Decreto flussi NON STAGIONALE 2023-2024-2025 solo per settori di Trasporto -Edilizia-Turismo/alberghiero-Telecomunicazione-Alimentare-Cantiere Navale/trsporto passeggeri con autobus/della pesca/degli acconciatori/degli elettricisti/degli idraulici , assistente familiare/sanitaria e di lavoro autonomo;
Entries within the quotas for non-employment employment seasonal and self-employed
1. They are admitted to Italy, within the overall quotas indicated in the art. 5, for non-seasonal subordinate work reasons in the sectors of road haulage for third parties, construction, tourism-hotel, mechanics, telecommunications, food, shipbuilding and passenger transport with buses, fishing, hairdressers, electricians and of plumbers and self-employed workers, resident foreign citizens
abroad within the following quotas:
a) 53,450 units for the year 2023, of which 52,770 for work subordinate and 680 for self-employment;
b) 61,950 units for the year 2024, of which 61,250 for work subordinate and 700 for self-employment;
c) 71,450 units for the year 2025, of which 70,720 for work subordinate and 730 for self-employment.
2. Within the quotas indicated in paragraph 1, for each year are admitted to Italy for non-subordinate employment reasons seasonal and self-employed workers, preferentially citizens of States who, also in collaboration with the State Italian, promote media campaigns for their citizens concerning the resulting risks to personal safety from inclusion in irregular migratory traffic, in accordance with agreements or understandings however denominated concluded on the subject with Italy, within the following quotas:
a) 2,000 units for the year 2023, of which 1,900 for work subordinate and 100 for self-employment;
b) 2,500 units for the year 2024, of which 2,380 for work subordinate and 120 for self-employment;
c) 3,000 units for the year 2025, of which 2,850 for work subordinate and 150 for self-employment.
3. Within the quotas indicated in paragraph 1, and taking into account specific cooperation agreements or understandings on the matter migratory rules already in force or that will come into force during the three-year period 2023-25, are admitted in Italy, within specific cooperation agreements, for non-employment reasons seasonal, in the sectors referred to in paragraph 1, citizens of the following
a) non-seasonal employed workers who are citizens of Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Ivory Coast, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia,
Georgia, Ghana, Japan, Jordan, Guatemala, India, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine: 25,000 units in 2023,
25,000 units in 2024 and 25,000 units in 2025;
b) non-seasonal employed workers who are citizens of other countries
with which agreements come into force during the three-year period cooperation in migration matters: 12,000 units in 2023, 20,000 units in 2024 and 28,000 units in 2025.
4. Entry into Italy is also permitted, within the scope of quotas indicated in paragraph 1, for non-employment reasons seasonal, in the sectors referred to in paragraph 1, and self-employed work, of:
a) workers of Italian origin on the part of at least one of the parents up to the third degree in the direct line of ancestry, residents in Venezuela, within the following quotas:
100 units in 2023, of which 90 for subordinate work and 10 for
100 units in 2024, of which 90 for subordinate work and 10 for
100 units in 2025, of which 90 for subordinate work and 10 for
b) stateless persons and refugees recognized by
by the High Commission of the United Nations for refugees or by the competent authorities in
Countries of first asylum or transit, within the following quotas:
200 units in 2023, of which 180 for subordinate work and 20 for self-employment;
200 units in 2024, of which 180 for subordinate work and 20 for self-employment;
200 units in 2025, of which 180 for subordinate work and 20 for self-employment;
c) non-seasonal employed workers in the sector
of family and socio-health care: 9,500 units in 2023,
9,500 units in 2024 and 9,500 units in 2025.
5. Within the quotas provided for in paragraph 1, the
conversion into residence permits for subordinate work of:
a) residence permits for seasonal work within the following periods quotas: 4,000 units in 2023, 4,000 units in 2024 and 5,000 units in 2025;
b) EU residence permits for long-term residents
issued to third country citizens by another member state of the European Union, within the following quotas: 100 units in 2023, 100 units in 2024 and 100 units in 2025.
6. It is also authorised, within the quotas indicated in paragraph 1, the conversion into residence permits for self-employed work of EU residence permits for long-term residents, issued to third country citizens by another member state of the European Union within the following quotas: 50 units in 2023, 50
units in 2024 and 50 units in 2025.
7. It is permitted, for each of the years 2023, 2024 and 2025, entry into Italy for self-employment purposes, in the context of quotas indicated in paragraph 1, of no. 500 resident foreign citizens
abroad, belonging to the following categories:
a) entrepreneurs who intend to implement an investment plan interest in the Italian economy, which involves the use of resources own not less than 500,000 euros, as well as the creation of at least
three new jobs;
b) freelancers who intend to practice professions
regulated or supervised, or not regulated but represented a national level by associations registered in lists kept by public administrations and which issue a quality certificate of the services and professional qualification of the members;
c) holders of corporate administration and management positions control expressly provided for by interministerial decree 11
May 2011, n. 850;
d) artists of clear fame or high and well-known qualification professional, hired by public or private bodies, in the presence of requirements expressly provided for by interministerial decree 11
May 2011, n. 850;
e) foreign citizens who intend to establish start-up companies innovative" pursuant to law 17 December 2012, n. 221, in
presence of the requirements established by the same law and which are
holders of an independent employment relationship with the company.