I cavallucci marini pigmei abitano le barriere coralline. Formano di solito coppie monogame stabili. Scelgono il loro compagno per la vita. Rafforzano e riconfermano il proprio legame ogni giorno all’alba con una romantica danza, poi si separano per il resto della giornata.
Buon amore a tutti, di qualunque natura sia.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Did you know?
Many species of seahorse are monogamous and mate for life. They reinforce their bond with daily greetings, during which the female and male change colour, promenade and pirouette together. This dance lasts several minutes, and then the pair separates for the rest of the day. Romantic, no?
(Photo by Jan Azier/Guylian Seahorses of the World)