Church Survivors

Church Survivors Helping Validate "The Churches" Destroyed and Scattered Sheep! Guiding Folks to Rest for Their Souls! Relieving their Conscience of Guilt and Shame! NOTE!

You may still be in Church, or Just returned to Church after your ordeal or a family member of a Church goer that can't measure up maybe your still just floundering. This page is dedicated to helping anyone that may have a need to understand, Validation. If you are asking yourself how could I have let this happen or how is it possible that God could let Churches and their Pastors do these things?

You are not alone ...... This page is for you! .... If you have some experiences that may be able to help people like this! .... This page is for you! .... We together can help each other. Just having someone to talk to, that has been there, can help. Please be Advised that any and all posts on Church Survivors maybe used to help others. They will be post as "In Their Own Words"




It’s not your job to get people to come to church and hear the Gospel. It’s your job to preach the Gospel, disciple those who receive it in the way of Christ and, as a result, the Holy Spirit will give these who have been redeemed a desire to be with the ekklesia.

~ Relearn Church


WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) - A grand jury indictment has introduced new child s*x crime charges against a New Hanover County pastor. Rev. Jonathan Ballard was ...


Friends for life 🥰


Alright class, write this down…


Ancient Judaism was centered on three elements: the Temple, the Priesthood, and the sacrifice. When Jesus came, He ENDED all three, fulfilling them in himself.

~ Frank Viola


Changing your Social identity!

4 of 6 uses of a Thought-Reform Program!

By Margret Singer

4. Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments, and experiences in such a way as to inhibit behavior that reflects the individual's former social identity!

The expression or your beliefs, values, activities and characteristic demeanor prior to attending the college or church is suppressed, and you are manipulated into taking on a social identity preferred by leadership!

Old beliefs and old patterns of behavior are defined as irrelevant , if not evil. You quickly learn that leadership wants old ideas and old patterns eliminated, so you suppress them.

(Thomas a. Wheeler speaking) Example would be, to express feelings for someone you would like to date, would be met with overt disapproval of peers and superiors, accompanied by directives of harsh discipline. An individual can avoid public rebuke on this topic by no longer speaking on the entire topic of interest in another human being!


If Preachers would do their "JOB" and preach the "Gospel" (the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus the Christ) then send those folks out to do the same, there would be no need for buildings!

It's the Holy Spirits job to do the changing!

Thomas A Wheeler ( Church Survivors)


Most Fit!

"Quiet trust in God is the state of mind and heart that is fittest to do the duty that lies nearest without any fluster."

- Oswald Chambers


The True Church!

"Don’t you know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?' (I Corinthians 3:16).

Our true identity as the temple of God, the house of God, has been stolen from us – years before we were ever born. Human organizations and institutions, along with their brick and mortar structures, have taken for themselves our identity in Christ. These religious agencies for too long have been pawned off as the Body of Christ.

The “Reformation” never did free the members of Christ’s Body from this type of religious bo***ge and tyranny. Centuries later, in spite of all of the truth to which the Body of Christ has been exposed, it is still the common practice to surrender our true identity to the religious system.

When will we wake up and realize that our identity has been taken from us? When will we reclaim our true identity and live in the fullness of who and what we are “in Christ?”

Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.




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