Villa la Coccola - Atmosfere Toscane

Villa la Coccola - Atmosfere Toscane Villa La Coccola is a restored stone farmhouse with a fantastically designed outdoor living space wit


Abbiamo ancora disponibilità per il Ponte dei Santi, chiamaci per prenotare la villa con piscina riscaldata in formula last minute al 393 536 5163. Ti aspettiamo 🍀


Località La Coccola


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Why renting Villa La Coccola

20 years ago we bought an abandoned stone house, almost completely collapsed. Then an important restoration project began. Today the villa has been further embellished by the swimming-pool area, with salty water that can be heated and provided with hydrojets. The hayloft has been transformed in a pool house, the bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms are completely renovated, and now it’s time of sharing the experience with our guests.