Domus Otium Ostuni

𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖 | 𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 | 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕖𝕥 | 𝕔𝕠𝕫𝕪 | e𝕔𝕠𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪


💛Da Puglia Escursioni ti aspettano diverse attività per scoprire il fascino della Puglia.

I nostri servizi sapranno donarti emozioni uniche e indimenticabili

Scopri i nostri servizi su:

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Scrivici a:
📬 [email protected]


🥳 Da oggi torniamo operativi nella nuova sede nella centralissima Piazza della Libertà al civico 69.
🕚 Siamo aperti ogni giorno: 10:00-13:00 e 15:00-18:00

WeAreinPuglia Comune di Ostuni Museo Civico di Ostuni


Getting positive feedback from the people we have host is always a joy. Thank you for letting the community know that yo...

Getting positive feedback from the people we have host is always a joy.
Thank you for letting the community know that you had a nice time at our holiday home.
Reviews like this are the reason for which we work hard.

🌸 🌸 🌸

Ottenere recensioni positivi dalle persone che abbiamo ospitato è sempre una grande gioia. Grazie per aver raccontato che vi è piaciuto la nostra casavacanza.
Recensioni come questa sono il motivo per cui lavoriamo molto.

🌸 🌸 🌸

Positives Feedback von unseren Gästen zu erhalten, ist uns immer eine Freude.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie kommenden Gästen von Ihrer schönen Zeit in unserer Ferienwohnung erzählt haben.
Bewertungen wie diese sind der Grund, warum wir hart arbeiten.

🌸 🌸 🌸


We do all we can for reducing the CO2 footprint for your ecofriendly vacation:  🌿   We choose toilet paper, handkerchief...

We do all we can for reducing the CO2 footprint for your ecofriendly vacation: 🌿 We choose toilet paper, handkerchiefs and kitchen towels from PAFF PAPER - which is made from sustainable bamboo and they do planting trees, instead of logging our forests. And: no plastic for wrapping.

The bathroom says you “good morning” and “good night”. Enough important we think that it is a beautiful room that embrac...

The bathroom says you “good morning” and “good night”.
Enough important we think that it is a beautiful room that embrace you every day.

🌿 For more sustainability our hot water is made with solar panels from the Apulian sun 🌿 and with its Mediterranean nice weather there is a lot of sun, we have to confess! In media the temperature of the year is by comfortable 20 degree and 7,4 hours of sun per day!

🌸 For each person there will be waiting a set of 3 towels at the DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI 🌸

🌿 We are using organic and rechargeable laundry detergent from the local bio supermarket 🌿

Travelling is such an amazing thing to do and will open your mind to this world! But at the same time travelling has a b...

Travelling is such an amazing thing to do and will open your mind to this world!

But at the same time travelling has a big impact to our environment.

We at the DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI are aware of this problem and we do all we can for reducing the CO2 footprint for your ecofriendly vacation:

🌿 Electricity is from regenerative sources
🌿 Electronic devices with low energy consume
🌿 Hot water heated by the Mediterranean sun
🌿 Cosmetics like soap, shampoo and shower gel are refillable & organic
🌿 Cleaners are refillable & organic
🌿 Toilet paper, handkerchiefs and kitchen towels - planting trees, instead of logging
🌿 Coffee capsules degradable

🌿 No single use products in plastic

Enough important we think that it is a beautiful room that embrace you every day. 🌿 For more sustainability our hot wate...

Enough important we think that it is a beautiful room that embrace you every day.

🌿 For more sustainability our hot water is made with solar panels from the Apulian sun 🌿 and with its Mediterranean nice weather there is a lot of sun, we have to confess! In media the temperature of the year is by comfortable 20 degree and 7,4 hours of sun per day!

🌸 For each person there will be waiting a set of 3 towels at the DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI 🌸

🌿 We are using organic and rechargeable laundry detergent from the local bio supermarket 🌿

Das Badezimmer sagt Ihnen "Guten Morgen" und "Gute Nacht".
Wichtig genug denken wir, dass dies ein schöner Raum ist, der Sie jeden Tag liebevoll umarmt.

🌿 Für mehr Nachhaltigkeit wird unser Warmwasser mit Sonnenkollektoren von der apulischen Sonne erwärmt und mit seinem mediterranen Wetter gibt es viel Sonne müssen wir gestehen! Die Jahresdurchschnittstemperatur liegt bei angenehmen 20 Grad und 7,4 Sonnenstunden pro Tag!

🌸 Für jede Person wartet ein Satz von 3 Handtüchern auf Sie.

🌿 Wir verwenden Biowaschmittel, wiederauffüllbar aus dem örtlichen Bio-Supermarkt.

Il bagno vi dirà il "buongiorno" e la "buonanotte":
Noi pensiamo, che è importante che questo sia uno spazio bellissimo che ti possa abbraccia amorevolmente ogni giorno.

🌿 Per una maggiore sostenibilità, la nostra acqua calda è riscaldata dal sole pugliese attraverso un pannello solare. Con il suo clima mediterraneo c'è molto sole dobbiamo confessare! La temperatura media annuale è di 20 gradi e 7,4 ore di sole al giorno!

🌸 Un set di 3 asciugamani a persona ti aspetta.

🌿 Utilizziamo detersivo biologico, ricaricabile dal supermercato biologico locale.




Perfect for 4 persons to make holidays in Apulia and feel like a local.

✅ 2 charming double Bedrooms (bedlinen included)
✅ 1Bathroom (towels included)
✅ 1Open Livingroom with full equipped kitchen
✅ 1Balcony
✅ 1Beautiful roof top terrace

🌿 Ecofriendly
🔒 Safe, fire alarm, alarm system
✅ central heating, air-conditioning, wireless loudspeaker, washing machine, dryer

🚉 Reachable by public transport

🛎️ Direct booking on our homepage in bio

OSTUNI a perfect base to discover beautiful Apulia.DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI a perfect base to stay like a local at Ostuni a fe...

OSTUNI a perfect base to discover beautiful Apulia.

DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI a perfect base to stay like a local at Ostuni a few steps from the central square.


OSTUNI ist ein perfekter Ausgangspunkt, um das schöne Apulien zu entdecken.

DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI ist ein perfekter Ausgangspunkt, um wie ein Einheimischer in Ostuni zu wohnen, nur wenige Schritte vom Hauptplatz entfernt.


OSTUNI una base perfetta per scoprire la bellissima Puglia.

DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI una base perfetta per soggiornare come un locale ad Ostuni a pochi passi dalla piazza centrale.


Traditional Apulian architecture with restored vintage furniture in a bright mix with modern elements and all comfort fo...

Traditional Apulian architecture with restored vintage furniture in a bright mix with modern elements and all comfort for your holidays in Ostuni.

The DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI was completely restored in 2019, giving great importance to the preservation to the unique character from the traditional architecture. The use of natural materials was the guideline in this process and paying attention even to the smallest details.

🌸 🌸 🌸

Architettura tradizionale pugliese con mobili d'epoca restaurati in un mix luminoso con elementi contemporanei e tutti i confort moderni per le tue vacanze a Ostuni.

Il DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI è stato completamente restaurato nel 2019, dando grande importanza alla conservazione al carattere unico dall'architettura tradizionale. L'uso di materiali naturali è stata la linea guida in questo processo e prestando attenzione anche ai più piccoli dettagli.

🌸 🌸 🌸

Traditionelle apulische Architektur mit restaurierten Vintage-Möbeln in einem lichten Zusammenspiel mit zeitgenössischen Elementen und allem Komfort für Ihren Urlaub in Ostuni.

Das DOMUUS OTIUM OSTUNI wurde 2019 komplett restauriert, wobei der Erhaltung des einzigartigen Charakters aus der traditionellen Architektur große Bedeutung beigemessen wurde. Die Verwendung von natürlichen Materialien war die Richtlinie in diesem Prozess und die Beachtung selbst der kleinsten Details.

Travelling is such an amazing thing to do and will open your mind to this world! But at the same time travelling as a bi...

Travelling is such an amazing thing to do and will open your mind to this world!

But at the same time travelling as a big impact to our environment.

We at the DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI are aware of this problem and we do all we can for reducing the CO2 footprint for your ecofriendly vacation:

🌿 Electricity is from regenerative sources
🌿 Electronic devices with low energy consume
🌿 Hot water heat by the Mediterranean sun
🌿 Cosmetics and cleaner refillable & organic
🌿 No single use products

🌸 🌸 🌸

Reisen ist so eine wunderbare Sache und öffnet deinen Geist für diese Welt!

Aber gleichzeitig ist das Reisen ein großer und negativen Einfluss auf unsere Umwelt.

Wir vom DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI sind uns dieses Problems bewusst und tun alles, um den CO2-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren für Ihren umweltfreundlichen Urlaub:

🌿 Strom aus regenerativen Quellen
🌿 Elektronische Geräte mit geringem Energieverbrauch
🌿 Warmwasserwärme durch mediterrane Sonne
🌿 Kosmetik und Reiniger nachfüllbar & biologisch
🌿 Keine Einwegprodukte

🌸 🌸 🌸

Viaggiare è una cosa così straordinaria da fare per aprire la tua mente a questo mondo!

Ma allo stesso tempo viaggiare ha un grande impatto per il nostro ambiente.

Noi della DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI siamo consapevoli di questo problema e facciamo tutto il possibile per ridurre l'impronta di CO2 per la tua vacanza eco-friendly:

🌿 L'elettricità da fonti rigenerative
🌿 Dispositivi elettronici a basso consumo energetico
🌿 Calore dell'acqua calda dal sole del Mediterraneo
🌿 Cosmetici e detergenti ricaricabili e biologici
🌿 Nessun prodotto monouso

🌸 🌸 🌸

DISCOVER APULIA ... quiet but centrally located in Puglia in the famous town of Ostuni.ENJOY DESIGN ... high quality and...

DISCOVER APULIA ... quiet but centrally located in Puglia in the famous town of Ostuni.

ENJOY DESIGN ... high quality and restored with great attention to each detail.

HELP SUSTAINABILITY ... sustainable vacation.


DISCOVER APULIA … ruhig aber zentral in Apulien gelegen in der berühmten Stadt Ostuni.

ENJOY DESIGN … hochwertig und mit viel Liebe zum Detail restauriert.

HELP SUSTAINABILITY … nachhaltig Urlaub machen.


SCOPRI APULIA... tranquilla ma in posizione centrale in Puglia, nella famosa città di Ostuni.

ENJOY DESIGN ... alta qualità e restaurato con grande attenzione ai dettagli.

AIUTARE LA SOSTENIBILITÀ ... vacanze sostenibili.



Terrace with 360° view to the oldtown and the sea.Enjoy an „APERITIVO“, lunch or dinner with this stunning view ☀️Terraz...

Terrace with 360° view to the oldtown and the sea.
Enjoy an „APERITIVO“, lunch or dinner with this stunning view ☀️

Terrazza con vista a 360° sul centro storico e mare.
Goditi un "APERITIVO", pranzo o cena con questa vista mozzafiato ☀️

Genießen Sie auf unserer Dachterrasse diese atemberaubende Aussicht
bei einen "APERITIVO", Mittag- oder Abendessen ☀️

If you can't sleep in your own bed, it's not always easy to wake up well rested. And we know how important this is.That'...

If you can't sleep in your own bed, it's not always easy to wake up well rested. And we know how important this is.

That's why we have put a lot of effort into ensuring that you sleep well in the DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI:

✅ Memory foam topper on the mattress -for a sleep like on clouds
✅ 2 different pillows to choose from -the right thing for everyone
✅ Soft cotton bed linen - also for delicate skin.

Se non dormi nel tuo letto, non è sempre facile svegliarsi ben riposati.
E sappiamo quanto sia importante!

Ecco perché ci siamo impegnati molto per assicurarti di dormire bene nella DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI:

✅ Topper in memory foam sul materasso -per un sonno come sulle nuvole
✅ 2 cuscini diversi tra cui scegliere: la cosa giusta per ognuno
✅ Biancheria da letto in cotone morbido - anche per pelli delicate.

Getting positive feedback from the people we have host is always a joy 🌼 Thank you for letting the community know that y...

Getting positive feedback from the people we have host is always a joy 🌼 Thank you for letting the community know that you had a nice time at our property ☀️ Reviews like this are the reason for which we work hard.


Terrace of the DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI  |

Terrace of the DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI |

Traditional Apulian architecture with restored vintage furniture in a bright mix with modern elements and all comfort fo...

Traditional Apulian architecture with restored vintage furniture in a bright mix with modern elements and all comfort for your holidays in Ostuni.

The DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI was completely restored in 2019, giving great importance to the preservation to the unique character from the traditional architecture. The use of natural materials was the guideline in this process and paying attention even to the smallest details.
Architettura tradizionale pugliese con mobili d'epoca restaurati in un mix luminoso con elementi contemporanei e tutti i confort moderni per le tue vacanze a Ostuni.

Il DOMUS OTIUM OSTUNI è stato completamente restaurato nel 2019, dando grande importanza alla conservazione al carattere unico dall'architettura tradizionale. L'uso di materiali naturali è stata la linea guida in questo processo e prestando attenzione anche ai più piccoli dettagli.
Traditionelle apulische Architektur mit restaurierten Vintage-Möbeln in einem lichten Zusammenspiel mit zeitgenössischen Elementen und allem Komfort für Ihren Urlaub in Ostuni.

Das DOMUUS OTIUM OSTUNI wurde 2019 komplett restauriert, wobei der Erhaltung des einzigartigen Charakters aus der traditionellen Architektur große Bedeutung beigemessen wurde. Die Verwendung von natürlichen Materialien war die Richtlinie in diesem Prozess und die Beachtung selbst der kleinsten Details.


Via Girolamo Savonarola 32


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Mein Ferienhaus befindet sich optimaler Lage in der aus dem 18. Jahrhundert stammenden Altstadt von Ostuni in einer kleinen und sehr ruhigen Gasse. Trotzdem sind es nur wenige Gehminuten bis Sie sich auf dem Hauptplatz, der "Piazza della Libertà" befinden. Dort finden Sie Restaurants, Läden, Eisdielen und Bars um sich dem italienischen Lebensstil des „Dolce far niente“ (dem süßen Nichtstun) ausgiebig widmen können. Dinge für den täglichen Bedarf finden Sie in Supermärkte, Apotheken finden Sie in wenigen Gehminuten vom Haus entfernt.


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Andere Affitti case vacanze in Ostuni

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