Agriturismo I Moricci

Agriturismo I Moricci Agriturismo biologico nella campagna Toscana Per i nostri ospiti quattro comodi appartamenti ristrutturati nel rispetto della tradizione toscana.

Il grande casolare in stile leopoldino è il cuore della nostra azienda agricola biologica nella quale produciamo olio, vino e marmellate.

Making wine is different. For me, who grew up in the world of oil production, making wine is more complicated. Wine is i...

Making wine is different. For me, who grew up in the world of oil production, making wine is more complicated. Wine is imagination, it is an idea, it is strategy and the ability to understand and change quickly. Wine is alive.

Each window is like a painting

Each window is like a painting

Part of I Moricci was called Belvedere which means beautiful view. I understand why...   pic of                         ...

Part of I Moricci was called Belvedere which means beautiful view. I understand why... pic of

Each window is like a painting                             #

Each window is like a painting


I prepared this post this morning before receiving the sad news of Luciano Scarselli's passing. Luciano is my teacher an...

I prepared this post this morning before receiving the sad news of Luciano Scarselli's passing. Luciano is my teacher and my guide in the world of oil. To him I owe the crazy passion for this product. Thank you Luciano you will always be in my thoughts and when I think of you I will do it with a smile ... Making oil is my first passion. It is a simple product that needs a lot of attention to detail to achieve quality. From the 'artisan I have hidden deep inside me comes this care.


Each window is like a painting .

Each window is like a painting .

Happy New Year !!!

Happy New Year !!!

From our family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

From our family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Our products are our essence. We take care of our land; we make our products and lovingly pack and ship them to the home...

Our products are our essence.

We take care of our land; we make our products and lovingly pack and ship them to the homes of each of our customers and friends.

We hope there’s still time for you to think carefully about gifts for your loved ones. And we can help you with that!

We’re waiting for your direct request!

Our family of products for the table of your family and friends. We’re waiting for your order.Contact us by direct.

Our family of products for the table of your family and friends.

We’re waiting for your order.

Contact us by direct.

More than a gift, it’s a guarantee of giving your loved ones moments of relaxation, fun and contemplation of beautiful T...

More than a gift, it’s a guarantee of giving your loved ones moments of relaxation, fun and contemplation of beautiful Tuscany.

Give the gift of a weekend at I Moricci, where you can enjoy the nature that surrounds our property and also our products, such as olive oil and wines.

Contact us directly and we’ll organize a voucher for you to give to your loved ones this Christmas.


MAGNA GRECIA - CALABRIA... Leucolea, l’antica e rara oliva bianca di Calabria:
Non molti sanno dell’esistenza delle cosiddette “olive bianche”. Questa antica varietà è stata riprodotta a Rossano. La pianta, che ai tempi della Magna Grecia era diffusa in tutta la Calabria, soprattutto nei pressi del monasteri basiliani, veniva chiamata “leucolea”, che significa appunto bianca oliva, per la caratteristica delle sue drupe che restano di colore bianco anche quando raggiungono la piena maturazione. La Leucolea è una cultivar di olivo antica che sopravvive allo stato selvatico soprattutto in Calabria e ha la particolarità di presentare frutti bianchi. Prima dell’invaiatura le olive appaiono di un bel colore verde, come quelle di altre varietà, ma successivamente l’esocarpo non si pigmenta, rimane bianco.
Solitamente, infatti, al momento dell’invaiatura all’interno dei frutti vi è una degradazione della clorofilla e un aumento della produzione di antociani che danno alle olive il caratteristico colore nero-blu. Nella Leucocarpa invece la sintesi dei pigmenti è bloccata e a fronte di una diminuzione della clorofilla non vi è un aumento degli antociani. Come riportano le fonti storiche, i monaci basiliani all’epoca diedero un forte impulso ad alcune coltivazioni e probabilmente curavano questi ulivi per utilizzarli nelle loro attività.
L’olio della leucolea, infatti, veniva chiamato anche «olio del crisma» ed era utilizzato nelle funzioni religiose per ungere i sacerdoti e le alte cariche imperiali bizantine, nelle cerimonie per l’incoronazione degli imperatori, e soprattutto come olio sacro nelle funzioni religiose come il battesimo, la cresima e la unzione dei malati.


Tre cucchiai di extra vergine al giorno possono ridurre fino al 13,7% la mortalità legata ai tumori. È quanto emerge da una ricerca congiunta della Fondazione Veronesi, Clinica Mediterranea Cardiocentro di Napoli e Università LUM di Casamassima, che hanno analizzato i dati di 23.000 adulti italiani, uomini e donne, raccolti nel corso di 12 anni. Dall’analisi dei biomarcatori infiammatori, metabolici, cardiovascolari e renali, è inoltre emerso come il consumo più elevato di olio d'oliva abbia ridotto l'associazione con la mortalità per tutte le cause fino al 21,2%.

At I Moricci, we take pride in crafting our extra virgin olive oil entirely by hand. Our extra virgin olive oil is obtai...

At I Moricci, we take pride in crafting our extra virgin olive oil entirely by hand. Our extra virgin olive oil is obtained exclusively through mechanical processes. 🫒

We cultivate classic Tuscan olive tree varieties, most of which date back to 1822. For the upper branches, we use large nets to catch the olives as they fall. The lower branches are harvested by hand. The olives are then placed in small perforated boxes to allow air circulation, preventing unwanted fermentation.

Once harvested, the olives go through a meticulous process: the leaves are blown off, the olives are washed, and then crushed into small pieces. This paste is placed into a centrifuge to separate the solid and liquid parts. The resulting emulsion of oil and vegetable water undergoes a second centrifugation to extract the pure oil.

This careful, traditional process ensures that our extra virgin olive oil maintains its exceptional quality and authentic flavor.

If you want to learn more, visit our website to know our step-by-step process.


There’s nothing quite like a leisurely summer afternoon, savoring one of our delightful homemade wines.Whether you’re pl...

There’s nothing quite like a leisurely summer afternoon, savoring one of our delightful homemade wines.

Whether you’re planning a few days of relaxation or immersing yourself in true Tuscan culture, we’re here to ensure your experience is memorable.

Book your stay by clicking on the link in the bio.

Don’t miss this!

Don’t miss this!

Campi di lavanda Pieve di Santa Luce Pisa (PI)

🇮🇹 Experience the real Tuscan summer here at agriturismo I Moricci, where you can rest and feel at home.With a rustic ch...

🇮🇹 Experience the real Tuscan summer here at agriturismo I Moricci, where you can rest and feel at home.

With a rustic charm, our apartments and rooms offer everything you need for a pleasant and peaceful stay in the countryside.

Our cozy and comfortable apartments have a full kitchen, private bathroom, and garden or balcony. You can also enjoy the warm days by the pool.

✨Discover each of our apartments and make your reservation by clicking the link in our bio.

We are receiving clients from all over the world, but in recent years Brazilians have been visiting us more, through Cyn...

We are receiving clients from all over the world, but in recent years Brazilians have been visiting us more, through Cyntia and now her Travels & Wines agency.

It’s been very rewarding and fun to welcome them all and to be able to share a little bit of our culture, philosophy of life and, of course, our products with them.

You are always welcome, Brazilians and Travels & Wines clients.


Via Di Ripassaia, 10


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