Discovering Italian Heritage

Discovering Italian Heritage A travelling project designed to offer you intense and unique sightseeing experiences away from th


Cum Magno Gaudio: A Heartfelt Thank You!

As the Artistic Director of CUM Magno Gaudio, the historical reenactment of the handing over of the keys of Nepi to Lucrezia Borgia, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible support and dedication that brought this event to life.

A special thank you to our amazing contrada trainers and the devoted procession leaders, whose hard work and passion were the heartbeat of this performance.
Your commitment ensured that every detail was perfect.

To our phenomenal audio and lighting service, thank you for creating an atmosphere that truly transported our audience back in time. Your expertise made all the difference.

Our talented reenactors, you brought history to life with your performances. Your dedication and enthusiasm shone through and made the event unforgettable.

A heartfelt thank you to Rector Simona Benedetti for your unwavering trust and support. Your belief in this project was the foundation of our success.

To the Comune di Nepi, your support and partnership were invaluable. Thank you for helping us celebrate our rich history.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in the transport of materials, assisting with direction, and the setup and arrangement of the scene. Your behind-the-scenes efforts ensured that everything ran smoothly and looked spectacular.

Together, we created something magical. Thank you all for making CUM Magno Gaudio a memorable and triumphant event!

video by: Donatella Vinotti

A Modern Banquet: A Journey Back to the RenaissanceStep into an evening of elegance and enchantment as we host a modern ...

A Modern Banquet: A Journey Back to the Renaissance

Step into an evening of elegance and enchantment as we host a modern banquet inspired by the opulence and artistry of the Renaissance. Join us for a night where the flavors of the past meet the creativity of the present, surrounded by the timeless beauty of theatre, painting, and music.

Indulge in a feast crafted with dishes that evoke the splendor of Renaissance cuisine. Savor exquisite courses that blend historical recipes with contemporary flair, offering a culinary journey that delights both the palate and the imagination.

Immerse yourself in the magic of live theatre, where actors bring to life tales of courtly intrigue and romance. Be mesmerized by the skillful performances that capture the essence of an era rich in drama and passion.

Admire the painters at work in front of you, their homage to the great masters of the Renaissace.

Let the evening be filled with the melodious strains of Renaissance music, performed by talented musicians who revive the sounds of a bygone age. The harmonious blend of instruments and voices will transport you to a time of grandeur and grace.

Join us for a night where history and modernity converge, creating a unique celebration of art, culture, and gastronomy. Experience the Renaissance in a way that only our modern banquet can offer.

OPERA3 will have the honor of organizing the inaugural event of the Palio dei Borgia 2024 edition, on Saturday, June 15t...

OPERA3 will have the honor of organizing the inaugural event of the Palio dei Borgia 2024 edition, on Saturday, June 15th at 11:30 AM, in the Sala Consiliare of the Town hall of Nepi, Viterbo
They will do it in their own peculiar way, giving space to art, culture, and the discovery of the territory.

The show offers the audience a night theatrical tour at the Borgia Fortress. The journey begins at Porta Romana, continu...

The show offers the audience a night theatrical tour at the Borgia Fortress. The journey begins at Porta Romana, continues along Via Amerina, and traverses the entire historic residence illuminated by torches.

On the grand natural stage of the Fortress, guided by the Spirits, the stories of legendary characters such as Duke Valentino, Lucrezia and Rodrigo Borgia, and Giulia Farnese come to life.

Completing the tableau are other emblematic figures: the Witch, the Nun, the Beheaded, and the Duelists.

The Illustrious Ghosts, with their tales accompanied by the ancient melodies of the choir and the flute, will transport the audience back to a time of epic passions, unrestrained ambitions, violence and deceit, beauty and spirituality. ✨

Off topic but very important:  I’d really appreciate it if you would share or donate through  this GoFundMe link, "Hot m...

Off topic but very important: I’d really appreciate it if you would share or donate through this GoFundMe link, "Hot meals 4 Starved Palestinian Kids in north Gaza". For your your peace of mind GoFundMe guarantees a full refund in anything goes wrong🫵🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪

Do you know what it’s like to watch your family starve? I do. My… Hani Almadhoun needs your support for Hot meals 4 Starved Palestinian Kids in north Gaza


From our beloved Nepi wishing you and yours a merry Christmas and prosperity in the New Year

Desidero ringraziare Giacomo Primo Sciortino  per la bella serata del 6 dicembre a vicolo del Babuino, un evento ecletti...

Desidero ringraziare Giacomo Primo Sciortino per la bella serata del 6 dicembre a vicolo del Babuino, un evento eclettico che ha miscelato la musica popolare a quella antica, il podcast impossibile con Goethe alla saporita gastronomia tematica.
Non vedo l'ora di partecipare alle tue future iniziative e di condividere momenti altrettanto piacevoli e coinvolgenti
A presto! 😊🙏

"Ghost Tour" nella notte del 31 Ottobre 2023 al Forte dei Borgia di Nepi che si trasforma per l’occasione in un castello...

"Ghost Tour" nella notte del 31 Ottobre 2023 al Forte dei Borgia di Nepi che si trasforma per l’occasione in un castello infestato dagli spettri del suo illustre passato, con attori e musica, ad evocare personaggi che qui hanno vissuto. Un percorso esperienziale, dove la scoperta del monumento sarà affidato alle anime di coloro che abitarono le suggestive mura della rocca nepesina. Le suggestioni del luogo rese ancor più forti dalle tenebre, rischiarate da tenui luci, rivivranno attraverso la voce dei grandi del passato, ma anche tramite le storie di gente minuta, la cui vita spesso non è meno appassionante.
Se siete pronti a vivere questa appassionante esperienza, la Rocca dei Borgia apre le sue porte in maniera del tutto speciale, grazie alla sinergia tra enti e alle associazioni Essere Bene Essere, Pro Loco di Nepi, il coro Nova Schola Cantorum e l’aps Opera3, il tutto patrocinato dal Comune di Nepi, che ha concesso questa superba location, oggi tra le più affascinanti Dimori Storiche del Lazio.
Il percorso si articolerà dalla rinascimentale Porta Romana, all’interno dei sotterranei della Rocca e fin su il Mastio, da dove sarà possibile godere dell’impareggiabile panorama sulla città. Cosa accadrà durante il tour, ovviamente non possiamo dirvelo: le apparizioni non si raccontano, bisogna viverle.
Ed è questo l’invito che vi viene rivolto, se volete trascorrere un Halloween pieno di sorprese.
Dettagli dell'Evento:
Data: 31 Ottobre 2023
Orari: 19:30 - 21:00 - 22:30
Punto d'Incontro: Passerella Pedonale di Porta Romana - via di Porta Romana, Nepi (VT)
Biglietto: Donazione libera da 5 euro a sostegno del costituendo Museo del Tesoro della cattedrale di Nepi.
Prenotazione Obbligatoria: Solo tramite messaggio whatsapp al numero 351 805 1861
E’ consigliato prenotarsi almeno tre giorni prima dell’evento. Accessi a numero chiuso.
Non perdete l'opportunità di partecipare a questa esperienza unica, che unisce storia, mistero e intrattenimento in una notte indimenticabile.
(La Passerella pedonale, foto di Demetrio Chiavari )


Luca Marino attraverso la sua associazione 🙏💪

(immagini prese da internet, musica composta da Francesco Marino)L'Associazione MUJIC ha deciso di sostenere l'organizzazione "STOP BORDER VIOLENCE" che ha l...





Acquista subito il tuo abbonamento. O prenota online e paga entro 24 ore presso tutti i Punti Mooney

The Agro Falisco is an area of Alta Tuscia, between Rome and Viterbo, rich in history and villages to discover. Nepi is ...

The Agro Falisco is an area of Alta Tuscia, between Rome and Viterbo, rich in history and villages to discover. Nepi is the oldest of these and is known as the city of waters.
The Rocca dei Borgia is the symbol of Nepi and Agro Falisco, with remote origins but with many historical events that have made it famous. Have you ever visited it?
Hiking, trekking and mountain biking are the activities that will make you fall in love with this village and the surrounding nature.

For more information

Comune di Nepi - Pro Loco Nepi

Not to miss: Ensemble Mare Nostrum concert in Viterbo✨

Not to miss: Ensemble Mare Nostrum concert in Viterbo✨

Rehearsing in enchanting for our upcoming project🎶 in residency at .stradella


Italian baroque music at its best✨

Italian baroque music at its best✨

Su TrovaRoma - la Repubblica - Felici per questa nuova residenza al Festival Barocco Alessandro Stradella di Viterbo e Nepi !
Vi aspettiamo il 31 agosto 2022 ore 18.00 a Palazzo Farnese a Caprarola con MORO PER AMORE - L' Ultima Opera di Alessandro Stradella

DANILO PASTORE controtenore

PRENOTAZIONE OBBLIGATORIA ai numeri 0761 646052 / 393 869 8963

If you’re planning a  tour of Nepi during  your summer vacation take a look at  "nepeasy" on FB

If you’re planning a tour of Nepi during your summer vacation take a look at "nepeasy" on FB

Una piccola pausa estiva per caricare le batterie e ripartire meglio di prima. Ci rivediamo da sabato 20 Agosto con Nepeasy.

Intanto vi ricordiamo che rimane attivo il Museo Civico Di Nepi con anche le sue visite guidate ai monumenti di Nepi.

E a breve una piccola sorpresa per chi vorrà passare una giornata insieme a noi.

Restate connessi.

Palio dei Borgia is coming, get ready for the renaissance reenactment dedicated to Lucrezia Borgia  in Nepi✨

Palio dei Borgia is coming, get ready for the renaissance reenactment dedicated to Lucrezia Borgia in Nepi✨

Programma ufficiale della XXVI Edizione del di

Palio dei Borgia di Nepi. 28 | 05 - 19 | 06 2022 Save the dates 😁

Palio dei Borgia di Nepi. 28 | 05 - 19 | 06 2022 Save the dates 😁

Ente Palio dei Borgia of Nepi, in collaboration with the sociologist, sommelier, expert in food culture and food and win...

Ente Palio dei Borgia of Nepi, in collaboration with the sociologist, sommelier, expert in food culture and food and wine traditions Sandra Ianni, has launched the national pastry competition “Lucrezia’s dessert” with the purpose of identifying
a dessert inspired by the figure of Lucrezia Borgia, the legendary Papa Alessandro’s daughter who was Lady of Nepi in 1500.
For more info consult the website o

𝗠𝗔𝗦𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗭𝗜𝗢 𝟮𝟬𝟯𝟱 / PREAPERTURA FESTIVAL 2021✨--------A new chapter of the MASSENZIO Project, lots of beautiful music among...

A new chapter of the MASSENZIO Project, lots of beautiful music among the gilded splendors of roman Seventeenth century

Comune di Ronciglione
Andrea De Carlo Wiktoria Oskroba Sofia Pezzi Danilo Pastore Sullivan Roberto Mattioni Amleto Matteucci Serena Seghettini Irene Caraba Edoardo Blasetti Lucia Adelaide Di Nicola Tusciaweb Stradella Y-Project Gian Paolo Piccini


Un nuovo capitolo del MASSENZIO Project, tanta bellissima musica tra gli ori e gli splendori del Seicento sacro e profano.
A new chapter of the MASSENZIO Project, lots of beautiful music among the gilded splendors of roman Seventeenth century

Comune di Ronciglione
Andrea De Carlo Wiktoria Oskroba Sofia Pezzi Danilo Pastore Sullivan Roberto Mattioni Amleto Matteucci Serena Seghettini Irene Caraba Edoardo Blasetti Lucia Adelaide Di Nicola Tusciaweb Stradella Y-Project Gian Paolo Piccini


August is here and we're turning up the heat with the events around the lake. Check out the pictures below to see what's on offer... Or Click Here to visit the local services pages to find the top bars, restaurants, gelaterie, shops and activities to do in each town around the lake.

Words of Women - A Greek ChoirSat, Jul 31, 09:00 pmSat, Jul 31, 10:00 pmRocca dei Borgia, Nepi (Vt)On July 31, at 9.00 p...

Words of Women - A Greek Choir
Sat, Jul 31, 09:00 pm
Sat, Jul 31, 10:00 pm
Rocca dei Borgia, Nepi (Vt)
On July 31, at 9.00 pm, Parola di Donne "Word of women - A Greek choir" will be staged at the Rocca dei Borgia Castle
Booking:: 351 805 1861

Director: Stefano Sarra

Adaptation: Stefano Sarra and Ornella Marcucci.

Set design: David Salvatori.

In the show, actresses of the EBE Koinè Company will give life to the immortal heroines of Greek literature: Clytemnestra, Nausicaa, Elena, Cassandra, Penelope, Circe, Dido, Athena, Elettra, Andromaca will come to life on the stage, sharing the passions that determined their destiny: love and hatred, sensuality and revenge, religiosity and betrayal - powerful impulses that generated the myths of the ancients and that will mix in the perfumed bread with which the Baker nourishes us mortals.
With Daniela Babini, Katia Francescon, Stefania Grano, Meriam Kermali, Mariasole Maccari, Ornella Marcucci, Teresa Marino, Annamaria Mazzini, Cristina Palma, Donatella Vinotti, Francesca Zamparelli.

The story of the notorious Borgia and Farnese families through Nepi's collection at the local Museum, curated by museum ...

The story of the notorious Borgia and Farnese families through Nepi's collection at the local Museum, curated by museum Director Stefano Francocci

Venerdì 18 Giugno
Museo Civico, 10.30
Visita guidata (in presenza e in streaming)
"Sulle tracce dei Borgia e dei Farnese"
condotta dal direttore del museo dott. Stefano Francocci


Via Umiltà, 6615

Sito Web


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