Ägadischen Inseln gehört…

¿Preparado para llenar la noche de este viernes con un montón de bonitos recuerdos? Este fin de semana te llevamos a Favignana, que forma parte de la zona marina protegida de las Islas Egadi…

Prêt à remplir ce vendredi soir de beaux souvenirs ? Ce week-end, nous vous emmenons à Favignana, qui fait partie de la zone marine protégée des îles Egadi…

www.ey4u.com ✨🤩🥂💯🌅

    nights in     with our customers...⚓Жаркие летние ночи в марине Палермо с нашими клиентами...⚓Heiße Sommernächte in ...

nights in with our customers...

Жаркие летние ночи в марине Палермо с нашими клиентами...

Heiße Sommernächte in Palermo Marina mit unseren Kunden...

Calientes noches de verano en la Marina de Palermo con nuestros clientes...

Des nuits d'été chaudes dans la Marina de Palerme avec nos clients...

www.ey4u.com 🥂💯🌊🔥🚤🤩

Our knowledge and flexibility allow us to provide safe, reliable and cost-effective transport services. We will find the...

Our knowledge and flexibility allow us to provide safe, reliable and cost-effective transport services. We will find the most suitable solution.
Contact us and get a quote by e-mailing us [email protected] or filling the form —> www.ey4u.com

Today we are resting on board, just long enough to recharge our batteries for the weekend… 😉⚓Сегодня мы отдыхаем на борт...

Today we are resting on board, just long enough to recharge our batteries for the weekend… 😉

Сегодня мы отдыхаем на борту, достаточно долго, чтобы зарядиться энергией на выходные… 😉

Heute ruhen wir uns an Bord aus, gerade lange genug, um unsere Batterien für das Wochenende aufzuladen… 😉

Hoy descansamos a bordo, lo justo para recargar las pilas para el fin de semana… 😉

Aujourd'hui, nous nous reposons à bord, juste le temps de recharger nos batteries pour le week-end… 😉

www.ey4u.com 😍🥳🥂✨💯

If you could decide how to end this day, what would you choose? We have a few ideas...⚓Если бы вы могли решить, как зако...

If you could decide how to end this day, what would you choose? We have a few ideas...

Если бы вы могли решить, как закончить этот день, что бы вы выбрали? У нас есть несколько идей...

Wenn Sie entscheiden könnten, wie Sie Ihren Tag beenden wollen, was würden Sie wählen? Wir haben ein paar Ideen...

Si pudiera decidir cómo terminar su día, ¿qué elegiría? Tenemos algunas ideas...

Si vous pouviez décider comment terminer cette journée, que choisiriez-vous? Nous avons quelques idées...

www.ey4u.com 🌅😏✨💯🥂

The Scala dei Turchi (Turks Staircase), a candidate for   World Heritage Site, takes its name from the Saracen pirates, ...

The Scala dei Turchi (Turks Staircase), a candidate for World Heritage Site, takes its name from the Saracen pirates, improperly called Turks by the local population.
The stepped wall, hence the name 'staircase', made it easy for to from the .
The 'Scala' is made of , a sedimentary of a and nature, with a characteristic pure white colour.

Come and enjoy this unique landscape... Contact us or visit
👉🏻 www.ey4u.com 😎🌴🌊☀️🥂🏝🌅

🔴     tonight in  . 🔴⚓We do not have always the "luxury moments" but we are here for the     in the good and in the bad ...

🔴 tonight in . 🔴

We do not have always the "luxury moments" but we are here for the in the good and in the bad times.

Important to undestand that we need to be 24 hours a day every day, we need to be there: always , and ready to give the we can.

www.ey4u.com 👈🏻

Did you know that in Sicily you can take a trip back in time?⚓Знаете ли вы, что на Сицилии можно совершить путешествие в...

Did you know that in Sicily you can take a trip back in time?

Знаете ли вы, что на Сицилии можно совершить путешествие в прошлое?

Wussten Sie, dass Sie in Sizilien eine Reise in die Vergangenheit machen können?

¿Sabía que en Sicilia puede hacer un viaje en el tiempo?

Saviez-vous qu'en Sicile, vous pouvez faire un voyage dans le temps?

www.ey4u.com 😉🤩🥂💯✨

From the   to the   and the  , from volcanoes to small fishing villages, Sicily satisfies every visitor's expectation wi...

From the to the and the , from volcanoes to small fishing villages, Sicily satisfies every visitor's expectation with its overwhelming natural beauty...

От #моря до #гор и #сельской местности, от вулканов до маленьких рыбацких деревушек - Сицилия удовлетворяет любые ожидания туристов своей ошеломляющей природной красотой...

Vom bis zu den und der , von Vulkanen bis zu kleinen Fischerdörfern, Sizilien befriedigt mit seiner überwältigenden Naturschönheit die Erwartungen eines jeden Besuchers...

Desde el hasta la y el , desde los volcanes hasta los pequeños pueblos de pescadores, Sicilia satisface las expectativas de cualquier visitante con su abrumadora belleza natural...

De la aux et à la , des volcans aux petits villages de pêcheurs, la Sicile répond à toutes les attentes des visiteurs par sa beauté naturelle époustouflante...

www.ey4u.com ✨🏝☀🌊🥂😍


Via Sampolo, 3D


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