
Givingshape Givingshape is a design consultancy focused on product design specialized in understanding customer problems and providing innovative solutions.

Not just a supplier but a real help in managing project/product innovation. Givingshape’s motto is “design according to the needs of today while keeping an eye on future” and its greatest skill is being able to forecast trends and tastes in an increasingly fast and fickle global market. Givingshape is owned by Massimo Battaglia a young creative designer with many years of experience in product and innovation design.

Just published a new project on behance, an entry level ski poles handle presented this january at ISPO Munich : https:/...

Just published a new project on behance, an entry level ski poles handle presented this january at ISPO Munich :

Entrylevel monomaterial skipoles handle designed for and with Roberto Siena Design.Main characteristics : sleek and aggressive lines, mix of glossy and matte surfaces and a passing through cut that shows the inner alluminium pole.Whole design process la…

I just discovered and bought this software, it is extremely versatile and incredibly affordable ! check it out !http://w...

I just discovered and bought this software, it is extremely versatile and incredibly affordable ! check it out !

Coming from engineering background SimLab team noticed the low quality of visualization and sharing results done by engineers and architects, and the complexity of tools they used, that were not designed for them.

Macrom Easy on Wired !to be honest, reading competitors reviews and considering price vs performances I would give it an...

Macrom Easy on Wired !
to be honest, reading competitors reviews and considering price vs performances I would give it an higher score...

Not bad to get some inspiration :

Not bad to get some inspiration :

Inspiration Grid is a daily-updated gallery celebrating creative talent from around the world. Get your daily fix of design, art, illustration, typography, photography, architecture, fashion and more.


urban gardening - Th SmartGreenHouse is an urban gardening innovation designed by Massimo Battaglia. The SmartGreenHouse features a completely customizable climate ...

Nemo profeta in patria ! at least in India somebody noticed my talent :-)

Nemo profeta in patria ! at least in India somebody noticed my talent :-)

A lateral thinker, Massimo is always looking for innovative ways outside the box for his clients with his high level of creativity and utmost efficiency.

Prepare yourself for summer !

Prepare yourself for summer !

Ottima recensione delle Macrom Joy 10 sul sito Macitynet :

Ottima recensione delle Macrom Joy 10 sul sito Macitynet :

Recensione Macrom JOY10, cuffie in-ear con corpo in alluminio, cavo piatto-antigroviglio e qualità audio notevole: ecco come suonano.

Yves Behar interesting TED speech about values and storytelling in design :

Yves Behar interesting TED speech about values and storytelling in design : -1003631

Designer Yves Behar digs up his creative roots to discuss some of the iconic objects he's created (the Leaf lamp, the Jawbone headset). Then he turns to the witty, surprising, elegant objects he's working on now -- including the "$100 laptop."

Is the end of western industrial design supremacy near ? Xiaomi is a 3 years old tech company active mainly in smartphon...

Is the end of western industrial design supremacy near ? Xiaomi is a 3 years old tech company active mainly in smartphones field, but giving a look to its product portfolio is easy to be amazed by their design quality...chinese design for world wide selling products.
I am wondering if from now to ten years Italian design will still have somewhat value...I am afraid no !


Crowdfunding it is not easy as it could seem ! a very interesting case study about problems caused by having too much su...

Crowdfunding it is not easy as it could seem ! a very interesting case study about problems caused by having too much success : #14

When Twine's creators signed up for Kickstarter, they thought they'd make about 200 devices using the same $20 toaster oven they had purchased for the...

Very interesting to discover that in my career I did works for five companies ranked in 2014 Fortune 500  :http://fortun...

Very interesting to discover that in my career I did works for five companies ranked in 2014 Fortune 500 :

Global business is back. After limping through a worldwide financial crisis and economic slowdown, the 500 largest companies ranked by revenues shattered all sorts of performance records in 2013: They racked up combined revenues of $31.1 trillion, up 2.5% from 2012, and profits soared 27% to nearly…

Nuove recensioni dei prodotti disegnati da givingshape :

Nuove recensioni dei prodotti disegnati da givingshape :

Macrom è un'azienda italiana dalla storia ormai trentennale (fondazione nel 1983) che punta a portare sul mercato prodotti dal design giovane e moderno, co

riporto pari pari dal sito Iphoneitalia: Il design scelto da Macrom ed elaborato in collaborazione con Givingshape (uno ...

riporto pari pari dal sito Iphoneitalia:
Il design scelto da Macrom ed elaborato in collaborazione con Givingshape (uno studio di design molto famoso) richiama le forme pure del grande design italiano.

“Il target degli utilizzatori di smartphones è così ampio e diversificato che insieme a Macrom, abbiamo volutamente scelto di creare un design trasversale, che potesse incontrare il favore di un’ampia gamma di utenti e potesse integrarsi perfettamente nel panorama domestico odierno. Nel disegnare lo speaker wireless M-BTP50 abbiamo voluto richiamare forme che hanno fatto la storia del design italiano, dalla Vespa a Brionvega. Le proporzioni auree, le forme dolcemente squadrate e le cornici cromate sono richiami voluti a oggetti che hanno fatto la storia del design italiano e sono entrati nel DNA estetico di ogni prodotto che possa giustamente fregiarsi del vessillo del ‘designed in Italy'” – afferma Massimo Battaglia fondatore di Givingshape, lo studio di design che ha disegnato il nuovo prodotto Macrom. Quindi c’è da andare fieri di un prodotto del genere, davvero molto fieri.

non posso che ringraziare Francesco Siciliani per tutti i complimenti !

Nell’infinita giungla di speaker Bluetooth che promettono prestazioni incredibili, bisogna fare chiarezza. Ci sono svariati marchi e svariate tipologie di prodotti. Ci sono i prodotti piccoli e compatti e quelli un po’ più grandi ma comunque portatili. Oggi andiamo a recensire un prodotto che rientr…

Macrom M-Btp50 is one of the selected 150 tech gadgets for 2014 Xmas !

Macrom M-Btp50 is one of the selected 150 tech gadgets for 2014 Xmas !

handy guide to rubber shore index :

handy guide to rubber shore index :

The Shore A Hardness Scale measures the hardness of flexible mold rubbers that range in hardness from very soft and flexible, to medium and somewhat flexible, to hard with almost no flexibility at all. Semi-rigid plastics can also be measured on the high end of the Shore A Scale.


Nell'infinita giungla di speaker Bluetooth, il nostro occhio si è soffermato su un prodotto che non è solo bello per gli occhi, ma anche "per le orecchie": i...

Wonderful and useful website :

Wonderful and useful website :

Share IoT ideas, information, news, projects, products, and connect with others.

The book is on the I have to read it :-)

The book is on the I have to read it :-)

life achievement

life achievement




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