By Our Longing
How Can we tell we are His?
The IC (Institutional Church)will tell us if we stay loyal to them and serve the Church and Tithe and live sinless and get baptized and attend every service and go out soul winning and live a life modeled after Jesus and the List goes on and on!
But In reality there is a must simpler measure then the things aforementioned!
Before you can recognize it, we must first step back and look at our lives through a different lens!
Ask yourself, who has our heart? with whom are your thoughts? Of whom do we love to converse? Who has are warmest affections and our best energies?
If we are Christ's, our thoughts are with Him, and our sweetest thoughts are with Him. All we have and are, is consecrated to Him.
Contrary wise, Our love of influence and desire of the esteem of others may produce a well ordered life.
Self-respect may lead us to avoid the appearance of evil.
A selfish heart may perform generous actions.
But that won't manifest Who's we are!
IC attendance will help us appear good, but what flows out of our hearts naturally will tell who's we are!
Jesus in you will show you!
What is your longing?
For IC approval or the approval of Jesus?
That is the unmerited, merciful and unconditional love of Jesus!
Thomas A. Wheeler ( Church Survivors )
Evangelist to the Destroyed and Scattered Sheep of the Institutional Churches Pasture!