Tourist in Naples - Travel with us

Tourist in Naples - Travel with us Informazioni di contatto, mappa e indicazioni stradali, modulo di contatto, orari di apertura, servizi, valutazioni, foto, video e annunci di Tourist in Naples - Travel with us, Centro di informazioni turistiche, Naples.


🇪🇦El Claustro de Mayólicas de Santa Chiara 🇪🇦

¡¡¡ Hola viajeros !!!
Soy Francesca y soy de Nápoles.
Hoy quiero hablar de este hermoso y famoso claustro de las Clarisas, en el corazón de Nápoles. Este fue transformado en 1742 por Domenico Antonio Vaccaro con la adición única de azulejos de mayólica en estilo rococó. La decoración floral de colores llamativos hace que este claustro, con columnas octogonales en estructura de pérgola, probablemente sea único y parezca chocar con el mundo introspectivo de monjas de clausura. Las arcadas del claustro también están decoradas con frescos del siglo XVIII, que representan escenas del Antiguo Testamento.
¡¡¡No olvides viajar con nosotros !!!


🇬🇧The Majolica Cloister of Santa Chiara 🇬🇧

Hi travellers!!!
I'm Francesca and I'm from Naples.
Today I want to talk about this beautiful and famous cloister of the Clarisses,in the heart of Naples. This was transformed in 1742 by Domenico Antonio Vaccaro with the unique addition of majolica tiles in Rococò style.The brash color floral decoration makes this cloister, with octagonal columns in pergola-like structure, likely unique and would seem to clash with the introspective world of cloistered nuns. The cloister arcades are also decorated by 18th century frescoes, that represented scenes of the old testament.
Don't forget to travel with us!!!


🇨🇵Procida l’île du « Postino »🇨🇵

Bonjour voyageurs!!!
Je suis Isabella, j’ai 25 ans et aujourd’hui je vous vous parler de cet merveilleuse île connue pour ses couleurs mais surtout parce que a été filmé le « Postino ».
Regardez la vidéo et n’oubliez pas :
Travel with us!!!. ̧ais .

The beautiful island of ProcidaCredit:

The beautiful island of Procida


🇬🇧 Procida the Island of the "Postino"🇬🇧
I travellers I'm Isabella, I'm 25 and I'm from Naples. Today I want to talk about this beautiful island known for its beautiful colours but first of all for being the set of the famous movie "il postino"
Take a look !!!
Msot important thing: don't forget to travel with us!!!!


🇬🇧The obelisk of the Immaculate Conception 🇬🇧

(or more properly the spire of the Immaculate Conception) is a Baroque obelisk of Naples located in Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, in front of the church of the same name.
The obelisk was erected in the place where there was a previous equestrian sculpture dedicated to Philip V, the work of Lorenzo Vaccaro of 1705 which served to celebrate the visit made to the city by the Spanish king, which took place in 1702. The monument had lasted very little in what was destroyed in 1707, when the Austrian troops entered the city decreeing de facto the end of the Spanish government in Naples.


🇪🇦La partitura Enigma: el secreto musical de la iglesia Gesu Nuovo en Nápoles🇪🇦

La iglesia del Gesù Nuovo en Nápoles es una obra maestra del arte barroco que da a la Piazza del Gesù, una de las plazas más hermosas del centro de Nápoles. La iglesia siempre ha sido famosa no solo por su suntuoso interior, sino también por los numerosos ex votos dedicados a San Giuseppe Moscati, conocido por los numerosos episodios de curaciones milagrosas. Recientemente, sin embargo, esta iglesia también se ha hecho famosa por un misterio sobre su impresionante fachada, un misterio finalmente revelado por el historiador del arte Vincenzo De Pasquale.
Cuál será este misterio? Vamos a descubrirlo juntos

🇬🇧 The secret of the Gesù Nuovo church🇬🇧Do you know that  the symbols engraved on the ashlar of the façade of the beauti...

🇬🇧 The secret of the Gesù Nuovo church🇬🇧

Do you know that the symbols engraved on the ashlar of the façade of the beautiful church of 1584 are letters of the Aramaic alphabet, the language spoken by Jesus, which can also be "played". There are only seven signs and each one corresponds to one of the notes of a song called "enigma".


🇬🇧 The Enigma Score: the Musical Secret of the Gesu Nuovo Church in Naples🇬🇧

The church of Gesù Nuovo in Naples is a masterpiece of Baroque art that overlooks the Piazza del Gesù, one of the most beautiful squares in the center of Naples. The church has always been famous not only for its sumptuous interior, but also for the many ex-votos dedicated to San Giuseppe Moscati, known for the numerous episodes of miraculous healings. Recently, however, this church has also become famous for a mystery concerning its impressive facade, a mystery finally revealed by the art historian Vincenzo De Pasquale.
What mystery? Let's find out together



Hola viajeros, como sabéis a causa de la situación actual hace mucho que no publicamos contenidos en la página pero ha llegado el momento de volver a la normalidad y de conocer a través de nosotros nuevos y hermosos lugares de nuestra Nápoles. Hoy vamos a hablar de Plaza Bellini famosa por su movida y por ser el centro cultural de la ciudad partenopea

Details of Piazza Bellini

Details of Piazza Bellini



Hi travellers around the world, due to the current situation we haven't posted video or photo for a while but now things are getting better so we are here to show you new beautiful places that you have to visit once come in Naples. Today we're gonna talk about Piazza Bellini .


Have you already watched “The Neapolitans’ Space?” It’s a collection of videos of Neapolitans in different languages to ...

Have you already watched “The Neapolitans’ Space?” It’s a collection of videos of Neapolitans in different languages to continue with the of our beautiful city Naples and of Campania Region!
Check the ig stories and find out your language!
Here some pics of the discussed topics!
🇪🇦 🇬🇧 🇧🇷 🇨🇳 🇲🇫 🇺🇦 🇳🇱
📸 📸


In this "strange" moment we continue giving information to you thanks to the
Here a spot of all the people who joined us in our project to inform you about Naples and Campania Region!
Check in the ig stories “The Neapolitans’ Space” and find out your language. 🇪🇦 🇬🇧 🇧🇷.gii 🇨🇳 .deangelis92 🇲🇫.tudisco.77 🇺🇦 🇳🇱.r.t
🇨🇳 📸 📸

The“Neapolitans’ Space” is out! A collection of videos of Neapolitans that explain places, customs and a lot of curiosit...

The“Neapolitans’ Space” is out! A collection of videos of Neapolitans that explain places, customs and a lot of curiosities in different languages. Here some pics of the mentioned places.
Stay focused and check ig stories! 🇪🇦 🇬🇧 🇧🇷 🇨🇳 🇲🇫 🇺🇦 🇳🇱

¡La iglesia de San Domenico Maggiore es una obra maestra!Como Napolitanos deseamos con nuestros corazones que esta hermo...

¡La iglesia de San Domenico Maggiore es una obra maestra!
Como Napolitanos deseamos con nuestros corazones que esta hermosa obra vuelva a ser visitada otra vez.
¡Todo irá bien! 🇮🇹


¡Creo que la iglesia de San Domenico Maggiore es una de las más lindas de Nápoles!
¡Miren el video y sueñen conmigo la posibilidad de viajar a Nápoles otra vez!
¡Todo irá bien! 🇮🇹

¡La iglesia de San Domenico Maggiore es un verdadero milagro para tus ojos!¡Todo irá bien! 🇮🇹📸  •••                     ...

¡La iglesia de San Domenico Maggiore es un verdadero milagro para tus ojos!
¡Todo irá bien! 🇮🇹

San Domenico Maggiore Church, a miracle for your eyes! Stay strong, everything will be alright! 🇮🇹📸  •••                ...

San Domenico Maggiore Church, a miracle for your eyes!
Stay strong, everything will be alright! 🇮🇹


I firmly believe that the Church of San Domenico Maggiore is one of the most beautiful of Naples!
Watch the video and hope with me the possibility of travelling again to Naples!
Stay strong, everything will be alright! 🇮🇹

The church of San Domenico Maggiore is amazing!As Neapolitans we wish this wonderful work of art to be visited again…Sta...

The church of San Domenico Maggiore is amazing!
As Neapolitans we wish this wonderful work of art to be visited again…
Stay strong, everything will be alright! 🇮🇹

Spaccanapoli, la calle que divide Napoles en dos partes.¡Todo irá bien! 🇮🇹📸  •••                                        ...

Spaccanapoli, la calle que divide Napoles en dos partes.
¡Todo irá bien! 🇮🇹


“Spaccanapoli”, mejor conocida como el corazón de Nápoles, no vemos la hora de verte otra vez llena de vida!
¡Todo irá bien! 🇮🇹

“Spaccanapoli” el corte perfecto de nuestra hermosa ciudad.¡Todo irá bien! 🇮🇹  📸  •••                                   ...

“Spaccanapoli” el corte perfecto de nuestra hermosa ciudad.
¡Todo irá bien! 🇮🇹

“Spaccanapoli”, the perfect split of our beautiful city. Everything will be alright! 🇮🇹  📸  •••                         ...

“Spaccanapoli”, the perfect split of our beautiful city.
Everything will be alright! 🇮🇹


“Spaccanapoli”, the heart of Naples, can’t wait to see you again full of life!
Everything will be alright! 🇮🇹

Spaccanapoli, the street that splits Naples in two perfect parts!Everything will be alright! 🇮🇹  📸  •••                 ...

Spaccanapoli, the street that splits Naples in two perfect parts!
Everything will be alright! 🇮🇹

Chicos estaba pensando en cuando caminaba por las calles de mi ciudad con mi hermana y todo era perfecto… En esta foto m...

Chicos estaba pensando en cuando caminaba por las calles de mi ciudad con mi hermana y todo era perfecto… En esta foto mi hermana y yo en la Galería Umberto de Nápoles, tengo un lindo recuerdo de aquel día, cuando todo eso termine lo primero que hago será abrazar a mis amigos… ¿Y ustedes? ¿Qué harán cuando esta pesadilla pase?




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