Private Tour Guides Italy

Private Tour Guides Italy Private Tour Guides and Travel Services in Italy: Your Private Tour Guide in Italy


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Descubriendo Sicilia

Descubriendo Sicilia

6 NOCHES/7 DIAS Dia AGOSTO ESPANA/CATANIA Llegada al apt y asistencia con guia local y bus privado Visita de Catania con guia local: Plaza del Duomo, la Via Etnea, Castillo Ursino Y Corso Italia para las compras. Cena y alojamiento en hotel Dia AGOSTO CATANIA/ETNA/TAORMINA/CATANIA Desayuno en el hotel y salida hacia el Monte Etna, siempre que las condiciones meteorológicas y volcánicas lo permitan, el mayor volcán de Europa y uno de los más… [ 670 more words. ]

Pope Francesco’s Birthday Tour

Pope Francesco’s Birthday Tour

(DEC. 17TH 2014) 20 pax min. ROME 4 * Hotel city center accomodation: Hotel Cicerone ( or Nova Domus Hotel ( ITINERARY December 15th Arrive in Rome airport ( welcome service) airport assistance and private trasfer with bus at the hotel. Rome sightseeing with local guide. Dinner at the hotel. December 16th Breakfast at the hotel, meeting at 9:00 a.m. [ 449 more words. ]

Descubriendo Sicilia

Descubriendo Sicilia

6 NOCHES/7 DIAS Dia AGOSTO ESPANA/CATANIA Llegada al apt y asistencia con guia local y bus privado Visita de Catania con guia local: Plaza del Duomo, la Via Etnea, Castillo Ursino Y Corso Italia para las compras. Cena y alojamiento en hotel Dia AGOSTO CATANIA/ETNA/TAORMINA/CATANIA Desayuno en el hotel y salida hacia el Monte Etna, siempre que las condiciones meteorológicas y volcánicas lo permitan, el mayor volcán de Europa y uno de los más… [ 670 more words. ]



6 NOCHES/7 DIAS Dia AGOSTO ESPANA/CATANIA Llegada al apt y asistencia con guia local y bus privado Visita de Catania con guia local: Plaza del Duomo, la Via Etnea, Castillo Ursino Y Corso Italia para las compras. Cena y alojamiento en hotel Dia AGOSTO CATANIA/ETNA/TAORMINA/CATANIA Desayuno en el hotel y salida hacia el Monte Etna, siempre que las condiciones meteorológicas y volcánicas lo permitan, el mayor volcán de Europa y uno de los más… [ 668 more words. ]


And then I really wonder why many Guides / Escorts etc …. often advise their clients not to visit , presenting it as an unhealthy and unsafe place , with maybe a cutthroat around the corner ready to rob you, do you think it is fair to give such misleading information? In case these people don’t know, is part of , in spite of everything !

If you really want to tell the truth on say , at least, that you should visit it with a private car as public services are not so good and with an English-speaking Private Tour Guide, because most people do not speak English, so it is better to be ready for that!

Read what an American Lady writes me! She would like to visit San Giovanni in Fiore, Cosenza , because her family has family roots over there, but she’s unsure whether to do it or not, because she’s scared off by urban legends (because that’s what it is all about!)

“I’m interested in San Giovanni in Fiore , I know I am always discouraged ITS remote and on going there! On tour in southern Italy , the tour guy said no you do not want to go there ! Its very frustrating because i DO want to go there! My grandparents are from there and I’d love to find some relatives . What do you think .” What do you think about it?


E poi mi chiedo come mai molte Guide/Accompagnatori etc....spesso sconsigliano ai loro clienti la visita in , presentandola come un luogo malsano ed insicuro, con magari un tagliagole dietro l'angolo pronto a sgozzarti per derubarti, vi sembra corretto dare tali informazioni contorte? Qualora molti dei suddetti soggetti non lo sapessero, anche la Calabria fa parte dell' , nonostante tutto!

Se proprio volete dire delle verita' sulla dite, almeno, che e' consigliabile visitarla con un mezzo privato in quanto i servizi pubblici lasciano molto a desiderare e con una Guida/Accompagnatore in lingua inglese, poiche' la maggior parte delle persone non lo parla, percio' e' meglio andare organizzati!

Guardate che messaggio mi scrive un'americana che desidera visitare San Giovanni in Fiore, perche' la sua famiglia e' originaria di quei luoghi, ma e' incerta se farlo o meno, perche' intimidita da tali leggende metropolitane(perche' di questo si tratta!):

I'm interested in San Giovanni in Fiore,I know its remote and am always discouraged on going there! On tour in southern Italy,the tour guy said no you don't want to go there!! Its very frustrating because I DO want to go there! My grandparents are from there and I'd love to find some relatives. What do you think.


Via Naz. Gallico, 42
Reggio Di


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