CILAB Polimi

CILAB Polimi A network of professors, researchers and professionals that “travel” in design and creative indu Which industries?


Cilab is a research lab in Design Department of Politecnico di Milano: it’s a network of professors, researchers and professionals that “travel” in design and creative industries galaxies, in order to provide added values for industries through design driven innovation approach as a leverage to grow. First of all the Creative and Cultural Industries, but not only. In fact,

the design driven innovation represents a successful model for the SMEs in all sectors. RESEARCH
We observe, empathise, analysis, understand, generate, test and bring to life, simultaneously we transform the whole experience into tangible evidences to communicate. TRAINING
We foster our students to learn, to think and to do through didactic lectures, workshops, summer schools and seminars, physically and virtually. CONSULTANCY
We design products, service systems, experiences and interaction to provide innovative solutions and new relationships; we manage the whole design process from why to how.


Via Durando 38/a


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