Planning a trip to the Rome Area? Come stay with us! See our listing on VRBO - 5.0 stars 10/10!
Beautiful Views and Comfortable Stay for Leisure in Italy”
“The Casale was excellent. Nestled far enough from Rome proper to remain a paradise when we needed it; yet close enough to nearby towns and Rome to allow us to enjoy them at our leisure. Our first thought when arriving was that the photos didn't do the Casale justice. George was incredibly helpful throughout our stay with excellent recommendations and advice. We could not recommend the Casale experience more highly, and would seriously consider revisiting in the future!” VRBO Guest Lawrence D., June 2024
Our Liquid Gold at the mill tonight
Now that’s a lot of orders i have to pack up! From the olive grove to you via my dining room table. Gold Medal Award winning and unforgettable. To know our oil is to love the best! If you are interested in Casale Sonnino Extra Virgin Olive Oil dm me with name & email & location for emailing list. #Goldmedal #nyiooc2021 #evooislife #casalesonninoevoo #casalesonnino
"THE" Gift to Get is EVOO from Casale Sonnino!
Ever wonder how the olives get gathered off the tree? This is the beginning of their journey from the tree, to the mill, to packing/boxing, to the boat, traveling across the ocean and to your table.
#theoliveoilladyny, #EVOOisLife, #casalesonninoitalianvilla, #bestitalianoliveoil
If you like our Oil, Please comment!!
DM Me or email: [email protected] to hear more!
#Monteporziocatone last night at #Frascatiwine tasting event with #localproducers showcasing their #wines. Vintage film footage of grape harvest time was projected on the municipal building wall. We watched a local version of #cinemaparadiso for a most #enjoyableevening. #ourtown #grapeharvest #frascatisuperiore #frascatidoc #eatinginthestreet #blackandwhite #movienight #italianvineyard #romecountryside #italianvilla #casalesonnino #livelocal #authenticitaly
What’s cooking at the casale? #casalesonnino #bestplacetostayrome #authenticitaly #smallgrouptravel #castelliromani #monteporziocatone #frascati
The mystical, magical Garden of Ninfa. 1 hour from the Casale in Cisterna di Latina.
A quick tour around the Casale Sonnino. Authentic Italian country living, in the Castelli Romani 30 minutes SE of Rome. We're taking reservations for summer, fall and beyond. Do something different this year! or send me a message with the blue button.
Ostia Antica - Rome’s Ancient Port. A Casale Sonnino Itinerary Favorite! Two Thousand years in our past, 40 minutes from the Casale’s gate. Definitely worth a visit. #casalesonnino #authenticitalytravel #ostiaanticaroma #offthebeatenpath #favoriteitalyplaces
The Rome rooftop view from the Palazzo Colonna garden. A delightful respite from the city hustle yet right off Piazza Venezia. #bestofrome #casalesonnino #romevacationvilla #smallgrouptravel #italyawaits